So when is Rush moving out of the USA?

Congress will decide the fate of the ACA in well over 131 days.

Even if elected Romney cant kill it without an act of congress.
And I am not sure he even wants to kill it.
The vid proves a couple of things. #1 libs have no sense of sarcasm not to mention humor. They actually think Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are serious commentators. #2 libs have entirely too much hatred invested in a voice on the radio while the freaking Country is falling apart under Barry Hussein.
It doesn't go into effect until 2014......I see some wiggle room.

I was telling Conservatives that several years ago when they'd get worked up about rarely worked.


Actually parts of it are already in effect aren't they?

he has lots of Wiggle room... and now a cartoon!!!

He promised to if ACA was passed and now it has been upheld by the supremes.
I figure he will leave right after all the Hollywood leftwingesr who claimed they would leave If Bush was reelected but never did.

so you are saying that Rush's word is only good if the hollywood leftwingers keep theirs?
I'm saying I take his comment on leaving about as serious as I took theirs the fact you seem to be taking it serious at all is a little sad.
Hmmmmm, I don't recall him saying this......another lie.

If he said it, is was his typical sarcasm mocking liberals that said it for real under Bush.

Rush is actually better off with this bullshit today because he gets more people listening ($$$$) and he knows Romney winning is a given now.

Got that asswipe?

Hey I'm glad I saw your avi, just now. It reminded me that Charlie Sheens' new sitcom is airing tonight. Hope I'm not too late. Still like the guy.....:badgrin:
As usual liberals are taking this WAY out of context.

And as usual you libs fell for a Media Matters hoax. Rush was joking and if you knew the context as his listeners did, you would not have fallen for it.

From the Transcripts from his website:

No, I'm Not Moving to Costa Rica

March 09, 2010


RUSH: The Huffington Post, you remember we had a call here from a guy, we're talking about health care and what's going to happen after Obama puts private insurance out of business, how all the fines that businesses and individuals pay are much cheaper than having to go out and buy health insurance itself, and that people will naturally pay the fine. If they don't have to go to jail they'll pay the fine rather than incur costs, especially if the Senate bill says, which it does, that the day you have the auto accident, you get covered. You don't have to have any coverage before that, but the day you're in the crash you go to the hospital the insurance company has to pay for your treatment. Well, that's not insurance, that's private sector welfare and nobody could afford it and they'll go out of business, which is the purpose. So a guy calls up and says, "If all this happens, what are you going to do?"

And I said, "Well, if doctors are not permitted to opt out of the government insurance pool and so forth, Medicare, Medicaid, whatever it is, and if they're not allowed to establish a private practice with private sector patients paying their own way, then I'll go to Costa Rica."

Well, that has been turned into I'm going to leave the country for Costa Rica and move there if Obamacare passes. I've had all kinds of reporters: "Are you serious? Do you really mean this?"

So I've had to patiently explain today to people who do not bother to stay informed on this stuff what the genesis and the primary context of my comment was. I said, "Look, there are insurance companies who don't want to be put out of business." We've talked to them on the program. I've talked to them privately. They are establishing health care clinics with quality doctors in places like Costa Rica. They're going to continue to sell policies to people who have the ability to fly down there and get treatment. If I have to get thrown into this massive government health care insurance business and end up going to the driver's license office every day when I need to go to the doctor, yeah, I'll go to Costa Rica for treatment, not move there. So they're just in a tizzy out there, between Costa Rica and Eric Massa.

So -- (laughing) -- it's going to be a fun day. Heck, it already is a fun day.


