So will a dem jury foreman who lied to a dem federal judge see jail time?


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license
It will NEVER happen, unfortunately. She's most likely part of AND protected by the Deep State.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused.
So..............NO brains behind THIS post. Typical for Pogo the Clown..........

Hey, I ain't the asshat who posted an imaginary fantasy with no link sooooooooooo..............

Stupid is as sluggo does.

Her Twitter feed shows dozens of references to Trump, many of them links to negative stories about the Republican. In a Twitter post on Aug. 19, 2017, Hart quoted a tweet referring to Trump as the “#KlanPresident,” in an apparent reference to the KKK.

“I have kept my silence for months. Initially, it was for my safety. Then, I decided to remain silent out of fear of politicizing the matter,” Hart wrote on Facebook, adding: “But I can’t keep quiet any longer.”}

Roger Stone Jury Forewoman Is Lefty Former Congressional Candidate, So Voir Dire Went Great...

Now don't you feel like a fool?

But then, how could you ever feel otherwise?
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
she perjured herself einstein
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
So..............NO brains behind THIS post. Typical for Pogo the Clown..........

Hey, I ain't the asshat who posted an imaginary fantasy with no link sooooooooooo..............
That;s cuz us cons are smarter than most so called journalist
Last edited:
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

But she's a democrat, above the law. :dunno:
Hang on to your hat... The ride coming is going to get rough... The prosecutors WERE AWARE OF THE JURY FOREPERSONS BIAS AND FAILED TO DISMISS HER.... Part of a memo from the DOJ indicates the prosecutors were aware of the woman's bias but failed to inform the judge..... Every one of these people should be immediately disbarred and charged...

The fun is just beginning...

The entire rail road job is falling apart.... If the judge doesn't declare a mistrial we have bigger problems...
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
she perjured herself einstein
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
So..............NO brains behind THIS post. Typical for Pogo the Clown..........

Hey, I ain't the asshat who posted an imaginary fantasy with no link sooooooooooo..............
That;s cuz us cons are smarter than most so call jouranlist
There were 60 questions on the juror questioner and 20 of them she lied on... This woman needs to be disbarred and charged.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
So..............NO brains behind THIS post. Typical for Pogo the Clown..........

Hey, I ain't the asshat who posted an imaginary fantasy with no link sooooooooooo..............'re STILL a CLOWN, ya knucklehead........
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

But she's a democrat, above the law. :dunno:
Hang on to your hat... The ride coming is going to get rough... The prosecutors WERE AWARE OF THE JURY FOREPERSONS BIAS AND FAILED TO DISMISS HER.... Part of a memo from the DOJ indicates the prosecutors were aware of the woman's bias but failed to inform the judge..... Every one of these people should be immediately disbarred and charged...

The fun is just beginning...

The entire rail road job is falling apart.... If the judge doesn't declare a mistrial we have bigger problems...
Well if she don't it's cuz she has the D by her position.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license
It's always some sorta conspiracy with you dumbass tRumplings, isn't it.

You have any proof at all of this?
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

My city doesn't allow lawyers to sit on juries. There is a fear they can exert too much influence.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.

On Tucker's show tonight even Judge Napolitano said the judge in the case should (and probably will) call the jury forewoman for questioning as to why she didn't disclose she was an anti-Trumper and made comments on Twitter during the trial. Judge Andy said the whole trial and verdict could be dismissed. This just came out today and is being looked into.
Watch the repeat of Tucker's show at 10 EST and see the interview, Chicken Butt.

P.S: Napolitano said in a Federal court the judge, not the lawyers screen the jury.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

But she's a democrat, above the law. :dunno:
Hang on to your hat... The ride coming is going to get rough... The prosecutors WERE AWARE OF THE JURY FOREPERSONS BIAS AND FAILED TO DISMISS HER.... Part of a memo from the DOJ indicates the prosecutors were aware of the woman's bias but failed to inform the judge..... Every one of these people should be immediately disbarred and charged...

The fun is just beginning...

The entire rail road job is falling apart.... If the judge doesn't declare a mistrial we have bigger problems...

