So Israel Steals Water,


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012

So Israel Steals Water, what's new? They are determined to keep the relatively un-armed Palestinians hostage as a buffer against her enemies...basically a human shield...

Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli newspapers bristled Thursday after the European Parliament president criticised the Gaza Strip blockade and suggested that Israelis received four times more water than Palestinians.

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The spat erupted Wednesday after the far-right Jewish Home party stormed out of parliament in protest during a speech by Martin Schulz, and it made the front pages of Israel's main newspapers.

Most commentators were furious about figures mentioned by Schulz over water usage.

"How can it be that an Israeli is allowed to use 70 litres (18.5 gallons)of water per day, but a Palestinian only 17," Schulz asked.

But he also admitted he had not had time to verify the numbers.

Shortly afterwards, Schulz criticised settlements as an obstacle to peace and warned that the Gaza blockade could "undermine, rather than strengthen, Israel's security."

So Israel Steals Water, what's new? They are determined to keep the relatively un-armed Palestinians hostage as a buffer against her enemies...basically a human shield...

Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli newspapers bristled Thursday after the European Parliament president criticised the Gaza Strip blockade and suggested that Israelis received four times more water than Palestinians.

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Israeli lawmakers storm out on European official Associated Press
Criticism of Israel by German politician angers Israeli minister Reuters
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Israel, Abbas spar over Palestinian security steps in West Bank Reuters

The spat erupted Wednesday after the far-right Jewish Home party stormed out of parliament in protest during a speech by Martin Schulz, and it made the front pages of Israel's main newspapers.

Most commentators were furious about figures mentioned by Schulz over water usage.

"How can it be that an Israeli is allowed to use 70 litres (18.5 gallons)of water per day, but a Palestinian only 17," Schulz asked.

But he also admitted he had not had time to verify the numbers.

Shortly afterwards, Schulz criticised settlements as an obstacle to peace and warned that the Gaza blockade could "undermine, rather than strengthen, Israel's security."

So palestinians steal water....
So do the Israelis received four times more water than Palestinians?

Water concerns | JPost | Israel News

Did European Parliament President Martin Schulz err horribly when he claimed during a speech in the Knesset this week that Palestinians living in the West Bank are allotted one-fourth of the amount of water that Israelis are allotted? Judging from the reactions of many of our lawmakers, including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, he undoubtedly did.

But while Schulz might have quoted the wrong figures, he came very close to being right about the ratios, according to an assessment provided by Friends of the Earth Middle East, an Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian organization that has been dealing with regional water and environment issues for two decades.

The issue is complex...

Complete article here: Water concerns | JPost | Israel News
Water concerns | JPost | Israel NewsBut while Schulz might have quoted the wrong figures, he came very close to being right about the ratios, according to an assessment provided by Friends of the Earth Middle East, an Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian organization that has been dealing with regional water and environment issues for two decades.
Palistanians should quit thieving donor money and get a life and a job, of course.

So Israel Steals Water, what's new? They are determined to keep the relatively un-armed Palestinians hostage as a buffer against her enemies...basically a human shield...

Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli newspapers bristled Thursday after the European Parliament president criticised the Gaza Strip blockade and suggested that Israelis received four times more water than Palestinians.

Related Stories

Israeli lawmakers storm out on European official Associated Press
Criticism of Israel by German politician angers Israeli minister Reuters
Israelis protest Kerry, demand more settlements Associated Press
Abbas proposes three-year Israeli pullout from West Bank Reuters
Israel, Abbas spar over Palestinian security steps in West Bank Reuters

The spat erupted Wednesday after the far-right Jewish Home party stormed out of parliament in protest during a speech by Martin Schulz, and it made the front pages of Israel's main newspapers.

Most commentators were furious about figures mentioned by Schulz over water usage.

"How can it be that an Israeli is allowed to use 70 litres (18.5 gallons)of water per day, but a Palestinian only 17," Schulz asked.

But he also admitted he had not had time to verify the numbers.

Shortly afterwards, Schulz criticised settlements as an obstacle to peace and warned that the Gaza blockade could "undermine, rather than strengthen, Israel's security."

So palestinians steal water....

Read Hydrology of the Jordan Basin or the Johnson Study or the Loudermilk Study.

