THIS where we're really headed?

Will there, sooner or later, be another U.S. Civil War?

  • Total voters
I have a bad feeling about what happens when Progressives finally realize that all their hate and 24/7 negative attention on Palin will not be able to stop her from winning in 2012.

You're right, it won't help stop her from winning. What will help stop her from winning is the sensible Republicans and moderates that carried the Republicans in the mid-term elections who won't vote for the daft bitch. She won't even win the primary.


The national TEA Party sentiment, and a general, true conservative awakening is what swept us back into power.

Damn you're stupid!

You, OTOH, I'm pretty sure are that retarded.
Really started in '09, has only gotten worse since. What if armed mini insurrections like this become a norm? Pandemic?

I know we're a nation founded on violent, bloody revolution, but that's supposed to be the LAST LAST resort......and if this current administration doesn't change it's dirty, underhanded, authoritarian ways to ramming its agenda'll only worsen this trend and encourage further attacks on its party.......

Tucson rampage casts light on toxic political tone

WASHINGTON – Politicians of all stripes are bound to be haunted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' warning, 10 months before she was shot, to cool the rhetoric.

It's been a year or more of raw politics, with anger spilling over on both sides and gun-related metaphors coming loosely from the lips of some candidates and activists. Giffords, a figurative target of the right, on Saturday became the actual target of a gunman who shot her through the head and killed at least five others. She was critically wounded.

The gunman's motive is not known.

But in Pima County, Ariz., Sheriff Clarence Dupnik suggested "all this vitriol" in recent political discourse might be connected to Saturday's shootings. "This may be free speech," he told reporters, "but it's not without consequences."

Whatever the motive, the toxic tone of the national debate is certain to draw greater scrutiny.

Tucson rampage casts light on toxic political tone - Yahoo! News

As was demonstrated in 1861-1865; the Federal Army will ruthlessly destroy any treasonous movements/groups.

But what if the military is where a new revolution is hatched and spawned? Coups tend to come from certain, really pissed off, faction of the military.
Its happened before..

We freed blacks from slavery...we had a civil war
We granted civil rights to blacks....we had bombings and murders

Now we have a black president

Here is my race card....welcome to America

I don't know what's worse, your logic in thinking that if it was going to happen it would have already taken place two years ago or your disappointment that it hasn't happened.
Its happened before..

We freed blacks from slavery...we had a civil war

We granted civil rights to blacks....we had bombings and murders

Now we have a black president

Here is my race card....welcome to America

Not to nitpick but the north freed the slaves DURING the civil war-not before. and they didn't free them for all of the states either. The civil war wasn't solely based upon slavery.
Its happened before..

We freed blacks from slavery...we had a civil war
We granted civil rights to blacks....we had bombings and murders

Now we have a black president

Here is my race card....welcome to America

I don't know what's worse, your logic in thinking that if it was going to happen it would have already taken place two years ago or your disappointment that it hasn't happened.

Look at your history

When have people screamed about states rights when it did not involve blacks??

Can you name an issue in this country when there has been serious discussion of states rights where race was not involved?
BTW, what happened in Tuscon yesterday was not an insurrection as the OP so sensationally framed it.

I said MINI insurrection, for lack of a better term.

Still running away I see. How typical of the cowardly and dishonest right. This loser told me he would "utterly destroy" me and then he turns tail and runs after i call him out for his BS. LOL

You're still here? LOL makes sense you'd stay here alllll night. Unlike your melted down self, I went to bed.:lol:

You aint get enough humiliation last night? I woulda thought after I blew you outta the water with your own logic you'd get the idea.

LOL you still got nothin, know your betters loser, I'm one.
Its happened before..

We freed blacks from slavery...we had a civil war
We granted civil rights to blacks....we had bombings and murders

Now we have a black president

Here is my race card....welcome to America

I don't know what's worse, your logic in thinking that if it was going to happen it would have already taken place two years ago or your disappointment that it hasn't happened.

Look at your history

When have people screamed about states rights when it did not involve blacks??

Can you name an issue in this country when there has been serious discussion of states rights where race was not involved?