Neither a prosecuting nor defending attorney is required to "inform the judge" about jack shit. They decide if they want that juror excused. They do that for the benefit of making their own case, not for the judge's benefit.

See, this is all W I D E O P E N when nobody bothers to back up wtf they're even talking about.
Way to go dumb ass..

As an officer of the court they are REQUIRED to advise the judge of potential biases. They knew she perjured herself in the questioning and they remained silent.. This is GROSS MALFEASANCE.. Gross criminal misconduct as it allowed a prejudiced person to influence the jury.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

But she's a democrat, above the law. :dunno:
Hang on to your hat... The ride coming is going to get rough... The prosecutors WERE AWARE OF THE JURY FOREPERSONS BIAS AND FAILED TO DISMISS HER.... Part of a memo from the DOJ indicates the prosecutors were aware of the woman's bias but failed to inform the judge..... Every one of these people should be immediately disbarred and charged...

The fun is just beginning...

The entire rail road job is falling apart.... If the judge doesn't declare a mistrial we have bigger problems...

Sorry, I just don't believe their is any justice in this nation. Far as I can tell, laws don't apply to democrats, EVER.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
she perjured herself einstein
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
So..............NO brains behind THIS post. Typical for Pogo the Clown..........

Hey, I ain't the asshat who posted an imaginary fantasy with no link sooooooooooo..............
That;s cuz us cons are smarter than most so call jouranlist
There were 60 questions on the juror questioner and 20 of them she lied on... This woman needs to be disbarred and charged.

If she were a Republican, she'd spend the rest of her life in prison. BUT she isn't, so she'll be working for MSNBCNN by the end of the month.
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

But she's a democrat, above the law. :dunno:
Hang on to your hat... The ride coming is going to get rough... The prosecutors WERE AWARE OF THE JURY FOREPERSONS BIAS AND FAILED TO DISMISS HER.... Part of a memo from the DOJ indicates the prosecutors were aware of the woman's bias but failed to inform the judge..... Every one of these people should be immediately disbarred and charged...

The fun is just beginning...

The entire rail road job is falling apart.... If the judge doesn't declare a mistrial we have bigger problems...

Sorry, I just don't believe their is any justice in this nation. Far as I can tell, laws don't apply to democrats, EVER.
The Flynn case is about to be thrown out... Now the Stone case is in the same predicament.. The next month or so is going to be epic to watch as the democrat set ups implode..
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
she perjured herself einstein
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.
So..............NO brains behind THIS post. Typical for Pogo the Clown..........

Hey, I ain't the asshat who posted an imaginary fantasy with no link sooooooooooo..............
That;s cuz us cons are smarter than most so called journalist

So "smart" you don't even know how we form plurals in English eh?

Which journalist? The one that didn't give you a link to a "story" that doesn't exis
Duz mommy know you're playing in the adult forum
Apparently you're the only one that doesn't have a clue on this thread.
So quit the hijacking
jury foreman who is a lawyer herself in the Roger Stone trial obviously lied to the federal judge about her bias's. And used her position to influence the outcome

She should be punished for perjury and lose her law license

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no linky. Just another comic book.

Juries, forepersons and everybody else, are screened before trial for biases. If there are any they're excused. Oh and they're screened by the attorneys, not by the judge. Been there, done that.

On Tucker's show tonight even Judge Napolitano said the judge in the case should (and probably will) call the jury forewoman for questioning as to why she didn't disclose she was an anti-Trumper and made comments on Twitter during the trial. Judge Andy said the whole trial and verdict could be dismissed. This just came out today and is being looked into.
Watch the repeat of Tucker's show at 10 EST and see the interview, Chicken Butt.

P.S: Napolitano said in a Federal court the judge, not the lawyers screen the jury.

Personally I don't take the advice of lawyers who name themselves after ice cream.

Federal, schmederal, who knows what they're talking about here anyway. Nobody can be bothered to link a damn thing.
There is no link, Pogo It only came out today on Tucker Carlson's show. Watch him at 10 PM EST.

Uh, his show does NOT come on at 10 PM EST. That is Laura Ingram's time slot.

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