So can we all please agree


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Once and for all, any American and pretty much any human alive in the US today can obtain FREE CONTRACEPTIVES.

Ok? I'm tired of having to deal with nitwits in every single discussion about reproductive issues who claim women can't obtain birth control unless we 1. Allow abortion 2. Mandate birth control or 3. Force the churches to subsidize birth control (which includes abortion).

On multiple occasions I have had to post information, generally to the same people (chris) (rdean) (various and assorted lesbian buddhists and the like) confirming and providing contact information for free clinics in pretty much every community in the US.

So can we just all accept that birth control is available in the US, including for NOTHING, and move on? You can still argue other points idiotically, but please just let that one particular argument (people can't obtain birth control! OMG! However will they kill their babies????) die a natural death.

I know you are also adverse to natural death...I'll rephrase it...

Will you please euthanize, or abort, the mantra "women can't access birth control!"
Birth control is a smokescreen. This is about expanding government powers. In this case, it is a two-pronged attack.

First, forcing employers to provide a health insurance fringe benefit. Any pretensions about these new government powers driving down costs for everyone are exposed for the lies they are by the permanent institutionalization of this cost amplifier.

Second, forcing religious people to engage in a behavior which is against their morals. Never again can the Left pretend that other people's values are important to them, because they have demonstrated they are as intolerant and immoral as it gets.
Once and for all, any American and pretty much any human alive in the US today can obtain FREE CONTRACEPTIVES.

Ok? I'm tired of having to deal with nitwits in every single discussion about reproductive issues who claim women can't obtain birth control unless we 1. Allow abortion 2. Mandate birth control or 3. Force the churches to subsidize birth control (which includes abortion).

On multiple occasions I have had to post information, generally to the same people (chris) (rdean) (various and assorted lesbian buddhists and the like) confirming and providing contact information for free clinics in pretty much every community in the US.

So can we just all accept that birth control is available in the US, including for NOTHING, and move on? You can still argue other points idiotically, but please just let that one particular argument (people can't obtain birth control! OMG! However will they kill their babies????) die a natural death.

I know you are also adverse to natural death...I'll rephrase it...

Will you please euthanize, or abort, the mantra "women can't access birth control!"


Look at that...... OMG....we agree!
Birth control is a smokescreen. This is about expanding government powers. In this case, it is a two-pronged attack.

First, forcing employers to provide a health insurance fringe benefit. Any pretensions about these new government powers driving down costs for everyone are exposed for the lies they are by the permanent institutionalization of this cost amplifier.

Second, forcing religious people to engage in a behavior which is against their morals. Never again can the Left pretend that other people's values are important to them, because they have demonstrated they are as intolerant and immoral as it gets.

You guys are too much.

No one is being force to go against their morals. If you have a religious conviction against taking birth control you are not required to take it. However looks like secular society is getting tired of religious institutions forcing their morals on non-believers in the form of sub-par healthcare coverage.
Birth control is a smokescreen. This is about expanding government powers. In this case, it is a two-pronged attack.

First, forcing employers to provide a health insurance fringe benefit. Any pretensions about these new government powers driving down costs for everyone are exposed for the lies they are by the permanent institutionalization of this cost amplifier.

Second, forcing religious people to engage in a behavior which is against their morals. Never again can the Left pretend that other people's values are important to them, because they have demonstrated they are as intolerant and immoral as it gets.

You guys are too much.

No one is being force to go against their morals. If you have a religious conviction against taking birth control you are not required to take it. However looks like secular society is getting tired of religious institutions forcing their morals on non-believers in the form of sub-par healthcare coverage.
Whether free or at cost, do as your conscience dictates.
Anyone can walk into any planned parenthood or public health clinic...and walk out with a bag full of condoms.
I'm trying to figure out how the catholic church is "forcing" anything upon anyone, when they are being "forced" to provide a service they do not support?
Once and for all, any American and pretty much any human alive in the US today can obtain FREE CONTRACEPTIVES.

Ok? I'm tired of having to deal with nitwits in every single discussion about reproductive issues who claim women can't obtain birth control unless we 1. Allow abortion 2. Mandate birth control or 3. Force the churches to subsidize birth control (which includes abortion).

On multiple occasions I have had to post information, generally to the same people (chris) (rdean) (various and assorted lesbian buddhists and the like) confirming and providing contact information for free clinics in pretty much every community in the US.

So can we just all accept that birth control is available in the US, including for NOTHING, and move on? You can still argue other points idiotically, but please just let that one particular argument (people can't obtain birth control! OMG! However will they kill their babies????) die a natural death.

I know you are also adverse to natural death...I'll rephrase it...

Will you please euthanize, or abort, the mantra "women can't access birth control!"


Why do millions of Americans pay for birth control then? You need to get the word out

Drug stores need to stop selling condoms....after all, they are free
Birth control is a smokescreen. This is about expanding government powers. In this case, it is a two-pronged attack.

First, forcing employers to provide a health insurance fringe benefit. Any pretensions about these new government powers driving down costs for everyone are exposed for the lies they are by the permanent institutionalization of this cost amplifier.

Second, forcing religious people to engage in a behavior which is against their morals. Never again can the Left pretend that other people's values are important to them, because they have demonstrated they are as intolerant and immoral as it gets.

You guys are too much.

No one is being force to go against their morals.

Forcing a faith-based organization to provide birth control that is against their religion is forcing them to go against their morals. I can't believe this even needs to be explained. I guess it is so the Left can keep making it about birth control and not religious freedom.

