Socialism is more popular than ever in Venezuela

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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Despite complete economic destruction, socialism in Venezuela is more popular than ever. This is terrifying to me. It's like they have drunk the cool aid yet the dying never ends as they just want more of it to drink.

From the LA Times.

It’s a puzzle. Over the last decade, Venezuela has supplanted Cuba as the Shangri-La of the American left. Not long ago, self-declared socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders insisted that the American dream was more achievable in the Bolivarian Republic than in America. A string of Hollywood luminaries made the pilgrimage to visit the socialist Mecca to say ponderous and stupid things.

Today, the praise is more muted, because events have illuminated that stupidity. The government recently advised its citizens to eat their pet rabbits. Inflation in Venezuela is reminiscent of Weimar Germany. Roughly 85% of companies have stopped production to one extent or another, in the most oil rich country in the world.

And yet, socialism is arguably more popular — in theory — than at any time in American history, particularly among young people. A Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation poll last November found that 42% of young people support capitalism, but 44% prefer socialism for a socioeconomic system.

“Even mainstream liberals don’t like to concede any points in socialism’s disfavor.

Why the disconnect? For conservatives of my ilk, the most obvious answer is that, for the left, socialism itself is never to blame. One of my favorite guilty pleasures is the Socialist Party of Great Britain’s Twitter feed, which insists daily that the socialist ideal has never been tarnished by real-world socialists. A tweet permanently affixed to the top of their page reads: “Are you about to tell us ‘Socialism was tried in Russia’ or ‘Look at Venezuela’ etc? It has NEVER EXISTED! It comes AFTER global capitalism!”

Even mainstream liberals don’t like to concede any points in socialism’s disfavor. The late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was a murderer and a tyrant, so was the late Cuban Communist Fidel Castro. Pinochet helped his country transition to democracy. Castro, who killed more people, left his country as a police state. But while Pinochet is a demonic figure in the liberal imagination, Castro’s status is far more complicated. He is still a hero to many.

For the last decade, the New York Times has covered the socialism of both Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro with the same sophisticated nuance it long applied to Cuba. Over the weekend, it ran a heart-wrenching story on how Venezuela’s poor children are dying from starvation. But the culpability of Chavism, Venezuela’s brand of socialism, is something the reader has to bring to the page. Such passive detachment between cause (in this case socialist policies) and effect (mass misery and starvation) is rarely found when the Times reports on, say, Republican economic policy.

The disconnect between socialism’s record and its invincible appeal also stems from leftists’ denial of what it really entails. Thus Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of Britain, dragged the Labor Party away from its official socialist dogma about the need for the “common ownership of the means of production.”

“Socialism for me,” he said, “was never about nationalization or the power of the state, not just about economics or even politics. It is a moral purpose to life, a set of values, a belief in society, in cooperation, in achieving together what we cannot achieve alone.” That’s why he rejected socialism in favor of what he called “social-ism.”

Similarly, Bernie bros focus on social solidarity rather than political economy.

But even this watered down spirit of “we’re all in it together” — whether you call it socialism or nationalism — can do enormous damage. It is very hard to reconcile with democracy and the rule of law, unless there’s a dire national crisis, and even then it may cause grave damage.

I don’t want America to be Denmark. But at least Denmark recognizes that social democracy requires democracy, free speech and the rule of law to keep it from turning into Venezuela on the Baltic. I wouldn’t be so concerned about the rising support for socialism among young people in the United States, save for the fact it’s been accompanied by a modest decline in support for democracy, too.
No real surprise.

Socialists, and the people they dupe, always look at the claims of what socialism CAN do. And they consistently ignore the reports of what its results actually are.

Socialism fails time after time to deliver on its promises.

But people keep saying to each other, "Just think how wonderful it will be once these good results come from socialism!"

If they couldn't delude themselves so completely, they wouldn't be socialists.
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No real surprise.

Socialists, and the people they dupe, always look at the claims of what socialism CAN do. And they consistently ignore the reports of what it actually does.

Socialism fails time after time to deliver on its promises.

But people keep saying to each other, "Just think how wonderful it will be once these good results come from socialism!"

If they couldn't delude themselves so completely, they wouldn't be socialists.

This is the line in the article that I found so chilling.

A tweet permanently affixed to the top of their page reads: “Are you about to tell us ‘Socialism was tried in Russia’ or ‘Look at Venezuela’ etc? It has NEVER EXISTED! It comes AFTER global capitalism!”

This is pretty much it. Socialists will not rest until the whole world is under their control, at which time if they become like Venezuela, the people won't know any better to reject it out of hand. They will have become drones and slaves of the system.
Many may have said they supported it out of fear.

That is a distinct possibility. People are afraid of saying they don't support it, for fear of retribution.

I know in the last US Presidential poll, I think people like about supporting Trump cuz they did not want to be un-PC. It might cost them friends or a job.

Bernie, the face of socialism in the US, can't answer why Venezuela is a disaster.
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Here we see Bernie still won't answer the question.

Admittedly, a death squad would be sent to their homes if they thought differently.
Admittedly, a death squad would be sent to their homes if they thought differently.

I think there is some truth to it.

In the schools the propaganda is for socialism. Then you have the same propaganda in the media. In the US, it is very similar. And yes, more kids now than ever are pro-socialism as a result.

Then factor in the mix dependency. The more people become dependent the more they feel the need to be take care of. I think this also promotes more people to become pro-socialist, even in the US.
Admittedly, a death squad would be sent to their homes if they thought differently.
I don't recall this being mentioned by the people advocating socialism. Even though it frequently becomes a feature of the actual government installed.
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Today, the praise is more muted, because events have illuminated that stupidity. The government recently advised its citizens to eat their pet rabbits. Inflation in Venezuela is reminiscent of Weimar Germany. Roughly 85% of companies have stopped production to one extent or another, in the most oil rich country in the world.

And yet, socialism is arguably more popular — in theory — than at any time in American history, particularly among young people. A Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation poll last November found that 42% of young people support capitalism, but 44% prefer socialism for a socioeconomic system.
The victims of socialism are quietly comforted by the knowledge that if they themselves fail to support themselves, government will transfer Other People's Money to them to keep them afloat. Many are motivated to work less hard with the spectre of homelessness and starvation removed from their horizons.

And they violently oppose any suggestion that such a comfort-giving government should be removed from their lives.

They are careful to avoid considering what happens when the government runs out of Other People's Money... which socialist governments usually do.
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