So Palin Doesn't Believe in Evolution...

Are there idiots in here defending palin again? That dolt really believes the earth is 6000 years old. wow.
Only four out of ten Americans believe in evolution.
....And, the other-six are much-too-ignorant/lazy to consider the Reality of our situation....when fairy-tales are so-much-more comforting.

We're "exceptional", huh??




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Only four out of ten Americans believe in evolution.

I believe this is true....
rather a sad commentary on the level of American intelligence

but this doesn't complete the picture;

the 6 out of 10 Americans who don't believe in evolution ALSO don't know what the 10 commandments are (though they know they SHOULD BE LAWS)
If she is so stupid as to not believe in evolution she should only be a candidate for president of her church bake sale committee.

Well, there it is... the "we're so much smarter than you" argument.

That didn't take long.
You uber-smart leftist genius' do understand that it is the theory of evolution?

Oh, wait, you still buy debunked claims of anthropogenic global warming.

N E V E R M I N D.
Her expressing her religious beliefs is not passing a law that would bind anyone into obedience to her faith which frees anyone to have disagreeing beliefs

That's true. Unfortunately liberals pass laws all the time that bind us to their religious beliefs about government when not only is there no evidence to prove socialism works but all empirical data contradicts it. I do believe in evolution, but Sarah believing that is a lot less of a threat to my liberty then the Left's religious belief that Obamacare will improve healthcare in this country...
Valid point Kaz.. the left is constantly imposing their beliefs on us under the notion that it is for the common good. IF you speak out it inevitably turns into...

What idiot wouldn't support _________________________? You fill in the blank.
Valid point Kaz.. the left is constantly imposing their beliefs on us under the notion that it is for the common good. IF you speak out it inevitably turns into...

What idiot wouldn't support _________________________? You fill in the blank.

I love how our democratic system of government becomes a 'belief imposer' when the rightwing minority isn't getting their way.

Maybe we should invent a new system where the right gets to impose their beliefs on all of us simply by proclamation. Would that make you happy?
Gov. Palin doesn't believe in evolution and, like Bush, is a Christian. I know the left will cry that her beliefs is a threat to liberty and the separation of church and state but look at the first amendment and it starts out with "Congress shall pass no law...". This specifically refers to the actions that the congress can't do and that is pass a law respecting the establishment of a religion or....(you know the rest).

Her expressing her religious beliefs is not passing a law that would bind anyone into obedience to her faith which frees anyone to have disagreeing beliefs. However, the left seems not to realize this and thinks that the personality of the president somehow influences the citizen in such a way that has almost as much power as legal law which is why they decry "separation of church and state" over the idea that a president can have or even express religious beliefs that they themselves may not want to embrace.

Does this not say something about the mentality of our political thinking where the will and personality of the leader becomes as powerful as any law that is passed?

Another mindbending episode of ihopehefails' stream of semi-consciousness.
Valid point Kaz.. the left is constantly imposing their beliefs on us under the notion that it is for the common good. IF you speak out it inevitably turns into...

What idiot wouldn't support _________________________? You fill in the blank.

I love how our democratic system of government becomes a 'belief imposer' when the rightwing minority isn't getting their way.

Maybe we should invent a new system where the right gets to impose their beliefs on all of us simply by proclamation. Would that make you happy?

What would make me happy would be if Democrats would spend their own money instead of mine and care when their programs don't work.
So Palin Doesn't Believe in Evolution...

Neither does Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee and I suspect most of the Republican leadership. But they believe Obama was probably born in Kenya.
Valid point Kaz.. the left is constantly imposing their beliefs on us under the notion that it is for the common good. IF you speak out it inevitably turns into...

What idiot wouldn't support _________________________? You fill in the blank.

I love how our democratic system of government becomes a 'belief imposer' when the rightwing minority isn't getting their way.

Maybe we should invent a new system where the right gets to impose their beliefs on all of us simply by proclamation. Would that make you happy?

What would make me happy would be if Democrats would spend their own money instead of mine and care when their programs don't work.

Most of the money made in the US is by Democrats. Oops.
Science is not facts because a fact is an unalterable piece of information such as a rock has weight. That is unalterable no matter what new information is presented.

Oh, bad news for ya. I have new information that can change that fact. Incorporate this piece of data: The rock is in outer space, somewhere in the Kupier Belt.

The facts have changed now. The rock has no weight.
I personally don't beleive we came from Apes and neither does she.

Maybe, you are still one of the Apes that have not yet evolved.:lol::lol:

I hate to break it to you, we ARE apes. But kudos for not saying "monkeys."
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I personally don't beleive we came from Apes and neither does she.

Maybe, you are still one of the Apes that have not yet evolved.:lol::lol:

I hate to break it to you, we ARE apes. But kudos for not saying "monkeys."

Way to utterly fail taxonomy, Mensa Boy.

1) We're not apes. We're humans. Completely different groups.

2) Did you know that the first definition in the dictionary under "ape" says "Monkey"?

Tsk, tsk. Stepped on your johnson again.
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I personally don't beleive we came from Apes and neither does she.

Maybe, you are still one of the Apes that have not yet evolved.:lol::lol:

I hate to break it to you, we ARE apes. But kudos for not saying "monkeys."

Way to utterly fail taxonomy, Mensa Boy.

1) We're not apes. We're humans. Completely different groups.

2) Did you know that the first definition in the dictionary under "ape" says "Monkey"?

Tsk, tsk. Stepped on your johnson again.

What dictionary are you using? It needs to be tossed. Monkeys and apes are two different groups. Apes-tailless; monkeys-tailed!

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