So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

Yes, this is better than porn for you, watching the horrified reactions of women and minorities that Trump stole the election.

Point is, the GOP shouldn't have lost either of these elections... but they did.

Yes, you were cheering when your hero Putin and his sock puppet Trump prevented millions of black voters, or as you call them porch monkeys, from voting, didn't you, Grand Wizard? Or as you said it, you didn't care if Clinton won, you just didn't want the negroes to put here there. You just wanted white people to decide
/----/ Please post a link to verify that Blacks were prevented from voting. With millions to choose from, it should be easy for you to back up your claim. TIA
View attachment 183476

You don't recognize someone doing to Joe what he does to everyone else? Seriously?
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom
Well, you're the one who voted for Trump. You must be a racist then

I think you are losing it... but never mind.

I think you are stupid ... but never mind.

Kaz: I'm not a Trump supporter, didn't vote for him, I oppose his tariffs, he's not free trade, I want out of the middle east not deeper in, he's a pig to women and unlike you leftists who worship the sexual predator Clintons, I care.

Joe: You're a Trump supporter

Joe: You're a Trump supporter

Joe: You're a Trump supporter

Joe: You're a Trump supporter

Kaz: You're a Trump supporter

Joe: WTF? Where did that even come from? You're insane, I didn't vote for Trump. Why would you even think that?


Go worship your orange God, Trump lover.

I don't get this game, Joe, but you're the one who wants to play it. So keep playing it or don't. But don't be a whining clueless baby about it

What is funny, me boy, is that as a con tool, you can not stay on subject. Whatever the issue, you make sure you bring up some issue with a dem, either a Clinton or Obama. Because you can not discuss republican issues on their own merit. Makes you look low on integrity, and without any ability to argue a point.

Whatever, you're the one who voted for your orange God. I suppose Trump seemed like a rational decision at the time. Now you see how stupid you were and you're hiding from it
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

If he would have been considered a standard Republican, why did the Republicans spent $3 million dollars and send Trump, Pence, and Trump jr. to try and beat him?

That only Democrats are saying he was a good Republican candidate pretty much shoots down your crap, doesn't it? And don't make up another lie that is Monday morning quarterbacking, that was the concern from the outset.

And the Democrat ran as a non-Democrat. It's hilarious you think that's proof people want Democrats

How silly. Thinking any dem could win in this district. Lets see, you repubs should be working hard at making excuses. Ah, yes. You are indeed. But the excuses make no difference. Net is, repubs and repub con trolls like yourself, LOST.

That doesn't contradict anything I said.

I said that your claim that a guy who ran AGAINST being a member of the Democrat party proves everyone wants Democrats is how mindlessly inane leftists are
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

If he would have been considered a standard Republican, why did the Republicans spent $3 million dollars and send Trump, Pence, and Trump jr. to try and beat him?

That only Democrats are saying he was a good Republican candidate pretty much shoots down your crap, doesn't it? And don't make up another lie that is Monday morning quarterbacking, that was the concern from the outset.

And the Democrat ran as a non-Democrat. It's hilarious you think that's proof people want Democrats
Yup. And there goes another Republican seat they used to occupy in the House. Say goodby, me boy.

Let's go to the scorecard.

Net flip of Democrat seats to Republicans under Obama - 1,000
Net flip of Republican seats to Democrats under Trump - 40

Democrats, it's a blue wave, the country is turning blue, yeah, yeah, yeah!

You're an idiot. As shown when this is the result of your prediction of a Blamery landslide 16 months ago. Remember how that turned out?

It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

The same way Hillary lost to a guy who never ran for office before.
Wrong. Lamb received more votes than Saccone. Clinton received more votes than did Trump.

The same way Hillary lost to a guy who never ran for office before.
This time it was the Republicans who ran an unlikable, low-energy candidate.

Yes. The elections since Trump won have been no huge boon for Republicans for sure. But they have been no such justification for a "blue wave" either. Both parties have mostly won what they should have won. Alabama was a sick fuck and this district was an unpopular Republican versus a Democrat party disavowing Democrat. Hardly clear signals either. I haven't seen a clear signal yet either way in any election.

