Solving "Education"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
My new free-market system to save education:

The Teacher's-Become-Capitalists Plan...

....also known as The Politics-Out-Of-Education Plan

If disruptive students are the greatest problem for teachers, here's my plan, one which give society the school system it claims to desire, and benefits the best teachers.
It's a win-win!

1. Senior teachers in NYC earn upwards of $100k. Class size, about 30. So...About $3,500/per student.

2. Allow each teacher to decide how many students are in his or her class...paid $3500 for each student per 10 months.

3. Remove any student you feel prevents you from doing the job....Throw out any student, and it costs you $3500, prorated.

a. So...if you have 10 students, and one is an're looking at a gross, before taxes, of $31, stamp territory.
The result would be poor teachers would be poor....and probably move on to other vocations.
Competition works.

4. Opt for extra students, an extra $3500 per. ( 50 students would mean $175,000/year.)
Sure would pay to be a good teacher, huh?

5.Exams are needed to test what each system deems proper.
This is key.
Any student who does not pass a final exam, loss of $3500 to the teacher.
This is responsibility for the product.

a. The plan could be tweaked by having more tests....and prorating the amount failing students would cost the teacher.

6. Bonuses if your students earn even higher grades.
Of course, the grades for passing and bonuses would differ for each student or
locale....and this can be done with computer programs.

a. "CourseSmart is owned by Pearson, McGraw-Hill and other major publishers, which see an opportunity to cement their dominance in digital textbooks by offering administrators and faculty a constant stream of data about how students are doing."

7. But some schools are teachers bid for the appointment.....accept less per student to get into a really good school!
That's the free-market.

8. Disruptive students that no teacher wants? Throw 'em out!

Don't tell me you can't throw 'em out: change the law!

Heck....if our progressives value the collective....use value in the school system!
Public education is for the group, less for the individual student, especially one who demands a huge percentage of the teacher's attention.

Am I a problem-solver or what!!!
I'd add to that a voucher system. One voucher per student of $3,500 - and then lower property taxes given that we spend about 3X that amount now.
Children whose parents don't care enough about them to take an interest in their education should be under the guardianship of people who do. Their unfortunate situation should not be used as an excuse to ruin the education of the students whose parents do care.
That's lunacy. Parents are crazy about their kids and they would wreak havoc on such a system. And the kids of parents who don't care would never have a chance.

1. Interesting that you chose the term 'lunacy.'

The state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in technical use): "it has been suggested that originality demands a degree of lunacy".

2. "Parents are crazy about their kids..."
I certainly am.
And, therefore, I would wish both for my children to be in a learning situation, and would be happy to see those who prevent same, removed.

3. "And the kids of parents who don't care would never have a chance."
It's long past time to fish or cut bait.

If you endorse the non-education system as it stands, just say so.
My new free-market system to save education:

The Teacher's-Become-Capitalists Plan...

....also known as The Politics-Out-Of-Education Plan

If disruptive students are the greatest problem for teachers, here's my plan, one which give society the school system it claims to desire, and benefits the best teachers.
It's a win-win!

1. Senior teachers in NYC earn upwards of $100k. Class size, about 30. So...About $3,500/per student.

2. Allow each teacher to decide how many students are in his or her class...paid $3500 for each student per 10 months.

3. Remove any student you feel prevents you from doing the job....Throw out any student, and it costs you $3500, prorated.

a. So...if you have 10 students, and one is an're looking at a gross, before taxes, of $31, stamp territory.
The result would be poor teachers would be poor....and probably move on to other vocations.
Competition works.

4. Opt for extra students, an extra $3500 per. ( 50 students would mean $175,000/year.)
Sure would pay to be a good teacher, huh?

5.Exams are needed to test what each system deems proper.
This is key.
Any student who does not pass a final exam, loss of $3500 to the teacher.
This is responsibility for the product.

a. The plan could be tweaked by having more tests....and prorating the amount failing students would cost the teacher.

6. Bonuses if your students earn even higher grades.
Of course, the grades for passing and bonuses would differ for each student or
locale....and this can be done with computer programs.

a. "CourseSmart is owned by Pearson, McGraw-Hill and other major publishers, which see an opportunity to cement their dominance in digital textbooks by offering administrators and faculty a constant stream of data about how students are doing."

7. But some schools are teachers bid for the appointment.....accept less per student to get into a really good school!
That's the free-market.

8. Disruptive students that no teacher wants? Throw 'em out!

Don't tell me you can't throw 'em out: change the law!

Heck....if our progressives value the collective....use value in the school system!
Public education is for the group, less for the individual student, especially one who demands a huge percentage of the teacher's attention.

Am I a problem-solver or what!!!

Yes you are and I have this rash that I would like you to take a look at.:eusa_whistle:
Interesting post, but probably not practical. How would individual students be assigned to a particular teacher? Also, an average teacher in an upscale school could probably get 100 students to pass an exam. Should that teacher be paid $350k?

I favor a voucher system which provides 50% of the average public school cost. This would actually increase the per student funding for public schools. Of course, public employee unions hate competition...
yeah let those with the most money tell the kids what history they are allowed to know
yeah let those with the most money tell the kids what history they are allowed to know

"...history they are allowed to know."

Au contraire.....

that is the situation now.

Here's an example, the Liberal infestation of the school system fraudulently reverses American history:

1. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79

2. And, bet you didn't know that for a full century after the civil war, the Democrat Party continued to fight for segregation and slavery...

a. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

See how different folks like you would be if you had an actual education?
Let's take your idea a step further PC. Shoot the underperforming kids and make the best teachers suuuuper expensive and exclusive. That way we can thin out the herd :cool:

Ooooorrr, we can make under performing students in America do whatever is done in China...

In China they abort female babies and subject their population to slave labor. We don't do that shit in America.
In China they abort female babies and subject their population to slave labor. We don't do that shit in America.

China has the largest middle class in the world and projected to have the largest luxury Car market in 2016. Don't need that in America either?

At least in America you're allowed to use Google :cool:
Right wingers see children as "problems" to be solved. And they are so good at everything else they do. Iraq. The economy. Science. Elections.

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