So, who's to blame for the immigration crisis?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Anyone who uses drugs that come from those regions. American drug money has destroyed those countries leaving those people no choice but to come here. Happy now, drug users? :)
To all board Dimocrats, I'm taking delivery orders for what you voted for. Please answer the following questions so your order can be fulfilled.

1. How many illegals do you want delivered to your blue sanctuary city or state? __________

2. Do you prefer single men? Yes or No These are the most abundant and with your order of 10,000 you will receive an additional 5,000 absolutely free.

3. Do you prefer women? Yes or No These arrived to us in small quantities and many of them are used. These women come 'as is' and there are no returns.

4. Do you prefer unaccompanied children? Yes or No You need to act fast as Biden has already placed a large order

5. Do you prefer educated and skilled illegals who speak English? Yes or No Sorry, we already delivered him.

6. There is an additional charge if you want your illegals to be non violent and not cartel members.

7. Before delivery, do you want your illegals inspected for drugs, weapons, diseases and vaccinations? Yes or No Sorry, this option been discontinued since 2021
Words can't describe the insanity. That's the reason for Jan 6.
Mr Businessman looking for a steady supply of cheap labor.

Yep, a huge contributor. Florida passed a law allowing agriculture to hire anyone without checking anything about their legality and that was a huge draw.

The just passed law in the House does the same thing.

When you pass laws telling people they can come and work and no one is going to mess with you as long as you keep your nose clean, they will come.
Anyone who uses drugs that come from those regions. American drug money has destroyed those countries leaving those people no choice but to come here. Happy now, drug users? :)
I`ve been growing my own for 40 years. :)
It`s freewheeling capitalism that destroyed those countries. How many rightwing dictators have we supported because they weren`t commies?
There are two layers to this. First, the Dems are more to blame because of their rhetoric over the years. People in other countries, especially those who are desperate to escape and come here, are paying attention. And those south of the border definitely look at a Dem administration as being softer on immigration. Whether that's true or not, that's what they think, and the Dems are responsible for their words.

Second, both parties share blame because they absolutely refuse to work together to improve our country. On pretty much anything. Collaboration and cooperation are discouraged. Intelligent adults can usually find ways to compromise and cooperate. Then, compromise and cooperation means that they BOTH have skin in the game, instead of just whining. It can be done. But not in American government.
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There are two layers to this. First, the Dems are more to blame because of their rhetoric over the years. People in other countries, especially those who are desperate to escape and come here, are paying attention. And those south of the border look at a Dem administration as being softer on immigration. Whether that's true or not, that's what they think, and the Dems are responsible for their words.

Second, both parties share blame because they absolutely refuse to work together to improve our country. On pretty much anything. Collaboration and cooperation are discouraged. Intelligent adults can usually find ways to find compromise and cooperation. Then, compromise and cooperation means that they BOTH have skin in the game, instead of just whining. It can be done. But not in American government.
2 layers? More like 5 minimum. In no particular order.

Big business
Pandering politicians
Day laborers who find lots of work here
The crappy economy in Mexico and other nations due South
People who are looking for a better life.

The result has been the greatest economy that has ever been on the planet, the highest standard of living, the strongest military ever fielded, one of the safest rural areas of any large nation...

The optics of thousands of people behind a fence waiting to come across the river at one time are not great... Is anyone's life going to be markedly downgraded by this? No.
The unfortunate fact is, what the American people see as a "crisis," the Democrat party sees as wrapping up the political future of the nation - not a crisis at all.

We are now surely enjoying the presence of at least thirty million souls who have no legal right to be in this country. And thanks to the Leftist U.S. Supreme Court (not the current one), States MAY NOT DISCRIMINATE against applicants for parts of the Social Safety Net on the basis of citizenship or even legal residency, so those illegal people are sending their kids to American public schools (a dubious benefit indeed), getting housing subsidies, Medicaid, "food stamps", and any other benefit accorded to citizens, just for being here.

When Democrats talk about "immigration reform," what they are referring to is the process of converting these illegals into voting Democrat citizens. And with the country evenly divided along political lines, the product of this intentional invasion is inevitable.

Leftists are evil. All Leftists are Democrats. Draw your own conclusion.
The unfortunate fact is, what the American people see as a "crisis," the Democrat party sees as wrapping up the political future of the nation - not a crisis at all.

We are now surely enjoying the presence of at least thirty million souls who have no legal right to be in this country. And thanks to the Leftist U.S. Supreme Court (not the current one), States MAY NOT DISCRIMINATE against applicants for parts of the Social Safety Net on the basis of citizenship or even legal residency, so those illegal people are sending their kids to American public schools (a dubious benefit indeed), getting housing subsidies, Medicaid, "food stamps", and any other benefit accorded to citizens, just for being here.

Anyone who uses drugs that come from those regions. American drug money has destroyed those countries leaving those people no choice but to come here. Happy now, drug users? :)
Drug users, Democrats, employers employing illegals, sanctuary cities, the shit hole countries where they come from are all responsible to the immigration crisis
To all board Dimocrats, I'm taking delivery orders for what you voted for. Please answer the following questions so your order can be fulfilled.

1. How many illegals do you want delivered to your blue sanctuary city or state? __________

2. Do you prefer single men? Yes or No These are the most abundant and with your order of 10,000 you will receive an additional 5,000 absolutely free.

3. Do you prefer women? Yes or No These arrived to us in small quantities and many of them are used. These women come 'as is' and there are no returns.

4. Do you prefer unaccompanied children? Yes or No You need to act fast as Biden has already placed a large order

5. Do you prefer educated and skilled illegals who speak English? Yes or No Sorry, we already delivered him.

6. There is an additional charge if you want your illegals to be non violent and not cartel members.

7. Before delivery, do you want your illegals inspected for drugs, weapons, diseases and vaccinations? Yes or No Sorry, this option been discontinued since 2021
Question #1- Depends on how many MAGAturds red districts will accept.

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