That Democrats think a Democrat who ran as a non-Democrat proves that people want a blue wave is as laughable as this though.

You are a con troll. You ALWAYS see blue skies for repubs when a storm is approaching. So, please, do happily wave goodbye to that republican house seat. Maybe a can of red paint and change the color back to red, eh, me boy?

From the Trumpette. Why did you vote for Trump then? Is it because you wanted the racist candidate who only likes white and orange people?
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.
How did they lose? This country hates them for the shit they are doing to average American's.

What shit is he doing to average Americans? I'm an average American, and I think he's doing a fantastic job. I have more bring home pay every other week, my tax preparer told me I'm in for a windfall next tax season thanks to those tax breaks, and our company has never been busier. In fact we expanded operations six months ago.

You are not a average American. You are a partisan. The average American disapproves of Trump and his handling of issues.
See previous post, fucktard. You evil fuckers are going down in November and then you'll be coming up with a bunch of new lies and excuses about why you lost.
Good luck with that fantasy, moron.

The only moron is you, claiming that Lamb was somehow more conservative than that knuckle-dragging retard the Repugs ran with. You're a dishonest piece of shit and boring to debate. Bye now.
You're just a fucking idiot, who has been raised no better than some dumb fucking cow or other unintelligent animals. Your lack of critical thinking skills, and willingness to be a spewer of talking points by those who are marginally better than yourself lead everyone here to believe that if someday, you manage to lift your knuckles off the ground, you may be worthy of the bananas thrown to you.

Explain to me, unsophisticated Repug lump-of-shit goober, how Lamb is "more conservative" than that Repug dipshit he was up against. You can't, because you're stupid and you suck at this shit.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect. Step aside, lightweight.

I told you, Lamb pretended to be a Republican. Here look what happens when dumb shit liberals tell voters who they are...openly atheist Democrat Gayle Jordan lost a special election on Tuesday to fill a vacant seat in the Tennessee Senate. She was obliterated by republican Shane Reeves who won 71% of the vote in a landslide. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He did not pretend to be a Republican. He ran as someone who would represent the interests of his district. That is why he aligns more closely with Republicans on gun control. However he is not pro-life. He ran against tax cuts for the rich. He ran on fixing Obamacare.
Good luck with that fantasy, moron.

The only moron is you, claiming that Lamb was somehow more conservative than that knuckle-dragging retard the Repugs ran with. You're a dishonest piece of shit and boring to debate. Bye now.
You're just a fucking idiot, who has been raised no better than some dumb fucking cow or other unintelligent animals. Your lack of critical thinking skills, and willingness to be a spewer of talking points by those who are marginally better than yourself lead everyone here to believe that if someday, you manage to lift your knuckles off the ground, you may be worthy of the bananas thrown to you.

Explain to me, unsophisticated Repug lump-of-shit goober, how Lamb is "more conservative" than that Repug dipshit he was up against. You can't, because you're stupid and you suck at this shit.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect. Step aside, lightweight.

I told you, Lamb pretended to be a Republican. Here look what happens when dumb shit liberals tell voters who they are...openly atheist Democrat Gayle Jordan lost a special election on Tuesday to fill a vacant seat in the Tennessee Senate. She was obliterated by republican Shane Reeves who won 71% of the vote in a landslide. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He did not pretend to be a Republican. He ran as someone who would represent the interests of his district. That is why he aligns more closely with Republicans on gun control. However he is not pro-life. He ran against tax cuts for the rich. He ran on fixing Obamacare.

Lib please if this Dem gets to congress he will vote in lock step with Pelosi and Schumer FACT!
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

By nominating a poor candidate. Of course dem districts are far more bullet proof than a number of GOP districts, just look at some of democrat morons in Congress.

Wrong again, dumb ass. The Repug gerrymandering in Pennsylvania is as egregious as it gets, which is why the Penn Supreme Court is forcing the state to redraw their districts.

Go blow yourself it was a demrat state court that did the redraw.

