Some inconvenient facts for EV cheerleaders!!

They are 90% charged at home overnight off peak demand. Not very astute are you ? Renewables are going on line NOW. It’s happening at a rate greater then projected needs. They are already geared to supplement the grid requirements. Even Exxon is going to renewables to provide cheaper energy for REFINERIES.
Sure, sure, they're moving towards renewables WHERE IT MAKES SENSE to do so. Large-scale electrical storage, however, is in its infancy and needs to mature a lot before it can really make renewables that rely on unreliable energy sources truly viable. Again, your naive cheerleading is getting you nowhere.
A NON FACTOR. THEY are charged OVERNIGHT. Any problems with range, get a plug in hybrid.
Plug-in hybrids make a lot more sense than do pure EV's for that very reason and are a good place to start. As for something like a fleet of EV taxis, however, you would still require them to ground half their fleet for charging, and that's not viable.
pollution caused by ice car is GREATER.
I've asked you to prove this contention. Post the numbers. I'm talking about the actual pollution caused by mining lithium, cobalt, nickel, etc. Include the amount of CO2 pumped into the air by the machines doing the mining and refining of the minerals to make the batteries, and how long you would need to drive, say, a mid-sized SUV before its lack of tailpipe emissions catches up with that up-front cost.
The batteries in EVs are recyclable.
Again, the fact that you think most of them will be recycled is precious.
The next gen batteries, solid state will be reusable over several EV life times. Your concerns are bogus. Solid state battles last up to 16 years before they even need recharging in medical use.
Good. How soon will they be powering most EV's? I know it's not today, so when?
Wrong. A new battery cost 1/2 as much as a new trans mission it replaces bozo. They also last twice as long.
EV battery replacement costs can vary from $4,000 to almost $18,000. A new transmission costs between $800 and $7,000. I fail to see how your blanket statement, which I can only assume came out of your butt, can be true. Also, a transmission lasts between 100,000 and 300,000 miles, while a battery pack lasts around 200,000 miles. Again, stop pulling numbers out of your butt just to make yourself feel better. EV's are getting better, but what we have right now is not the answer to global warming and pollution, as I have repeatedly stated and you have repeatedly failed to counter.
The power grid is being upgrade while you are posting. That’s what the infrastructure bill is about not just roads and bridges.
Post the numbers. Show how much demand will increase, and how much the grid will have to support, then post how much we will need to spend to do the upgrades. Don't just pull numbers out of your butt like you've been doing.
You deniers are absolutely crazy. YOU MAKE CLAIMS ABOUT IRRATIONAL FEARS that have already been addressed.
You are ignoramuses are so far behind the times it’s hilarious..
Show the numbers then. The objections, such as they are, are based on real-life situations, with real-life challenges. Thus far, you've managed to paint a lot of pretty pictures with stuff you've pulled out of your butt. Like I've said many times, EV's have a nice future IF we can overcome some very serious hurdles, but pretending what we have now is going to solve global warming and pollution problems is foolish.
Renewables only generate ELECTRICITY, and even if you include hydro, they amount to only about 20% of energy production. In the third world (more than half of global population), it is closer to zero. And the third world NEEDS the ability to burn the cheapest, most efficient source of power: coal. Suggesting that they turn to renewables is incredibly stupid and oblivious.

Renewables REQUIRE a backup source, because the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow.

Renewables have NO VALUE when it comes to construction, mining, agriculture, air travel and transport, or sea travel and transport, and while Tesla's mega trucks can have limited value for OTR transport, most of that industry will have to remain on Diesel fuel for the foreseeable future.

To the extent that global warming is real, "we" have the ability to implement engineering solutions that will overcome it. Don't forget: 10 times more people die from COLD every year than from excessive heat. But then again, Leftists don't really care about Humans, whom they see as an invasive species on earth.
This is what I keep pointing out the rose-colored glasses contingent. Sure, renewables have a place in the energy production continuum, but they cannot currently replace fossil fuels. They simply can't, precisely because we don't have grid level storage available yet. If we can resolve that problem, they will become MUCH more attractive.
They are 90% charged at home overnight off peak demand. Not very astute are you ? Renewables are going on line NOW. It’s happening at a rate greater then projected needs. They are already geared to supplement the grid requirements. Even Exxon is going to renewables to provide cheaper energy for REFINERIES.

A NON FACTOR. THEY are charged OVERNIGHT. Any problems with range, get a plug in hybrid.

pollution caused by ice car is GREATER. The batteries in EVs are recyclable. The next gen batteries, solid state will be reusable over several EV life times. Your concerns are bogus. Solid state battles last up to 16 years before they even need recharging in medical use.

Wrong. A new battery cost 1/2 as much as a new trans mission it replaces bozo. They also last twice as long.

The power grid is being upgrade while you are posting. That’s what the infrastructure bill is about not just roads and bridges.

You deniers are absolutely crazy. YOU MAKE CLAIMS ABOUT IRRATIONAL FEARS that have already been addressed.
You are ignoramuses are so far behind the times it’s hilarious..

