So, Obama supporters do you actually think he is doing a good job

I mean we are about to go into a double recession if not worse a depression, gas prices are high, food prices are high the housing is no better. At some point you got to quit blaming Bush. The left still has not done a budget for next year but just want to bash Ryan for his. Even when they had control of Congress and the Senate and White house they still could not pass a budget. Obama says he is not at war with Libya but the latest we have heard they have boots on the ground and we are paying for most of this operation. He said he wanted to be transparent but had back room deals for his healthcare bill and in Pelosi district over 20 percent of the waivers were to her district. This is the same woman who said we would love this law once we read it but its not good enough for the people in San Fran.

We have to get on the same page. USA is broke. Medicare and SSI has to be overhauled. But instead of trying to do something about it they scare the elderly. This president plays more golf and goes on more vacation then any president. Even on memorial day he laid a wreath on the unknown soldier and then and went to play golf. Why not spend the day with Gold star family members who lost their military member in combat or go to Walter Reed and spend the day with the injured.
Do I think he needs some down time, Of course but he has taken it to the extreme!!!

Our only true ally in the middle east is Israel and Obama has disc the president of Israel twice but puts out the red carpet for communist China. Instead of raising the debt ceiling why dont we stop having China making everything for us and bring the jobs back to the USA. Why not drill in the gulf because China is about to drill right outside of Cuba so if there is an accident it will affect us anyway.. We need to quit relying on other countries and provide for ourselves.

He needs to stay out of State laws period. Quit putting his two cents into everyone business but he doesnt even do his own job!!

He says there is nothing wrong with our borders but a second rancher was killed on this side by the drug cartel in Mexico. It came out that our ATF is letting the guns go to Mexico
Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico - CBS News . Bring our troops home from Afghanistan and but them at our borders because you know that more then illegal mexicans that are coming across from each border ie Canada.. I could go on but Im tired :redface:

Do you think that things are better in the rest of the world? How on earth do you blame Obama for high gasoline prices, you lost your credibility right there?

One might begin by looking at his policies on drilling and his opposition to the use of fossil fuels in the USA.

The bad economy may not be his problem, but the failure to recover out of it is. The average recession since the Great Depression has been 10 months. The longest one prior to this was 16 months. We are in the 41st month of this one.

If a guy is failing and doing what he believes is right, there's no shame in that. The problem is when that guy is steering the boat into an ice berg or crashing the airplane full of passengers or not sending the firefighters to the house that burning.

He's our leader and is supposed to be able to do something to help. He has no clue. It's time to change partners.

Once again, all I see are the same old criticisms. He has no clue. He failed. He's not steering the boat in the right direction. Okay, when are you guys going to actually come up with alternatives that would work better considering the immediacy of the economic problems we face? Immediacy being the operative word--no "reduce regulations," or "lower taxes," or "cut programs," all of which take time to get approved by Congress, and all of which have some merit but down the road. The stimulus was put through because there wasn't TIME for Congress to play its usual games of dotting every 'i' and crossing every 't' for each and every clause in each and every thing Republicans would like.
I don't think he is doing a good job.

But I also don't think anyone out there would do any better.

These are some of the toughest times i have ever lived in, and i am no spring chicken!

boomers retiring with higher medicare costs coming each year, higher government spending on child heathcare, and medicaid etc, the near banking collapse, the housing collapse, the higher unemployment and gvt spending on unemployment, fannie and freddie collapse, etc etc etc etc.... and beginning with a running deficit of $1.4 trillion before he turned in his own first budget...with $6 trillion added to the national debt in the previous 8 years....

I just don't see how Mc Cain would have been any better???

I did not vote for Obama....i was a Hillary fan, and was pissed about several things that happened in the primary....i just couldn't vote for him!

But he is our president now and i support him as my President....I wish him and our country well! So far it ain't going as well as i wish, but i don't think it would be, even if hillary or mccain were in his shoes either!

I'm thinking if McCain were in office business would not be attacked the way they are, or the banks, and the EPA would not be setting up a 50% increase in your energy bill. think it's bad now? give obie doodle four more years.. You won't recognize the place. And I forgort to mention that massive unconstitutional thing call health care that he rammed down everyone's throats, well, everyone except his buddies that is.

Who can magically fix the economy? No one - Full version - Oct. 15, 2010
From listening to what passes for public debate in our country, you'd never know that. You'd think that the federal government could revive the economy quickly if only Congress would let it be more aggressive with stimulus spending. Or that the Fed could fix it if only it weren't overly worried about touching off inflation. Or that the free market could fix it if only we made deep and permanent tax cuts. Watch enough cable TV, listen to enough talk radio, read enough blogs and columns, and you'd think that they -- the bad guys -- are forcing the country to suffer needlessly when a simple and painless solution to our problems is at hand.

But if you look at things rationally rather than politically, you'll see that Washington has far less power over the economy, and far less maneuvering room, than many people think. "It's endemic in our type of society that we always think there's a person who holds the magic wand," says Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), a fiscal conservative who isn't running for reelection, so he can, well, be blunt. "But this society and this economy are far too complex to be susceptible to magic wands."
Obama is doing a good job.

