Some crazy SOB mowing his lawn at 6am on a Sunday


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Crazy Canadians. I woke up at 5:30, I am betting those who didn't plan to be awake at 6am don't love this guy hah.
Try not mowing your lawn for a few months and see how the neighbours feel.
Gotta burn it down, dude! I'm ready to crank mine up before the sun gets over the house. Like in 5 minutes.
Crazy Canadians. I woke up at 5:30, I am betting those who didn't plan to be awake at 6am don't love this guy hah.

We don't have this. What we DO have is a retired neighbor who will blow a half inch of powdery snow off his deck with a leaf blower--that's right--at 5:30 in the morning, supposedly so his dog can tinkle. Every. time. it snows half an inch. Which here, can be every other day Nov-April. The lawnmower is bad, but I'd take that over Mr. Leafblower Snow Guy.
Crazy Canadians. I woke up at 5:30, I am betting those who didn't plan to be awake at 6am don't love this guy hah.

We don't have this. What we DO have is a retired neighbor who will blow a half inch of powdery snow off his deck with a leaf blower--that's right--at 5:30 in the morning, supposedly so his dog can tinkle. Every. time. it snows half an inch. Which here, can be every other day Nov-April. The lawnmower is bad, but I'd take that over Mr. Leafblower Snow Guy.
/-----/ That is exactly why God created the .22 Long Rifle. A few shots at the offening leaf blower or mower and the 5:30 am wake up calls will end.
Is it legal to make so much noise at that hour?
It is bewildering that so much sound pollution is permitted, things like small plane engines and motorcycles, for example. One day, like smoking in public places, this will change.
If I thought I could get away with it, I would do it.

I have a stupid battery operated one because I didn't want gas sitting in the shed. So, I mow until the battery dies and recharge and mow again. As it is, I wait until 8:00 am-ish.
I has a sad. :(

Ye Olde Mower may have spun for the last time. I may get 'er going again, but not today. The throttle cable housing disintegrated. I had that rigged with a bolt and vise grips, but, then the pull cord snapped. I'm not dealing with that right now.

I might have some pull cord string or can rob an old blower or something for it. I think it's time to get a new-to-me mower.

I am not going down to the Home Depot and getting a brand-new Chinese ass mower. Nope.
I gotta wait til tomorrow and go to the mower man. I want something old and American-made. Preferably just post-crank-mower era. That's when they were good. Anything after mid-80s and the carburetors suck ass.

I might can revive mah old girl, we'll see. She sure has treated me right. I got no complaints. That thing's 30 years old if it's a day. It's like running a vacuum cleaner in the yard. I got the blades sharp. Oy, I like mah baby.
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I've never owned a lawn mower my entire adult life.

Had to mow my family's lawn when I was a kid and hated it. So I vowed that when I grew up I would never mow a lawn again.

I hire a neighborhood kid or use a lawn mower service. ... :cool:
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I've spent the last decade turning wilderness into a nice rolling lawn , all the neighbors heard was chain saws ,tractors, and the occasional volly of gunfire when i felt it wasn't enough noise.

My roosters are on duty when i'm not....


Crazy Canadians. I woke up at 5:30, I am betting those who didn't plan to be awake at 6am don't love this guy hah.

My coworker used to do it at 3 am on his days off

We worked third shift 5 days a week, I would switch on the weekends (sleep a little sat morning wake up around 11 am and go to sleep around 11 pm) he would keep his same sleeping schedule.

If I thought I could get away with it, I would do it.

I have a stupid battery operated one because I didn't want gas sitting in the shed. So, I mow until the battery dies and recharge and mow again. As it is, I wait until 8:00 am-ish.

You should buy one of thoae robotic lawn mowers ..they go back and charge themselves.not that expensive and they work great for small lawns


If I thought I could get away with it, I would do it.

I have a stupid battery operated one because I didn't want gas sitting in the shed. So, I mow until the battery dies and recharge and mow again. As it is, I wait until 8:00 am-ish.

You should buy one of thoae robotic lawn mowers ..they go back and charge themselves.not that expensive and they work great for small lawns



That is so awesome!!!!

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