'Somebody send out an Amber Alert': House Republican mocked over 'missing' Hunter Biden 'whistleblower'

The whole entire case is fake and based solely on the words of some "informant"

Now that informant is no where to be heard from, as in he made it up and can't come forward.
The whole case against Biden is unraveling, as there never was a real case. They just made it up
Keep telling yourself that.
To the American people who bothered to pay attention what they have seen is rank corruption of the whole of the Biden family laid out before them in a classic money laundering operation.

That won't go away despite the MSM's gaslighting.
too bad there is no proof or evidence of that at all.

You are just a retard who will believe any lie you are fed.

The whole case against Biden is fabricated and falling apart
5th post
Republicans have come forward with bold claims that Biden is corrupt and selling influence (like Deep State Clarence Thomas did).

The whole entire case is fake and based solely on the words of some "informant"

Now that informant is no where to be heard from, as in he made it up and can't come forward.
The whole case against Biden is unraveling, as there never was a real case. They just made it up

Just another example of GOP lies, and fabrications.

Republicans just make up lies and then spread them and all their sheep supporters run with them.
This is just like the fake Durham probe that proved nothing, and the fake election fraud claims.

This is what you get when you elect republicans, lies deceit, and corruption.

Why don't republicans investigate Deep State Clarence Thomas and his selling out of America, or Jared Kushner and his corrupt $2B dirty money grab, or any of the other real crimes by republicans??

At what point do republicans stop believing all the lies?

Give us our money. You steal from inflation and have the guts to do this.
10th post
"Russian disinformation" version 2.0 As evidence of blatant influence peddling and $10M in foreign money moved through multiple banks and 20 shell corporations Dems pivot to the narrative that there's no evidence and it's political. Deny deny deny.
Telling the truth is against my "party"?
WHY doesn't your party want the same?
your parties bullshit isnt necessarily the truth is it?....and by just backing what they say you just proved what i said about you,you are a party person....and unlike you i dont follow or care what either one of those 2 parties say....they are the reason this country is so divided.....fuck them both and all you die hard followers with them....
15th post
To the American people who bothered to pay attention what they have seen is rank corruption of the whole of the Biden family laid out before them in a classic money laundering operation.

That won't go away despite the MSM's gaslighting.
Problem is that when you get asked for evidence, you have nothing...

Where is your hard evidence?

You have nothing of any real merit...

Here is the repub party, with their leader under indictment and under several serious investigations and they make up stuff on President Biden. Now their whistle blower is missing.

He is not missing!

UPDATE: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says “Whistleblower for Joe Biden is Not Missing”​

What has the GOP done for the country lately?
bo do retain things you read here?....i have said many times here....FUCK THE REPUBLICAN party....all both parties have done recently is divide the country more and more every year.....thats what both parties have done recently....divide us....
Won't happen by those on either side. The only hope for the country is that the younger generations turn away from the hate and division our generation has sowed

The GOP are the ones making accusations for years now... Asked for evidence and they have nothing and then go back to mud slinging...

I don't think you can say Biden has spread this type of hate... He has stood up to them and asked for decency...

Biden has a long history of being a broker across the aisle...

GOP have a real problem in that any dealings across the aisle is met with threats and accusations of disloyality (RINO, traitor...)

This is why GOP accuses Democrats of murder, rape, pedophilia.. in the media (never in court).... They do it so they don't have to talk to them...

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