Solution to the Chinese problem


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
There is a crisis of power and division in China. It is necessary to raise and arm the rebels of Tibet and East Turkestan, to solve this in the style of Reagan. Now is the time to do this; if successful, the Prison of Peoples will weaken and break up into 3 parts (at least), and this will justify all US strategic goals - restoring control in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, weakening Dictators Lukashenko and Putin, and compliance with US obligations according to the Monroe Doctrine.

If the feds don't do this now, they will demonstrate an absolute betrayal of America's interests.
There is a crisis of power and division in China. It is necessary to raise and arm the rebels of Tibet and East Turkestan, to solve this in the style of Reagan. Now is the time to do this; if successful, the Prison of Peoples will weaken and break up into 3 parts (at least), and this will justify all US strategic goals - restoring control in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, weakening Dictators Lukashenko and Putin, and compliance with US obligations according to the Monroe Doctrine.

If the feds don't do this now, they will demonstrate an absolute betrayal of America's interests.
I actually started reading this thread - but then I realized It was a ru paul post. It's early.
The problems with Turkic tribes and Tibetans are exaggerated. China employs the Soviet system, by which ethnic divisions can be minimized. In today's Russia, most Muslims live peacefully in their autonomous republics. To bring down China economically, America must stop trading with China and close down American factories in China. America is responsible for China's rise.

Having abandoned communist internationalism, their domestic legitimacy relies on a combination of economic but also geopolitical success satisfying strongly nationalist grassroots aspirations inside China, especially among younger generations. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) can be understood in the light of these economic and geopolitical objectives. The economic goal is to keep Chinese growth rates at a higher level than world growth rates through infrastructure investments yielding better access to imports of natural resources, and concomitant growth of exports. BRI also creates economic interdependencies that make countries reluctant to criticize or contradict China on the international stage. BRI will naturally necessitate the establishment of Chinese military bases along trade routes, which will likely cause a lot of exaggerated international anxiety.

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The problems with Turkic tribes and Tibetans are exaggerated. China employs the Soviet system, by which ethnic divisions can be minimized.
The Soviet system did not "solve" ethnic problems, that were just bloody crimes, the Bolsheviks simply carried out a series of genocides and resettlements. They killed part of the population with famines, and physically destroyed part of the population.

In particular, they contributed to the dismemberment of Turkestan and genocide in Central Asia.

The Uighur genocide, organ trafficking and crimes against the population of occupied Tibet, as well as the participation of Chinese communists in the Cambodian genocide are known facts that require an immediate solution.

The criminal prison of nations is not a "state".
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In today's Russia, most Muslims live peacefully in their autonomous republics. To bring down China economically, America must stop trading with China and close down American factories in China. America is responsible for China's rise.
Religion has nothing to do with it. The Arab Caliphate, imposing its slave system in Central Asia, was no better than the bloody communism of the Chinese slaves. But the Great Genghis Khan solved this problem, so the Peoples of Turkestan survived.
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Having abandoned communist internationalism, their domestic legitimacy relies on a combination of economic but also geopolitical success satisfying strongly nationalist grassroots aspirations inside China, especially among younger generations.
These are some kind of slave mantras, for the sake of licking the red asses of slave owners. Everything is simpler: in China, cheap semi-slave labor is used, and the occupied territories are cleared for settlement by the Jurchens, who are inclined to submit.
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The economic goal is to keep Chinese growth rates at a higher level than world growth rates
Slave bloody regimes always promote “economic growth”, this slave value of labor with low consumption is used by slave owners of all export appendages of European parasites. Slaves are told that they need to work more and consume less.
In particular, in China during the “Great Leap Forward” and in the USSR during Stalinism, this was done not only at the cost of slave labor, but also at the cost of tens of millions of victims. This scam also affected the United States during the time of the Stalinist dictator Roosevelt.
The world has gotten some beautiful moments of comparison.
Putin and Xi surrounded by dozens of heads of state discussing development and prosperity.
Biden, Scholz, Macron, etc. will be smeared with the blood of innocent victims killed by their weapons
It is time for the world to decide whether to live or die
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The world has gotten some beautiful moments of comparison.
Putin and Xi surrounded by dozens of heads of state discussing development and prosperity.
Biden, Scholz, Macron, etc. will be smeared with the blood of innocent victims killed by their weapons
It is time for the world to decide whether to live or die
There was no development or prosperity. China is a prison of nations, the bloody communists will stand trial. Putin should discuss with the Chinese the colonization of Siberia and the occupation of the Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island. Xi wiped his feet on Putin and the Russians.
I get a kick out o fthe fact that while Putin and Xi are calling for a new world order - to replace Western Dominance, they are both wearing French style suits:


Both these countries would still be feudal shitholes if they didn't copy EVERYTHING from Western Civilization!
I get a kick out o fthe fact that while Putin and Xi are calling for a new world order - to replace Western Dominance, they are both wearing French style suits:
This is a lie. The New Order is the order of America, after the victory over imperialism. This is written on the American dollar. Totalitarians are reviving the shameful old order, calling it “new.” This is a mimicry of the greatness of the American Revolution
There is a crisis of power and division in China. It is necessary to raise and arm the rebels of Tibet and East Turkestan, to solve this in the style of Reagan. Now is the time to do this; if successful, the Prison of Peoples will weaken and break up into 3 parts (at least), and this will justify all US strategic goals - restoring control in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, weakening Dictators Lukashenko and Putin, and compliance with US obligations according to the Monroe Doctrine.

If the feds don't do this now, they will demonstrate an absolute betrayal of America's interests.
Does this clown ^^^^^ ever post anything that is not fully batshit crazy?
From the life of communist tyrants:
Sun Deshun, former head of CITIC Bank, laundered 979.5 million yuan.
The "totalitarian" regime caught him near the airport with a ticket to London.
Yesterday, the verdict was announced, capital punishment, firing squad.

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