The Jordan River has been depleted and will probably take 50 years to recover. The water table has fallen dramatically so much so that the Coastal aquifer it backfilling with salt water. The aquifer in the hill country is polluted in parts per thousand with heavy metals and ecoli. The Dead Sea has fallen by 1000 meters and is pulling water from the whole country. Most of the settlements have no sewage treatment so that raw sewage is just pumped downhill onto the Palestinians where it seeped into the aquifers.
The Facts About the Palestinian Arab Water Supply

Published: Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:15 AM

European Parliament head, Martin Schulz, admitted that he hadn't checked the facts before he castigated Israel - from the Knesset podium - for denying Palestinian Arabs water. Here they are.

The State of Israel Water Authority (IWA) released a PowerPoint report entitled “The Water Issue Between Israel and the Palestinians.” (the “IWA Report”) in 2012..

The IWA Report debunks the BDS (boycott-divest-sanction) myth that “Israel is stealing West Bank water from the Palestinians,”

In fact, the IWA Report provides documentary and graphic evidence that the Palestinians have ““stolen”” water from Israel in direct, and constant “breach” of the Oslo Accords.

The IWA Report is full of clear and colorful graphics which illustrate many of the "West Bank" Water issues. For example, the graphic below shows how the Tel Aviv Yarkon-Taninim coastal aquifer is recharged by rainfall in the "\West Bank" (Judea and Samaria).


Water in Israel (IWA)
The IWA Report’s main conclusions are:

Israel supplies to the Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria 46 million cubic meters (MCM) a year more water than Israel is obligated to under the Oslo Accords.

Israel supplies to the Palestinian Arabs, as a whole, 52 MCM a year more water than Israel is obligated to under the Oslo accords.

In direct breach of the Oslo accords, the Palestinian Arabs have drilled over 300 unauthorized wells in the "West Bank". (This “off the books” extra water, drawn by the Palestinian Authority, is in addition to the extra 52 MCM of water Israel has allocated to the Palestinian Arabs above the required Oslo Accords allotment.)

The Palestinian Arabs do not treat their sewage water which is contaminating the Western Samarian aquifer that topographically runs westward down the western half of the Samarian "West Bank" Mountains to the Tel Aviv coastal plain aquifers. (See this reporter’s graphic compilation.)

In direct breach of the Oslo accords, the Palestinian Authority is not developing any new sources of water, either through sewage treatment or desalination.

Recently the BESA Institute released a report by the internationally renowned, Hebrew University water-expert Dr. Haim Gvirtzman entitled “The Israeli-Palestinian Water conflict: An Israeli Perspective” which asserted that “despite there being a $500 million international Donor fund available” for the building of sewage treatment plants, “The Palestinians refuse to build sewage treatment plants.”

The Gvirtzman BESA Report is an excellent and thorough explanatory paper that fills in the IWA Report, and clearly elaborates many of the underlying "West Bank" water issues.

The two reports are a “must read” for anyone trying to counter the BDS “water” blood-libel against Israel.

The Facts About the Palestinian Arab Water Supply - Op-Eds - Israel National News
The above report is a lie.. Why do you think that water commissioners generally don't last six months?
The Gap in Water Consumption between Palestinians and Israelis

Published: 1 Jan 2014

The discrimination in utilization of the resources shared by Israel and the Palestinian Authority is clearly reflected in the figures on water consumption by each population.

Daily per capita water consumption in the West Bank for domestic, urban, and industrial use is some 73 liters. In areas in the northern West Bank, consumption is much lower. In 2008, per capita daily consumption was 44 liters in the Jenin area and 37 liters in the Tubas area.

There is a huge disparity between Israeli and Palestinian consumption. Per capita water consumption in Israeli towns is 242 liters and in local councils, 211 liters. In other words, per capita use in Israel is three and a half times higher than in the West Bank.

The World Health Organization and the United States Agency for International Development recommend 100 liters of water per capita per day as the minimum quantity for basic consumption.

This amount includes, in addition to domestic use, consumption in hospitals, schools, businesses, and other public institutions. Palestinian daily consumption is one-third less than the recommended

The Gap in Water Consumption between Palestinians and Israelis | B'Tselem
Since when do Occupied people require permission from the Occupier to drill water wells?

Such a Colonialist attitude.

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