The Good Democrat

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just a sampling from the link...

Ah.. it's just not working out as proclaimed...


Use Economic Responsibility
It is economically irresponsible to push the nation into debt to support the comforts of the wealthy.

"For 12 years, Republicans hid behind rosy scenarios while quadrupling the national debt. We knew this had to stop. In 1992, we promised to cut the deficit in half over four years. We did. Our 1993 economic plan cut spending by over a quarter trillion dollars in five years. The only deficit left today is interest payments on the debt run up over the 12 Republican years before fiscal responsibility returned to the White House." (DNC Platform)

Use Fair Taxes
Taxes should not be used to increase the gap between the very wealthy and the very poor in the United States. Giving tax breaks to the rich while unloading the weight onto the shoulders of the poor, is wrong.

"Today's Democratic Party believes that working people should not be taxed into poverty. The Republican budget raises taxes on millions of working families." (DNC Platform)

What is means to be a Democrat
The good Democrat had better start listening to the people, not Pelosi or Reid if they plan to be around after 2012.

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