So Libs... What's Your Contingency Plan When Trump Wins?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
So when Trump wins the presidency; what ever will you do?
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I'll stick to the thread premise. Something a Mod should be capable of...
Limp wristed coward ban in 3... 2...
What will I do? Probably the same thing I do when a president is elected that I don't care for.

Continue to live my life, bitch about the idiot in the White House, and hope that the nation votes them out next election.

In other words, my world will continue to spin, and I will continue to live as I do right now.

Unless of course, Trump tanks the economy with his tax plan.
Same plan for in case insanity prevails and Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wins:

Kick back, ponder how I can best profit from this. Whatever "this" might be.

George Soros is one hell of a role model!

Both political parties are doing the same thing but I'm honest about it. Hooray for me; screw you and everybody else.
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I'll stick to the thread premise. Something a Mod should be capable of...
Limp wristed coward ban in 3... 2...

False premise.

Aliens invading is more likely.

3 ... 2 ...
A mod with a sock... Now I've truly seen it all...
Sit down junior. Believe me. When I'm talking to you... You'll know it.
I'll stick to the thread premise. Something a Mod should be capable of...
Limp wristed coward ban in 3... 2...

False premise.

Aliens invading is more likely.

3 ... 2 ...
A mod with a sock... Now I've truly seen it all...
Sit down junior. Believe me. When I'm talking to you... You'll know it.


An Internet tough guy. My favorite.

I'm not gonna ban you, clown - but your whiny bitchness is noted.

Since you seem to be out of your intellect element here, I'll try to explain my point with the smallest words I can:

The odds of Trump winning the election are smaller than the odds I'll win the lottery today, and I haven't even bought a ticket. "Planning" for a Trump victory is as mindlessly dumb as planning for an alien invasion, or the zombie apocalypse.
Speaking of small intellect supermod... If you want to discuss odds go to Vegas, or start a thread. Otherwise engage the topic at hand...
I have to admit I've never seen trolling from a mod before...
Vastator goes hunting. You are more likely to bag something than Trump winning anything.

Speaking of small intellect supermod... If you want to discuss odds go to Vegas, or start a thread. Otherwise engage the topic at hand...

What "topic at hand", clown?

Your pitiful attempt at trolling? Why would I bother to address that?
I don't know... You tell us why did you?

You're going to have to make up your mind, clown. Are you whining that I'm not addressing your post, or complaining that I did?

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