Some common sense on ecigarettes

The liberal war on e-cigs is against smoking behavior. They would have the same objections if someone was chewing on a soda straw. Who says chewing gum leads to chewing tobacco? It's ridiculous to come up with that. No one would say it. E-cigarettes are the same thing, it is a flavorful alternative to cigarettes. I met several people at the vape store who have never smoked cigarettes and vape with zero nicotine juice because of the pleasant taste. A taste incidentally used instead of a fatty snack. A chocolate juice is as good as a candy bar.

Amazingly enough, the people who fight against e cigarettes the hardest are those who want to expand marijuana use. If marijuana is a healthy alternative to smoking as addiction proponents claim, then they would certainly support the use of pot vaporizers that doesn't even leave a tell tale odor. It will be incredibly difficult to support pot vaping and fight e-cigs at the same time since there's no way to tell the difference in vaporizers.

Fight tobacco, fight obesity, fight litter (there are no butts nor ash with e-cigs), switch from tobacco to e-cigarettes and start calling them by their proper name, vaporizers.

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