Some Of Our Colleges Are Unsafe And This Must Stop

It appears Berkley has reconsidered. They figured out a place they can defend from all of their scary campus fascists, so Ann can come and speak in May.....but Ann told them she's going to speak on the original date even if they don't like it. Berkeley reverses decision to cancel speech by conservative pundit Ann Coulter

These days, nobody knows if the Washington Post is being honest, so we'll see. There is so much fake news coming from liberal media sources it's hard to tell.

Officials at the University of California at Berkeley on Thursday reversed their decision to cancel a speech by conservative firebrand Ann Coulter.

The university had previously announced Wednesday that it was canceling Coulter’s appearance following several political protests in Berkeley that turned violent. But on Thursday, the university said it had found a venue where it could hold the speech on a different day, May 2, instead of the original April 27 date.

Coulter and the group arranging her event said they are rejecting the new invitation.

In a series of tweets Thursday night, Coulter criticized the university, saying Berkeley officials were adding “burdensome” conditions to her speech. She said she had already spent money to hold the event on the original April 27 date and is not available May 2. She also pointed out that May 2 would coincide with a reading period before final exams, when there are no classes on campus and a fewer students around.

And she vowed that she is going to speak in Berkeley on the originally planned April 27 date, whether the university approved or not.
Wow, good for them. That would be a hopeful sign.

Also nice to see that Robert Reich disagreed with their original decision:

The decision to cancel Coulter’s speech came drew sharp criticism from some on the campus, such as Robert Reich, a Berkeley professor who served as labor secretary under President Bill Clinton.

“This is a grave mistake,” Reich said in a Facebook post. He said universities should “do everything possible to foster and protect” free speech, writing that students should be allowed to hear Coulter’s arguments and question them.

“It’s one thing to cancel an address at the last moment because university and local police are not prepared to contain violence. … It’s another thing entirely to cancel an address before it is given, when police have adequate time to prepare for such eventualities,” he said.

Yeah.....they're really bending over backwards to accommodate Ann Coulter. *rolls eyes*

They're jerking her around.
Recently Ann Coulter was told that she cannot give a speech at UC Berkley. This is the same school that allowed protesters to prevent Milo from giving a speech on campus a couple of months ago.

And so what? A couple of guys who say the most obnoxious things possible to get attention are surprised when people who are offended by them show up.

It's kind of like what the late, great Mike Royko used to say when the Nazis wanted to march in Skokie - go ahead and let them with no police protection.
From the Socialist guy who owns two houses and not willing to share one. Liberal colleges at one time were bastions of FREE SPEECH, because this was where higher learning could be achieved. Problem was that more educated people came out and became Republicans, so the liberal take over started about 40 years ago, indoctrination stations were set up, and soon precious snowflakes started needing safe spaces, away from certain intellectual speech, because then Socialism/Marism, couldn't be impressed on the young. Today we see the full fledge impact of the liberals, when these snowflakes go out of their way to shut out speech that would enlighten them by burning cities, and punching women.

From the Socialist guy who owns two houses and not willing to share one. Liberal colleges at one time were bastions of FREE SPEECH, because this was where higher learning could be achieved. Problem was that more educated people came out and became Republicans,

Dude, that's simply not true.

Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education

In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%.

Get your facts straight.

so the liberal take over started about 40 years ago, indoctrination stations were set up, and soon precious snowflakes started needing safe spaces, away from certain intellectual speech, because then Socialism/Marism, couldn't be impressed on the young.

Dude, people are protesting Coulter because she says truly noxious things...

Like when she claimed that 9/11 widows were enjoying their husbands' deaths.

10 of the Most Ridiculous Things Ann Coulter Has Ever Said

and the thing is, she knows she a bullshitter. She doesn't believe the stuff she says, she says them to get a reaction. Like a five year old who just discovered the F-word.
Rape and sexual-assaults are on the rise.

not sure this is true

ACCUSATIONS are on the rise & due process is gone

many of these allegations are really cases of "buyers remorse" on the part of the women & men are "guilty until proven innocent" on campus

the whole thing has gotten out of hand
PC is a one-way street only for the Regressive Left. Always.

Yawn, Mac, the fact that you are making Ann Coulter into a first amendment hero against mean old political correctness shows how shallow you are.

Frankly, I'd be pissed if I were a Berkeley student, and they haven't fixed those lights on the concourse, but they are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars protecting Coulter from people who want to kick her ass.
This is about one (1) thing only:

The Regressive Left doesn't want its stranglehold on the minds of our young people endangered.

That's it.

again, if I were chucking out $40,000 a year to send my kid to Berkeley, I wouldn't want them wasting money on a troll like Coulter, either.

I'm having a hard time working up sympathy for Coulter, someone who has made a career out of saying provocative things because no one was particularly interested in her punditry. (She actually started out as a normal political commentator, until she found she got more attention saying racist, misogynistic and islamophobic things.)

And then she's wondering why the people she's made a career out of attacking want to have a word with her.
From the Socialist guy who owns two houses and not willing to share one. Liberal colleges at one time were bastions of FREE SPEECH, because this was where higher learning could be achieved. Problem was that more educated people came out and became Republicans,

Dude, that's simply not true.

Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education

In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%.

Get your facts straight.

so the liberal take over started about 40 years ago, indoctrination stations were set up, and soon precious snowflakes started needing safe spaces, away from certain intellectual speech, because then Socialism/Marism, couldn't be impressed on the young.

Dude, people are protesting Coulter because she says truly noxious things...

Like when she claimed that 9/11 widows were enjoying their husbands' deaths.

