So Obama can "evolve" on issues; But Romney "flip flops"??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.
I cant wait for the RNC commercials showing how Bambi has flip-flooped on every issue he brought up since 2008,,what next? will Barry claim he used to eat dogs, but latley has cut back and switching to eating ostrich burgers?
Religion, yo!

Or that dumbfuck is just too incompetent to run for president since he doesn't understand how law conflicts with anti-gay marriage and such. Obama made a good decision despite religious oppression, they need to be educated on the matter.
Watch as the term 'flip flop' now leaves the vocabulary of the mainstream media and their Leftist shills.

Soooooo predictable.

Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

Did you happen to notice the MANY other pro-gay rights issues President Obama has addressed? They have been substantial and numerous.

As opposed to Mittens never having met an opinion he didn't like for a few minutes or so.

Maybe you should actually READ about these issues ... You'll find them in my sig. Or, don't actually READ about them.

I don't think it would mean much to you anyway. You'll just re-tell the same lies. After all, you see lying working for the Romney's.
Watch as the term 'flip flop' now leaves the vocabulary of the mainstream media and their Leftist shills.

Soooooo predictable.


Now that Obama, who the mainstream media openly supports (because they hate to see the black guy fail) has committed the mother of all flip-flops, there will be no more media attacks on Romney doing same.

Just like the dog ride attacks ceased once it was realized Obama is a pet-eater.

I am right, and it is sooooooooooooo predicable.
did you notice how the media played it? it was like he got bin laden all over again:lol: NBC and abc I actually broke into programming to announce it.

( NBC News interrupted its regular programming today to tell viewers that President Obama told ABC News that he is now fully in favor same-sex marriages. Anchor Brian Williams came on to announce the president’s new stance at 12:08 PM PST (see video below). ABC broke into its programming earlier to make the announcement. )

NBC News Breaks Into Programming For ABC's Obama Same-Sex Marriage Scoop -

shep smith over at ,mean old fox said;"the president of the united sates, now in the 21st century'....get a grip for god sakes....

and as to the op, of course obama can say anything, no matter how jaded or what side of a debate he was previously on and the msm just laps it would be embarrassing if they had any shame.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

Did you happen to notice the MANY other pro-gay rights issues President Obama has addressed? They have been substantial and numerous.

As opposed to Mittens never having met an opinion he didn't like for a few minutes or so.

Maybe you should actually READ about these issues ... You'll find them in my sig. Or, don't actually READ about them.

I don't think it would mean much to you anyway. You'll just re-tell the same lies. After all, you see lying working for the Romney's.

2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

I think the major difference is, Obama has been on the right side of every other issue when it comes to fairness and equality for gays, so yeah, they are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Because it is a difficult issue.

Romney's flip flops are usually the result of naked political oppurtunism. It's not that you see soul-searching on a difficult issue, you see, "how is that one poll testing?" Even his own advisors compare his views to an Etch-a-sketch, what else aer we to think.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

actually, all that happened is that he let his words match his actions.

you rightwingnuts really are desperate. it's so funny.
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

actually, all that happened is that he let his words match his actions.

you rightwingnuts really are desperate. it's so funny.

actually, all that happened is that he made his words fit joe biden's actions.
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

That was old testament. Old law. Turn the other cheek. New law. But you knew that?
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

actually, all that happened is that he let his words match his actions.

you rightwingnuts really are desperate. it's so funny.

so now hes noble for dropping the phoney bullshit? you slobbering kool-aid imbibed hacks sure are forgiving......
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

I agree. To most people, what others do with consenting adults just isn't all that important. If no one else is hurt, why should I care what my neighbors are doing?

I'm middle-aged but from what I read and hear, the youngsters are wondering what all the Sturm und Drang is about. Leave people alone, stop trying to control their private and personal lives.

If there is one thing I believe its that we're all just trying to make our way through this world, take care of our families, love one another and maybe even leave a positive mark. You can't do those things if you spend all your time trying to take freedoms away from your fellow American.

The Rs are wrong on this. And, worse, most of them say they are "Christian".

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