Solid June Jobs Report: 213K New Jobs, 36K Manufacturing Jobs, April & May Nums Revised Upward

The 8 years of The Blamer were the worst I've seen in the transportation industry. Shipped raw materials were way down, with massive furloughs and layoffs. Now we can't get enough help. That's real world insight for ya.

Bullshit, you are just pulling that out of your ass, you cannot back up a single thing you claimed
Not bullshit. I lived it and living it now. What is bullshit is allowing you leftist traitors to vote.

You are full of shit, back up even a single claim that you made.
Fuck you. Look it up asshat.
does this mean that all fast food restaurants will become so desperate that they may even hire robots to work there?
I hear they may even invent self serve gas pumps
mikegriffith1, post: 20309831,
This solid jobs report for June is all the more exciting because the tax cuts have only been in effect for barely six months. The big jump in manufacturing jobs is especially encouraging because manufacturing jobs usually pay better and have better benefits than service-industry jobs.

Looks like Trumpo’s 18 month free ride on the Obama economic train is about to come off the rails.

And Trumpo is yanking the railroad spikes off the rails.

Trump's new midterm threat: A trade war smacking voters By MEGAN CASSELLA
07/20/2018 05:53 PM EDT

Market analysts, industry experts and economists warn the economic fallout of the president’s tariffs could peak around election time.

President Donald Trump’s trade wars could become a major political drag for Republicans, with job losses and price increases piling up just as voters head to the polls in November.

Trump jolted markets once again early Friday when he said he’s prepared to impose penalties on some $500 billion in Chinese goods regardless of the consequences that might ensue, economic or political.

Trump's new midterm threat: A trade war smacking voters

You’d best start thinking about how you can blame the layoffs and inflation on Obama.

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