-Gay marriage
-Legality of the death penalty
-Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes
-Paying out disproportionate amount of funds from taxes to different states (aka- donor states)

Just off the top of my head right away. Next.
I said MINI insurrection, for lack of a better term.

Still running away I see. How typical of the cowardly and dishonest right. This loser told me he would "utterly destroy" me and then he turns tail and runs after i call him out for his BS. LOL

You're still here? LOL makes sense you'd stay here alllll night. Unlike your melted down self, I went to bed.:lol:

You aint get enough humiliation last night? I woulda thought after I blew you outta the water with your own logic you'd get the idea.

LOL you still got nothin, know your betters loser, I'm one. have been the boards bitch since you signed on

You have not gotten the better of have gone to the back of the line where you belong
I don't know what's worse, your logic in thinking that if it was going to happen it would have already taken place two years ago or your disappointment that it hasn't happened.

Look at your history

When have people screamed about states rights when it did not involve blacks??

Can you name an issue in this country when there has been serious discussion of states rights where race was not involved?

-Gay marriage
-Legality of the death penalty
-Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes
-Paying out disproportionate amount of funds from taxes to different states (aka- donor states)

Just off the top of my head right away. Next.

Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?
Look at your history

When have people screamed about states rights when it did not involve blacks??

Can you name an issue in this country when there has been serious discussion of states rights where race was not involved?

-Gay marriage
-Legality of the death penalty
-Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes
-Paying out disproportionate amount of funds from taxes to different states (aka- donor states)

Just off the top of my head right away. Next.

Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.
-Gay marriage
-Legality of the death penalty
-Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes
-Paying out disproportionate amount of funds from taxes to different states (aka- donor states)

Just off the top of my head right away. Next.

Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.

Neg rep em, iggy em, and move on. I gave that flaming wacko close to 10 chances to prove he wasn't retarded, after he melted down yesterday and started trolling my "GOP makes good on ANOTHER promise" thread, I had little other choice.:cuckoo:
-Gay marriage
-Legality of the death penalty
-Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes
-Paying out disproportionate amount of funds from taxes to different states (aka- donor states)

Just off the top of my head right away. Next.

Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.

Certain issues are handled at the state level. Gay marriage, marijuana, death pennalty are among them. Always have been

I don't see anyone threatening to leave the union over them. Last time I saw serious threats of secession were during the civil rights era......until Obama got elected
Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.

Neg rep em, iggy em, and move on. I gave that flaming wacko close to 10 chances to prove he wasn't retarded, after he melted down yesterday and started trolling my "GOP makes good on ANOTHER promise" thread, I had little other choice.:cuckoo:


I made you my little bitch the first time you showed up on this board. Nothing has changed
I said MINI insurrection, for lack of a better term.

Still running away I see. How typical of the cowardly and dishonest right. This loser told me he would "utterly destroy" me and then he turns tail and runs after i call him out for his BS. LOL

You're still here? LOL makes sense you'd stay here alllll night. Unlike your melted down self, I went to bed.:lol:

You aint get enough humiliation last night? I woulda thought after I blew you outta the water with your own logic you'd get the idea.

LOL you still got nothin, know your betters loser, I'm one.

Hey moron I wasn't here all night but youi sure left in a hurry after claiming that you would utterly destroy me. LOL

FACT is that I countered your BS spin across three threads that you started and then you cut and ran from the debate in all three. LOL

BTW I am still waiting on you to show me what truth I am avoiding. This is the thried time I have asked and my guess is that it will be the thired time that you run away and try to declare victory as you retreat. LOL
Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.

Certain issues are handled at the state level. Gay marriage, marijuana, death pennalty are among them. Always have been

I don't see anyone threatening to leave the union over them. Last time I saw serious threats of secession were during the civil rights era......until Obama got elected

You avoided my question: so the only way an issue over states rights is if they threaten to succeed? But you also state that the last time before now states have threatened to leave is the civil war (which btw I'd like to see your evidence over serious talk of states leaving the nation due to Obama).

