So, would you change your last name...

I once knew someone named Sandy Nipple.

I am not joking. That was her friggin married name. Would you take that name? I sure as shit wouldn't.

Just filed a birth certificate with a mom's maiden name of "Dickskin". You think she kept that? :lol:
Some cultures follow family lines through the male side, some through the female.

Myself, I gave all my children my maiden last name, because I wanted them to always share my name. I've never changed my name, and I wasn't married to their dads.

But as far as changing it, naw, it will be easier for your kids and their kids to research your family tree, particularly if you don't know much about that side, if you just leave it.

It's completely personal.

My son was saying he wanted to change his name to reverse his first and second names, because in my family many of the men are known by their middle names, and he was tired of explaining it to DMV, banks, etc. every time he transacts business. He signs with his first name, but people will be, "wait, I know you, that's not your name..." and he's like, "Yes, it is..."

But I told him if he changed it now then it would just make the explanations even more convoluted and complicated.

That post speaks complete volumes, and has just made your perpetual anger a lot easier to figure out... Thanks for sharing!
if you were a male and your father was a piece of shit?

I've been thinking of changing mine to my mother's maiden name. My grandfather came from a good family, but he had three daughters. They all named their firstborns with the middle name Lynn, and so far, all my cousins have named their firstborns with the middle name Lynn. But eventually that tradition will die, along with the Lynn name. I would much rather carry forward my grandfather's name than my father's.


I'm afraid you can't.

That would be like a Jew born to a Jewish mother saying that he doesn't want to be a Jew.

He can't. He will always be of the chosen people for as long as he lives.
Go for it Jsanders.

My daughter wants to do the same thing when she turns 18.

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