He saved GM and Chrysler.

Obama and Bush and the Congress saved the country from a second Great Depression.

He got Bin Laden.

He reformed healthcare, not perfect, but a step in the right direction.

He reformed Wall Street.

He is keeping the Republicans from getting rid of Medicare and privatizing Social Security.

He restored America's image abroad.

His speech in Cairo had a particularly powerful effect.

He appointed a Supreme Court justice who will vote against the Opus Dei Republicans.

That's the short list. The longer list is contained at this link....

Obama's Accomplishments - BlueOregon

And he managed to do ALL that despite the most obstructionism ever experienced by a President. Yeah, he's doing a good job...and not getting anywhere near enough credit for the good he has done for our country.

You're kidding, right? He had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and an overwhelming majority in the House. Despite these majorities, his programs were so unpopular that he needed to use political gadgets to get his programs passed.

The only obstruction was coming from the American people who were aghast at what he was doing to us. You are giving him credit for working to overcome the will of the people.

When leaders do this, revolutions occur.

With a little luck, we'll have one in 2012.

And people continue to spout that the stimulus and health care reform were not supported by a majority. At worst, polling from many months showed the American people split, with most favoring some kind of health care reform by a 2-1 margin. As the stimulus, much of that money went to states on the brink of bankruptcy who, by their own Constitutions, they are required to balance their budgets.
GM is profitable again.

Where have you been?

What the heck has Obama done so far?

There is nothing you can do to get white wingers to see the truth. They hate Obama. Calling him names (Kenyan Mau Mau and worse) proves that!

Worse, after 8 years of the worst president in the history of the US, they want to throw their failures on Obama yet take credit for Obama's successes (it was because of Bush Obama got Bin Laden). I've even heard Right wingers refer to Iraq as "Obama's war". Now that floored me.

41 months of recession. Support that.

As predicted.
What was the name of the guy who won the election for the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy's passing? Didn't he run saying he'd be the 41st vote? It only takes 60 votes to pass something, anything, in the Senate. 60 votes is a filibuster proof majority.

Sadly, the Democrats did vote in lock step on many measures and the country is injured because of it.

The tax cuts were for all segments of society that paid taxes. Some had 100% of their burden relieved. These were not the rich.

Our education system has successfully transferred the standing of American students compared to those around the world from 1st to 20th. How do you gut something that has already been gutted? The system has been designed, expanded, guided and directed by the Liberal end of our political spectrum. They have spent more, delivered less and we now see a system that is heavily favoring the rich over the poor and letting all of our students regardless of class standing slip behind their international counterparts.

Unions need no help in destroying themselves. They have been diligent in that task throughout my lifetime and are now closing in on the final touches of their own suicide.

You seem to think that those who actually are doing something are not doing it. Our education system in failing us, not the other way around. Unions are making themselves obsolete due to their drive to make labor unproductive. Domcrats are so robot like that they are unwilling to use reason to address issues like abortion or voting rights.

You are out of touch with the actual reality of the world.

Didn't Scott Brown vote with the Democrats a couple of times? Ironically, he turned out not to be a just-say-no Republican lemming.
I don't think he is doing a good job.

But I also don't think anyone out there would do any better.

These are some of the toughest times i have ever lived in, and i am no spring chicken!

boomers retiring with higher medicare costs coming each year, higher government spending on child heathcare, and medicaid etc, the near banking collapse, the housing collapse, the higher unemployment and gvt spending on unemployment, fannie and freddie collapse, etc etc etc etc.... and beginning with a running deficit of $1.4 trillion before he turned in his own first budget...with $6 trillion added to the national debt in the previous 8 years....

I just don't see how Mc Cain would have been any better???

I did not vote for Obama....i was a Hillary fan, and was pissed about several things that happened in the primary....i just couldn't vote for him!

But he is our president now and i support him as my President....I wish him and our country well! So far it ain't going as well as i wish, but i don't think it would be, even if hillary or mccain were in his shoes either!
You cannot wish his policies well because they are a dismal failure.
Hillary Clinton would have been overwhelmed. Mc Cain would have been viewed as weak. He had no domestic policy.
I believe both McCain and Clinton would not have interfered and micromanaged the economy the way Obama has. Obama is anti- private sector. The other two know better.
A Hillary "fan"?.....Is that for real?

He did not raise the capital gains tax; he gave tax break after tax break to small businesses to help them out of their ruts; businesses are able to depreciate equipment in the year purchased; and on and on. Even health care requirements won't kick in until 2014 in order to get the kinks out before businesses have to deal with it. The facts bely your assumption.
Mr. Obama will have to live with his record in 2012. He is no longer the blank canvas upon which liberals can paint their fantasies, hopes, and dreams. He cannot vote "present" any longer. He has a record now. Unfortunately for him, it stinks.