10 of the Most Ridiculous Things Ann Coulter Has Ever Said

and the thing is, she knows she a bullshitter. She doesn't believe the stuff she says, she says them to get a reaction. Like a five year old who just discovered the F-word.
Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education When the slimy, crooked vagina candidate was on the campaign continuing Obama's division of race(BLM), gender(her own vagina) and education (calling working blacks and whites) deplorable, yes it brought more people in more states to vote against the bitch than for her.

It is true that you voted for Obama twice(a Socialist) and the vagina candidate(a Socialist) so as you are a socialist who owns 2 houses, you are a hypocrite for keeping both and not sharing with those less fortunate.
You Joe need to stop lying as you have no credibility when you post such bullshit that you do.
This is about one (1) thing only:

The Regressive Left doesn't want its stranglehold on the minds of our young people endangered.

That's it.

again, if I were chucking out $40,000 a year to send my kid to Berkeley, I wouldn't want them wasting money on a troll like Coulter, either.

I'm having a hard time working up sympathy for Coulter, someone who has made a career out of saying provocative things because no one was particularly interested in her punditry. (She actually started out as a normal political commentator, until she found she got more attention saying racist, misogynistic and islamophobic things.)

And then she's wondering why the people she's made a career out of attacking want to have a word with her.
I told my son to go into the Military as I wouldn't want to waste $40,000 a year having my kid sit in some liberal sit out, protesting against free speech. More college educated pukes are working at burger flipping and unicorn coffee, than working for a company that they earned their degree for. Yep, liberal money well spent, the teachers unions thank you.

17,000,000 College-Educated Americans Are Wasting Their Degree On Menial Jobs
Why Did 17 Million Students Go to College? – Innovations - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Wow, good for them. That would be a hopeful sign.

Yes, because if racist trolls can't spew their filth on a college campus, are any of us truly free?
Should you, as a fascist, be able to speak freely on an American campus?

I thought so.
Joe doesn't think he's a fascist even though he gets a tingle down his leg at the sight of left-wingers beating up Trump supporters.
Yawn, Mac, the fact that you are making Ann Coulter into a first amendment hero against mean old political correctness shows how shallow you are.

Frankly, I'd be pissed if I were a Berkeley student, and they haven't fixed those lights on the concourse, but they are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars protecting Coulter from people who want to kick her ass.
Yeah, Joe, we know you want them to put her in the hospital. That's the kind of guy you are.
Recently Ann Coulter was told that she cannot give a speech at UC Berkley. This is the same school that allowed protesters to prevent Milo from giving a speech on campus a couple of months ago.

And so what? A couple of guys who say the most obnoxious things possible to get attention are surprised when people who are offended by them show up.

It's kind of like what the late, great Mike Royko used to say when the Nazis wanted to march in Skokie - go ahead and let them with no police protection.
From the Socialist guy who owns two houses and not willing to share one. Liberal colleges at one time were bastions of FREE SPEECH, because this was where higher learning could be achieved. Problem was that more educated people came out and became Republicans, so the liberal take over started about 40 years ago, indoctrination stations were set up, and soon precious snowflakes started needing safe spaces, away from certain intellectual speech, because then Socialism/Marism, couldn't be impressed on the young. Today we see the full fledge impact of the liberals, when these snowflakes go out of their way to shut out speech that would enlighten them by burning cities, and punching women.

Snowflakes and Soros/Obama/Democrat paid anarchists.
Rape and sexual-assaults are on the rise.

not sure this is true

ACCUSATIONS are on the rise & due process is gone

many of these allegations are really cases of "buyers remorse" on the part of the women & men are "guilty until proven innocent" on campus

the whole thing has gotten out of hand
Whatever the cause, they are going up. Occupy WallStreet needed rape tents for victims. College campuses are heading that direction.
This is about one (1) thing only:

The Regressive Left doesn't want its stranglehold on the minds of our young people endangered.

That's it.

again, if I were chucking out $40,000 a year to send my kid to Berkeley, I wouldn't want them wasting money on a troll like Coulter, either.

I'm having a hard time working up sympathy for Coulter, someone who has made a career out of saying provocative things because no one was particularly interested in her punditry. (She actually started out as a normal political commentator, until she found she got more attention saying racist, misogynistic and islamophobic things.)

And then she's wondering why the people she's made a career out of attacking want to have a word with her.
Actually Ann makes a living pointing out the absurd. Sorry if the people she focuses on tend to deserve it.
Yawn, Mac, the fact that you are making Ann Coulter into a first amendment hero against mean old political correctness shows how shallow you are. Frankly, I'd be pissed if I were a Berkeley student, and they haven't fixed those lights on the concourse, but they are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars protecting Coulter from people who want to kick her ass.
Yeah, Joe, we know you want them to put her in the hospital. That's the kind of guy you are.
The Regressive Left are authoritarians, and that means everything that goes along with authoritarianism.
Yawn, Mac, the fact that you are making Ann Coulter into a first amendment hero against mean old political correctness shows how shallow you are. Frankly, I'd be pissed if I were a Berkeley student, and they haven't fixed those lights on the concourse, but they are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars protecting Coulter from people who want to kick her ass.
Yeah, Joe, we know you want them to put her in the hospital. That's the kind of guy you are.
The Regressive Left are authoritarians, and that means everything that goes along with authoritarianism.
Notice the similarities between Al Qaeda and the American left.

Al Qaeda encourages idiots to do stuff.
Democrats encourage and even pays people to do this stuff.
Both cannot be held accountable for what these idiots do.

With them it's just "Shit Happens"....and then they continue encouraging more to do the same.

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