So who do we blame racism on?

Blacks murder each other, commit genocide because. Rwanda. Biggest genocide in recent history, blacks on blacks,
Because there's a group of blacks that hate and kill blacks, that justifies white racism or whites enslaving blacks? Your reasoning is quite flawed.
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Hahaha…I’ll play along….do you need data to prove that dark people, IN GENERAL, are criminal as fuck?
Blacks are no more criminal than whites, we just see more blacks committing crimes because more of them are poor. Why are some drugs legal and others illegal? Watch:

White people burned down black "wall street":

Angela Davis, the black revolutionary:

Angela Davis on Violence and Revolution

Blacks were freed from slavery in the 1860s, but they still had to deal with a lot of restrictions and injustice, until recently. Some of you reading this were alive when a black person had to sit at the back of the bus and couldn't use the same water fountain, restroom, or restaurant as whites. Can you imagine being a black man in the south in the 1950s, during segregation, when white people used to call you a "boy", right in front of your wife and kids? For hundreds of years, a white man could essentially, fuck your wife and 14, 16-year-old daughter (even younger than that too), whenever he wanted to. He could split your family, selling your wife and even your kids to another white man. That was the life of blacks in America for centuries. You know what was one of America's major assets contributing to its development? Slaves.

The US federal government occupied the south for decades with its military, in order to stop whites from massacring blacks. It didn't always succeeed. Atlanta is perhaps the only city in the south that has a very large, significant black business establishment, very wealthy, successful blacks. That's because Atlanta was the administrative hub of the US military's occupation i.e. the US federal government's main base of operations, in the south.

Literally, millions of blacks migrated to the cold, freezing north, to get away from the abuse of the southern whites. In the north blacks were still discriminated against, but at least it wasn't legal or as crippling as in the southern states. Those dixie flag-waving rednecks took racism to a whole new level, compared to northern whites.


But even in the north, blacks had to deal with redlining policies (urban renewal/negro removal) that kept them out of the suburbs and in the most urbanized areas of cities, creating what is today the inner-city ghetto.

You have to factor in all of the above when diagnosing the crime problem in poor, black communities. I haven't even mentioned welfare and the way it contributes to the problem. The way welfare is set up contributes to poverty and crime in the black community.

Did blacks start two world wars? Whites, primarily (there might have been a couple of black bomber pilots), bombed European and Japanese cities to the ground, killing hundreds of thousands of people. Firing rockets and bombing civilian populations. Ever heard of Dresden in Germany? The fire storms in Germany and Japan burned whole cities to the ground. Are blacks now forcing humanity into a nuclear holocaust? Is the American ruling class, its capitalist wealthy elite-owned military-industrial complex, that creates policies in Washington DC, through its army of lobbyists, legally bribing our elected government officials, pushing them to expand NATO right to Russia's border and poke the bear, blacks or whites? Is that big money, American capitalist elite and its cronies in government, black? No, it's white. Mostly old white guys. They're now sending billions to Zelensky in Ukraine, to extend the Russo-Ukrainian war, perhaps forcing us into a direct confrontation with Russia. Who is doing that? Blacks in America?

Black ghetto crime is petty shit, compared to what you whites are doing. Your crime is much deadlier, it can destroy all life on this planet. Your criminality is more sophisticated, often hiding behind a false facade of "civility", and "principled commitments", like the supposed need for American, Jeffersonian "democracy" in every single nation on earth. We don't have that here, forget about forcing that shit on everyone else through the barrel of a rifle. As a white man or woman, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked, feculent finger at blacks. You don't, you're at least, just as bad as they are. At least. Your evil is just hiding behind a thin veil of hypocrisy, privilege, self-entitlement, self-righteousness, and narcissistic cynical bigotry. You're delusional.
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Anybody who constantly brings up race, blaming one or the other for societal problems is a racist. Whether it's black people saying all white people are racist, or white people complaining about black people incessantly.

Like seriously, we get it. Shut the fuck up. Nothing is going to be "fixed" by constantly bitching about race.
People who try to help blacks are told to shut up as well. Sigh.
I never had an issue with the color of a person's skin. I've dated both white and black women that I have found attractive. I focus on the person and not skin color.
I never had an issue with the color of a person's skin. I've dated both white and black women that I have found attractive. I focus on the person and not skin color.
According to the LOSER, that means you can't be "sane" or a "good person." Go figure.
According to the LOSER, that means you can't be "sane" or a "good person." Go figure.
I don't care what other folks think about me. I try to lead a good life but there will always be people that will not approve of my actions.
What is known as "racism" today is just another form of fear of poverty. Even if someone claims "they" are too many, that's because they are poor. The rich are relatively fewer.

An exclusively biological or cultural conception of "racism" is incomplete. Races do exist, cultures exchange elements all the time but nobody wants to live in the same neighborhood as poor people unless they are poor themselves or we talk about a small community where everybody is at least an acquaintance.

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