RUSH: You know, I am in such hot water now. People in New Zealand are sending me e-mails: "How come you're not coming here? You've been telling everybody you're moving to New Zealand and now you're saying you're going to Costa Rica." I did not say I'm going to Costa Rica. The stupid people in the media who cannot trouble themselves to read my transcripts or listen to this program, listen to out of context stuff. I was asked yesterday where will I go for health care if Obama's health care passes, and I said if doctors here are not permitted to form private practice little clinics with individuals paying a fee, a retainer, and for services, then I'll go to Costa Rica to get major medical health care. I didn't say I would move there. They're all over these websites: "Limbaugh says he'd move to Costa Rica. Why, what more incentive do we have to pass health care to get Limbaugh to move to Costa Rica?" Now, New Zealand is reading about this and they're all bent out of shape that I'm somehow not coming there, all because of the stupid media. They are not competing for me because Costa Rica doesn't think I'm going to move there, which I wouldn't. Gosh.

No, I'm Not Moving to Costa Rica - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I mean HOW DUMB ARE YOU LIBS. To fall for a Media Matters hoax that's OVER TWO YEARS OLD.

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This is the Genesis of the whole thing. It started as a conversation with "Stacy the Insurance Expert" who calls in from time to time:

Stacy, Our EIB Insurance Expert

March 23, 2010


RUSH: Stacy in hiding...
is this our insurance babe? Stacy, welcome back. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Hey, Rush.

RUSH: Do you know you have gotten me into so much fun hot water?

CALLER: I know, I've heard!

RUSH: Do you know how you did that?

CALLER: I did by coming on about Costa Rica.

RUSH: You came on and you told me that your insurance company was setting up medical operations in Costa Rica, you're going to take the doctors and everything down there and you're going to sell insurance policies if this thing all happened to your customers, and included in the premium would be trips to Costa Rica for medical treatment and so forth. So after having heard you say that, another caller asked me, "What are you going to do if it passes?" "I'm going to go get treated in Costa Rica." And so now everybody thinks I said I'm leaving the country for Costa Rica. So I need to ask you, how soon are you going to get those clinics set up so I can go?

CALLER: Well, I'm afraid that even that's not going to save us.

RUSH: Oh, no.

CALLER: I've gotta revise my estimate. We may last two to three years, tops, and let me tell you why. The 85-15 provision that has just been signed into law an hour ago --

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: -- by definition of every state and federal insurance regulator makes us financially unsound.

RUSH: All right, now, I have to take a break here and I want to ask you if you can hold on 'til the top of the next hour where we will get your details on this without any time constraints. Can you hang on?

CALLER: I'll skip a bit of a meeting, sure.

RUSH: You tell 'em it will be worth it.

RUSH: Tell 'em it will be worth it, and if you can't, you tell Snerdley and we'll call you back when you have time, okay?

CALLER: Okay, thank you, dear.

RUSH: You bet.

Stacy, Our EIB Insurance Expert - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Now peeps thats all it boils down to. "Stacy the Insurance Expert" had been calling Rush for a while and mentioned in one of her calls how they were trying to set up some kind of healthcare alternative in Costa Rica.

And when a caller talked about Obamacare the next time, Rush said, "if that happens, I'm going to Costa Rica."

It was a throwaway line, as a reference to the past conversation about healthcare alternatives and it wasn't meant to be serious.

But AS USUAL with THE STUPID LIBERAL MEDIA they caught a breathe of that, it told them what they wanted to hear (Rush was leaving? Really??) and they ran with it.

When are you libs going to learn not to trust the liberal media. They always lie to you, ESPECIALLY MEDIA MATTERS.

How many times have you libs been made fools of by trust ANYTHING Media Matters tells you about Rush.

They always take things out of context.


MM is really dragging the bottom of the barrel if that's all they could come up with against Rush regarding this USSC decision.

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Anyone want to take bets that no liberal will read my past two posts because it's too filled with inconvenient things like FACTS and will continue to run with the Media Matters stupidity?

Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

That's liberals! When life gives you inconvenient facts and you would rather believe your own fantasies, run with the fantasies.

How do you think these morons still believe in global warming?

Rush's listeners know exactly what he meant in responding to the callers question of where he'd go for health care.

Maybe this will help you dimwit lefties. Think of it like Chavez going to Cuba for his healthcare, and then returning home to Venezuela afterwards. Need additional treatment? Fly to Cuba again and then home again.

Just more recycled bullshit from you morons.

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