They are 90% charged at home overnight off peak demand.

At night, when solar production drops to zero?
At night, when solar production drops to zero?
Here AGAIN/Every time, ToddsterPoofette is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE HARASSMENT TROLL.
(oft 5 or so words with a question mark, as he can't be bothered - and no real knowledge- to Refute anything)
He has NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair for some tiny detail.

Really ? It’s free. Processed oil you can burn is free underground ? You have to be shitting us. Where can I move so bubbling CRUDE OIL can be used for free. Name one plant that burns FREE OIL.
Where are you going to catch wind and convert it energy free?
Glad you asked, because you obviously have no idea what mining and refining cobalt, nickel, and lithium does to the environment. Are you one of those poor deluded souls who believe that the batteries just miraculously appear on the store shelves? Check out how much TOTAL CO2 is released to make and drive an electric SUV for 2 years (that includes the amount released to generate the electricity to charge it), then get back to us.
They come from the same free trees that give us solar panels and wind turbines cause warmers say it’s free!
Ha ha
The future us NOW. Even fossil fuel companies are going to renewables to run their

Even fossil fuel companies know its cheaper.

Go ahead..,search yourself. Exxon et al are going renewables.
They the only supplier? Seems a redundant post
Sure, sure, they're moving towards renewables WHERE IT MAKES SENSE to do so. Large-scale electrical storage, however, is in its infancy and needs to mature a lot before it can really make renewables that rely on unreliable energy sources truly viable. Again, your naive cheerleading is getting you nowhere.

Plug-in hybrids make a lot more sense than do pure EV's for that very reason and are a good place to start. As for something like a fleet of EV taxis, however, you would still require them to ground half their fleet for charging, and that's not viable.

I've asked you to prove this contention. Post the numbers. I'm talking about the actual pollution caused by mining lithium, cobalt, nickel, etc. Include the amount of CO2 pumped into the air by the machines doing the mining and refining of the minerals to make the batteries, and how long you would need to drive, say, a mid-sized SUV before its lack of tailpipe emissions catches up with that up-front cost.

Again, the fact that you think most of them will be recycled is precious.

Good. How soon will they be powering most EV's? I know it's not today, so when?

EV battery replacement costs can vary from $4,000 to almost $18,000. A new transmission costs between $800 and $7,000. I fail to see how your blanket statement, which I can only assume came out of your butt, can be true. Also, a transmission lasts between 100,000 and 300,000 miles, while a battery pack lasts around 200,000 miles. Again, stop pulling numbers out of your butt just to make yourself feel better. EV's are getting better, but what we have right now is not the answer to global warming and pollution, as I have repeatedly stated and you have repeatedly failed to counter.

Post the numbers. Show how much demand will increase, and how much the grid will have to support, then post how much we will need to spend to do the upgrades. Don't just pull numbers out of your butt like you've been doing.

Show the numbers then. The objections, such as they are, are based on real-life situations, with real-life challenges. Thus far, you've managed to paint a lot of pretty pictures with stuff you've pulled out of your butt. Like I've said many times, EV's have a nice future IF we can overcome some very serious hurdles, but pretending what we have now is going to solve global warming and pollution problems is foolish.
An EU study concluded that to manufacture an EV, to run that EV over the average life of a car, and then to dispose of it compared to a comparative ICE vehicle, you will only reduce your vehicle carbon footprint by 17% to 30%. This range is based on the size of the battery. Also, how electricity is made. If all electric was purely from renewables, vehicle carbon footprint would fall by 73%.

One third of motorists cannot charge from home. Not every climate is solar power friendly, and not many can afford solar panels, power walls etc..

EV's cost too much, even as the second hand market is now only appearing. The average used EV vehicle is £34,197 and the average used ICE vehicle is £17,880.

The only trouble with renewables, they're not reliable, they're not cheap, and they're not quick to react to demand.
abu afak some links for you to read -

Carbon footprint

One third of motorists can't charge at home

Price of EV second hand market -

Is demand for electric cars declining? We look into the data

By the middle of this month, the average used EV advertised price on Auto Trader was £34,197. While this is far higher than the average across all fuel types collectively (£17,880), it is a 9.1 per cent decline in value compared to mid-February 2021.

Renewables can't react quickly to demand. Did you know, renewables to supply the equivalent electric that a nuclear plant generates, needs 450 times more land space.

Of course, there is a nice synergy there since Wind power increases at night.
It's either Ignorant or Dishonest (like you) to just use one of the Two main renewable sources that in fact COMPLEMENT each other as far as evening out performance.

Livermore Labs:
""..The team found that wind speed and power production varied by season as well as from night to day. Wind speeds were higher at night (more power) than during the day (less power) and higher during the warm season (more power) than in the cool season (less power).".."

Looks like another one of you of Idiotic/obsolete Claims/Wise cracks like "$76 Trillion".. ans even more knowingly Dishonest.


Of course, there is a nice synergy there since Wind power increases at night.

By how much? Link?

For example, average power production was 43 percent of maximum generation capacity on summer days

43% of maximum? That doesn't sound very reliable.

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