Never again can the Left pretend that other people's values are important to them, because they have demonstrated they are as intolerant and immoral as it gets.
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Once and for all, any American and pretty much any human alive in the US today can obtain FREE CONTRACEPTIVES.

Ok? I'm tired of having to deal with nitwits in every single discussion about reproductive issues who claim women can't obtain birth control unless we 1. Allow abortion 2. Mandate birth control or 3. Force the churches to subsidize birth control (which includes abortion).

On multiple occasions I have had to post information, generally to the same people (chris) (rdean) (various and assorted lesbian buddhists and the like) confirming and providing contact information for free clinics in pretty much every community in the US.

So can we just all accept that birth control is available in the US, including for NOTHING, and move on? You can still argue other points idiotically, but please just let that one particular argument (people can't obtain birth control! OMG! However will they kill their babies????) die a natural death.

I know you are also adverse to natural death...I'll rephrase it...

Will you please euthanize, or abort, the mantra "women can't access birth control!"

No! We cannot agree. They are not FREE someone has to pay for them.
Once and for all, any American and pretty much any human alive in the US today can obtain FREE CONTRACEPTIVES.

Ok? I'm tired of having to deal with nitwits in every single discussion about reproductive issues who claim women can't obtain birth control unless we 1. Allow abortion 2. Mandate birth control or 3. Force the churches to subsidize birth control (which includes abortion).

On multiple occasions I have had to post information, generally to the same people (chris) (rdean) (various and assorted lesbian buddhists and the like) confirming and providing contact information for free clinics in pretty much every community in the US.

So can we just all accept that birth control is available in the US, including for NOTHING, and move on? You can still argue other points idiotically, but please just let that one particular argument (people can't obtain birth control! OMG! However will they kill their babies????) die a natural death.

I know you are also adverse to natural death...I'll rephrase it...

Will you please euthanize, or abort, the mantra "women can't access birth control!"

No! We cannot agree. They are not FREE someone has to pay for them.

They should be paid for voluntarily. I should not be forced to pay for them, and neither should you be.
I can't agree to that. I dont think babies could. But then im not sure why they would need it either.
First, forcing employers to provide a health insurance fringe benefit. Any pretensions about these new government powers driving down costs for everyone are exposed for the lies they are by the permanent institutionalization of this cost amplifier.

There are no ‘new government powers,’ Congress has always had the authority to regulate insurance companies and employee compensation.
Second, forcing religious people to engage in a behavior which is against their morals. Never again can the Left pretend that other people's values are important to them, because they have demonstrated they are as intolerant and immoral as it gets.

No religious person is being ‘forced’ to engage in any activity in violation of a religious tenet – no one is being ‘forced’ to use contraceptives or have an abortion. The health insurance provision concerning contraceptive therapies concerns only the employee, not employer. And it’s appropriate to require a consistent application of health insurance policy, given the fact many Catholic-affiliated employers already provide such coverage.

This issue has nothing to do with availability of contraceptives or how much they cost. The issue is the radical right’s effort to chip away at long-acknowledged civil liberties concerning government restriction and the right to privacy, as conservatives disapprove of the activities protected in the context of those rights.

It is about rightist authoritarianism and the conservative propensity to enforce conformity.
Like Rush, a lot of y'all don't seem to understand the difference between condoms and the pill.

Condoms are available for free at Planned Parenthood clinics and even many college campuses. Birth control pills are not.

How many times you have sex is important with condoms because it's one-per-episode. How many times you have sex is unimportant to birth control pills; you take one a day regardless of activity.

Also, birth control pills come with hormones and other drugs. Women can be on birth control for health reasons, such as regulating cycles. I knew one girl who went on birth control when she was 13 for health reasons, not sexual ones.

So condoms are easily obtained in the US. Birth control pills require a prescription and therefore are not easily obtained. Therefore, it's incorrect to say "birth control is available in the US for nothing". Condoms are. The Pill is not.
We all pay for things we don't like through taxation. Some really big ticket items like war for example.

Don't be so ignorant.
As for the Catholic Church component to all this mess, parishes and dioceses are not required to offer birth control; just Catholic-run organizations that hire non-Catholics. This ensures that individuals can make their own decisions instead of an organization making decisions for them.

I cannot understand why conservatives are up in arms about this! It protects the rights of the individual. I thought conservatives were all for individual rights.

Why do millions of Americans pay for birth control then? You need to get the word out

Drug stores need to stop selling condoms....after all, they are free

Is there a call for a mandate to have health insurance plans cover condoms too?
Once and for all, any American and pretty much any human alive in the US today can obtain FREE CONTRACEPTIVES.

Ok? I'm tired of having to deal with nitwits in every single discussion about reproductive issues who claim women can't obtain birth control unless we 1. Allow abortion 2. Mandate birth control or 3. Force the churches to subsidize birth control (which includes abortion).

On multiple occasions I have had to post information, generally to the same people (chris) (rdean) (various and assorted lesbian buddhists and the like) confirming and providing contact information for free clinics in pretty much every community in the US.

So can we just all accept that birth control is available in the US, including for NOTHING, and move on? You can still argue other points idiotically, but please just let that one particular argument (people can't obtain birth control! OMG! However will they kill their babies????) die a natural death.

I know you are also adverse to natural death...I'll rephrase it...

Will you please euthanize, or abort, the mantra "women can't access birth control!"


Why do millions of Americans pay for birth control then? You need to get the word out

Drug stores need to stop selling condoms....after all, they are free

Free family planning, pelvics, birth control:
Planned Parenthood

1001 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036

(202) 464-3280


DOH: Free Condom Locations

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