They did a fairer job than Republicans did. Democrats are likely to gain seats in Pennsylvania because it is a swing state. The districts are more compact and make more sense.
The only moron is you, claiming that Lamb was somehow more conservative than that knuckle-dragging retard the Repugs ran with. You're a dishonest piece of shit and boring to debate. Bye now.
You're just a fucking idiot, who has been raised no better than some dumb fucking cow or other unintelligent animals. Your lack of critical thinking skills, and willingness to be a spewer of talking points by those who are marginally better than yourself lead everyone here to believe that if someday, you manage to lift your knuckles off the ground, you may be worthy of the bananas thrown to you.

Explain to me, unsophisticated Repug lump-of-shit goober, how Lamb is "more conservative" than that Repug dipshit he was up against. You can't, because you're stupid and you suck at this shit.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect. Step aside, lightweight.

I told you, Lamb pretended to be a Republican. Here look what happens when dumb shit liberals tell voters who they are...openly atheist Democrat Gayle Jordan lost a special election on Tuesday to fill a vacant seat in the Tennessee Senate. She was obliterated by republican Shane Reeves who won 71% of the vote in a landslide. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He did not pretend to be a Republican. He ran as someone who would represent the interests of his district. That is why he aligns more closely with Republicans on gun control. However he is not pro-life. He ran against tax cuts for the rich. He ran on fixing Obamacare.

Lib please if this Dem gets to congress he will vote in lock step with Pelosi and Schumer FACT!

Oh shut up lib. He may vote against Republicans because Republicans are not interested in reaching out to moderates. Only to far right nutjobs like yourself.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.
How did they lose? This country hates them for the shit they are doing to average American's.

What shit is he doing to average Americans? I'm an average American, and I think he's doing a fantastic job. I have more bring home pay every other week, my tax preparer told me I'm in for a windfall next tax season thanks to those tax breaks, and our company has never been busier. In fact we expanded operations six months ago.

You are not a average American. You are a partisan. The average American disapproves of Trump and his handling of issues.
/----/ The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

The same way Hillary lost to a guy who never ran for office before.
Wrong. Lamb received more votes than Saccone. Clinton received more votes than did Trump.

The same way Hillary lost to a guy who never ran for office before.
This time it was the Republicans who ran an unlikable, low-energy candidate.

Yes. The elections since Trump won have been no huge boon for Republicans for sure. But they have been no such justification for a "blue wave" either. Both parties have mostly won what they should have won. Alabama was a sick fuck and this district was an unpopular Republican versus a Democrat party disavowing Democrat. Hardly clear signals either. I haven't seen a clear signal yet either way in any election.

That Democrats think a Democrat who ran as a non-Democrat proves that people want a blue wave is as laughable as this though.

I disagree with that. There is a reason to believe a blue wave is coming. It depends on the district and the candidate. Republicans have major issues in the suburbs. In Virginia, Republicans lost the suburbs by a larger margin than Trump did. In Alabama, Democrats did better than Clinton in the suburbs. Lamb won by winning the suburbs and getting enough of the blue collar. One Congressional Aide in Washington tweeted that Republicans have a problem with any district that has suburban voters.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.
How did they lose? This country hates them for the shit they are doing to average American's.

What shit is he doing to average Americans? I'm an average American, and I think he's doing a fantastic job. I have more bring home pay every other week, my tax preparer told me I'm in for a windfall next tax season thanks to those tax breaks, and our company has never been busier. In fact we expanded operations six months ago.

You are not a average American. You are a partisan. The average American disapproves of Trump and his handling of issues.
/----/ The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

We know that Rasmussen is a fake poll.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.
How did they lose? This country hates them for the shit they are doing to average American's.

What shit is he doing to average Americans? I'm an average American, and I think he's doing a fantastic job. I have more bring home pay every other week, my tax preparer told me I'm in for a windfall next tax season thanks to those tax breaks, and our company has never been busier. In fact we expanded operations six months ago.