The Republican candidate will have a record too. It will be up to voters to decide which one smells less.
He's done okay. I don't think he's invincible, at all. But he's also not been so bad that Republicans can put up just anyone in '12.

IMO he can be blasted on his admin's sometimes unorganized or disappointing responses (BP spill, pushing health care reform, folding on the Bush extensions, even that Beergate thing is a sticking issue... but the Osama op is a major exception), and on his unitary executive similarites to Bush II--who's still politically toxic.

But if the past Pres elections have shown anything, it's more of a Miss USA popularity contest than a substantive competition on policy differences... and Obama is still a wicked smooth campaigner.
i sometimes wonder by what metric 'conservatives' deem obama a failure.

more than that, i'm curious what they believe the situation would be had someone else been elected.
i sometimes wonder by what metric 'conservatives' deem obama a failure.

more than that, I'm curious what they believe the situation would be had someone else been elected.

Well, we'll never know.

I use these metrics:

60,000,000 unemployed or underemployed
$5 gas
Worthless $
$14,000,000,000,000 debt
3 wars
Continually collapsing housing market
No jobs created
You don't suppose it's possible, do you, to have an opinion about him and not be either an OBAMA HATER or an OBAMA supporter do you?

There's are an infinite number of points between 0 and 1 ya know?

More partisan blather.
i sometimes wonder by what metric 'conservatives' deem obama a failure.

more than that, I'm curious what they believe the situation would be had someone else been elected.

Well, we'll never know.

I use these metrics:

60,000,000 unemployed or underemployed
$5 gas
Worthless $
$14,000,000,000,000 debt
3 wars
Continually collapsing housing market
No jobs created
and again, i have to ask what real differences you believe there would be had anyone else been president?

also, where are you buying your gas?

further, is a collapsing housing market the fault of the president, or is it the fault of the lack of regulation that caused the bubble?

i also don't know about you, but my $ spends just fine. if yours are worthless, please feel free to send them my way.

finally, what do you believe should have been done to create job growth, and what effects do you believe it would have had?
So, Obama supporters do you actually think he is doing a good job

I suppose they do just like the bush supporters did while Bush was president.
A partisan blindered hack is a partisan blindered hack on both sides.
i sometimes wonder by what metric 'conservatives' deem obama a failure.

more than that, I'm curious what they believe the situation would be had someone else been elected.

Well, we'll never know.

I use these metrics:

60,000,000 unemployed or underemployed
$5 gas
Worthless $
$14,000,000,000,000 debt
3 wars
Continually collapsing housing market
No jobs created
and again, i have to ask what real differences you believe there would be had anyone else been president?

also, where are you buying your gas?

further, is a collapsing housing market the fault of the president, or is it the fault of the lack of regulation that caused the bubble?

i also don't know about you, but my $ spends just fine. if yours are worthless, please feel free to send them my way.

finally, what do you believe should have been done to create job growth, and what effects do you believe it would have had?

All this along with asking me to predict what might have been isn't a resounding endorsement of the man's economic policies you know.
So, Obama supporters do you actually think he is doing a good job

I suppose they do just like the bush supporters did while Bush was president.
A partisan blindered hack is a partisan blindered hack on both sides.

For the record, I think Bush did ok on national security and tax policies. But.. then you have the stupid steel tariffs, Medicare part B, spending like drunken sailors... not so much.
All this along with asking me to predict what might have been isn't a resounding endorsement of the man's economic policies you know.

if you're going to blame someone for a problem you should at least have some sort of expectation for how they could have or should have fixed it and what that fix would have meant.

all i'm saying is regardless of who was elected president last time around the economy was going to be fairly shitty during their term.

so what reasonable expectations do or did you actually have for the president to fix the problem?
I just don't see how Mc Cain would have been any better???

well we shall never know now shall we. Personally I think he would have done better. Not because of any Particular Policy specifically. But Because I think the Main Reason Obama is so bad, is not just that these are real hard times. It is because he is completely out of his Depth, and worse unwilling to admit it. In Fact not only unwilling to admit it, but arrogant to the Core. He believes his Policies are working, Despite over Whelming Evidence that they have not, and have in fact because the Debt Strain. Have Made things far worse in the long term out look.

IMO anyways.

These Problems were having with Medicare and SS were predicted by People who opposed them in the first place. Of course they were called heartless assholes, and fear mongers. When they said the system would eventually become unsustainable, and be abused. But they were right. Now were stuck with 2 systems that could destroy us, and are going to fail if we do nothing, Yet are so important to so many people that simply suggesting changing them at all is political Suicide.

Bad situation.

His policies ARE working, although if someone is still unemployed, they can't see it.

News Release: Gross Domestic Product
The increase in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), private inventory investment, exports, and nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by negative contributions from federal government spending and state and local government spending. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased.

One bad week of unemployment figures doesn't tell the overall story.

One bad week? We're at 9.1% unemployed by the official count and about 17% by the actual count.

If you think his policies are working, we must ask what you think his policies are intended to accomplish.

The country divides into two basic groups: Those who remember how the Carter years felt and those who are finding out.

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