Therefore according to your own words state rights haven't been an issue since the civil war. For somebody who was preaching people should learn more about history (I have a masters in History btw), you sure seem to have never heard about the Little Rock Nine huh?

Learn about history-then come back.

And btw Marijuana usage/possession is illegal on the FEDERAL level. By law this overrides any laws that individual states have on marijuana usage. Therefore it is possible for somebody to be arrested for marijuana use even when they're following state law. It has happened before for the record in case you're wondering. Even if you forget about that-what do you think the "war on drugs" is all about? If Marijuana use was solely up the states-then why does the federal government have the war on drugs?

Regarding gay marriage, I'm sure you've at least heard in passing before that there's a push to make gay marriage legal across the USA as a whole. Those arguing against it, do frequently cite states rights to acknowledge marriage. There is a discussion on it (a serious one too).

Seriously you just pull stuff out of the air it seems.
Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.

Neg rep em, iggy em, and move on. I gave that flaming wacko close to 10 chances to prove he wasn't retarded, after he melted down yesterday and started trolling my "GOP makes good on ANOTHER promise" thread, I had little other choice.:cuckoo:

SO he has me on ignore becuase I owned him and he can;t face that reality. LOL

Fact is that he posted three cut and paste threads and then made BS arguments in all three. I called him out and he turned tail and ran away on all three.

he lost this debate when he tried to claim that obama said "HE WOULD MOVE TO CLOSE GITMO DOWN AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED. IT'S 2 YEARS IN, AND HE HAS FAILED TO DO SO. "

He then lost this argument

when he tried to apply obama's words from the previous post to republican statements in another thread in a lame attempt to defend his false claim that the republicans kept their promise of repealing the healthcare bill by holding a symbolic vote that will go nowhere.

In this thread he tried to avoid the debate by claiming that some unknown and unmentioned truth hurt me but when asked what they alleged truth was he apparently caled me names and then ignored me as he ran away from me. LOL
Last edited:
I have a bad feeling about what happens when Progressives finally realize that all their hate and 24/7 negative attention on Palin will not be able to stop her from winning in 2012.

You're right, it won't help stop her from winning. What will help stop her from winning is the sensible Republicans and moderates that carried the Republicans in the mid-term elections who won't vote for the daft bitch. She won't even win the primary.


The national TEA Party sentiment, and a general, true conservative awakening is what swept us back into power.

Damn you're stupid!

I'm glad you believe that, because it's that mentality which will lead to Palin's shortcoming in the primaries. Considering the true Tea Party candidates did not win their elections, I believe the facts speak for themselves. Moderates don't want right wing morons in office, nor do they want left wing idiots in office. They'll find the most centrist of all the candidates in the playing field, and that person will win the 2012 Presidential election. If the Republican party is stupid enough to run Sarah Palin, Barack Obama will be the most centrist of all the candidates. However, Palin is so fucking far removed from reality that her chances at winning the Republican primaries are nil. Deal with it.
Its happened before..

We freed blacks from slavery...we had a civil war
We granted civil rights to blacks....we had bombings and murders

Now we have a black president

Here is my race card....welcome to America

I don't know what's worse, your logic in thinking that if it was going to happen it would have already taken place two years ago or your disappointment that it hasn't happened.

Look at your history

When have people screamed about states rights when it did not involve blacks??

Can you name an issue in this country when there has been serious discussion of states rights where race was not involved?

The 2000 election.

Role Reversal In Court Fight Over Election / Republicans challenge states' rights in Florida - SFGate

So with that deflection handled, there has not been the civil unrest you have been hoping for. Sucks that reality defeats your bloviation.
Haen't seen a single one of those given serious discussion for states rights..

Who has threatened to secede over those issues?

So in order for a serious discussion of states rights to take has to include the threat of succession? That doesn't make any sense.

And if you haven't heard about the uproar over Arizona's rights to protect their borders, rather than it being the Federal Government's responsibility you haven't been paying enough attention.

Certain issues are handled at the state level. Gay marriage, marijuana, death pennalty are among them. Always have been

I don't see anyone threatening to leave the union over them. Last time I saw serious threats of secession were during the civil rights era......until Obama got elected


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