You are not a average American. You are a partisan. The average American disapproves of Trump and his handling of issues.
/----/ The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

We know that Rasmussen is a fake poll.
/----/ Only in your bitter, angry, twisted world. Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump's job approval ratings on a daily basis.

Rasmussen Reports is a nonpartisan electronic media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information.

Rasmussen Reports' work is followed by millions on a wide variety of media platforms. We regularly release our results at, America's most visited public opinion website, and through a daily email newsletter, Twitter and Facebook.

Rasmussen also has a strong social media presence with more than 64,000 Facebook friends and more than 258,500 Twitter followers. During 2009, passed Gallup to become the most searched-for source of public opinion information on Google.

Rasmussen Reports generates original public opinion data that is relevant, timely and accurate (review our track record). The company conducts national tracking surveys every night on political, economic and lifestyle issues. Additional polls on state elections and other topics are routinely added to the mix. “If it’s in the news, it’s in our polls” is more than our slogan. It’s how we do business.
Yes, you were cheering when your hero Putin and his sock puppet Trump prevented millions of black voters, or as you call them porch monkeys, from voting, didn't you, Grand Wizard? Or as you said it, you didn't care if Clinton won, you just didn't want the negroes to put here there. You just wanted white people to decide
/----/ Please post a link to verify that Blacks were prevented from voting. With millions to choose from, it should be easy for you to back up your claim. TIA
View attachment 183476

You don't recognize someone doing to Joe what he does to everyone else? Seriously?
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

The same way Hillary lost to a guy who never ran for office before.
Wrong. Lamb received more votes than Saccone. Clinton received more votes than did Trump.

The same way Hillary lost to a guy who never ran for office before.
This time it was the Republicans who ran an unlikable, low-energy candidate.

Yes. The elections since Trump won have been no huge boon for Republicans for sure. But they have been no such justification for a "blue wave" either. Both parties have mostly won what they should have won. Alabama was a sick fuck and this district was an unpopular Republican versus a Democrat party disavowing Democrat. Hardly clear signals either. I haven't seen a clear signal yet either way in any election.

That Democrats think a Democrat who ran as a non-Democrat proves that people want a blue wave is as laughable as this though.

I disagree with that. There is a reason to believe a blue wave is coming. It depends on the district and the candidate. Republicans have major issues in the suburbs. In Virginia, Republicans lost the suburbs by a larger margin than Trump did. In Alabama, Democrats did better than Clinton in the suburbs. Lamb won by winning the suburbs and getting enough of the blue collar. One Congressional Aide in Washington tweeted that Republicans have a problem with any district that has suburban voters.

When you go to Alabama and the election with the guy hitting on high school girls as an argument for a blue wave, you show right there how full of it you are.

Like you were full of it a year ago November. Remember your prediction of a Blamery sweep? How did that turn out?

It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.
How did they lose? This country hates them for the shit they are doing to average American's.

What shit is he doing to average Americans? I'm an average American, and I think he's doing a fantastic job. I have more bring home pay every other week, my tax preparer told me I'm in for a windfall next tax season thanks to those tax breaks, and our company has never been busier. In fact we expanded operations six months ago.

You are not a average American. You are a partisan. The average American disapproves of Trump and his handling of issues.

So because I'm a partisan I"m not an average American worker?
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

If he would have been considered a standard Republican, why did the Republicans spent $3 million dollars and send Trump, Pence, and Trump jr. to try and beat him?

Because he is in the Democrat party. He'll likely vote their way on some issues if he wants their support. However if we are going to lose to somebody, it might as well be him.

Great rationalization, me con troll. Keep using it as the repub seats in congress decrease, one after the other. Soon we will see speaker Ryan following Boehner's lead, and getting out of dodge.

Sure you will. Just like we should get used to saying President Hillary.
/----/ Please post a link to verify that Blacks were prevented from voting. With millions to choose from, it should be easy for you to back up your claim. TIA
View attachment 183476

You don't recognize someone doing to Joe what he does to everyone else? Seriously?
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?
You don't recognize someone doing to Joe what he does to everyone else? Seriously?
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?
/——/ Less than zero percent

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