So called unity


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Dems' notion of unity equals repression - American Thinker

Democrats really do want "unity" — so long as it's achieved through the total elimination of their political and ideological opposition. They are tolerant, in the sense that they allow women to have penises and men to have vaginas. Hell, they'll let you pick any one of a vast panoply of genders. They'll tout gay "marriage" as equally beneficial, covenantal, and holy to heterosexual unions...if not more so. You can be any gender you like (but don't you dare call yourself a victimized person of color if you are melanin-deficient), burn down buildings (as long as they are not theirs), loot and steal...and still be a victim. Diversity is our strength and highest value, right? But disagree with any of this, and you are worse than Hitler. You are anathema that must be erased.

You see, Democrats also believe we all must hold the exact same opinions on spending, taxes, environmental policy, the economy, equality, the Bill of Rights and Constitution, the size and composition of government, history, past leaders, the role of religion, abortion, civil rights, health care, mask-wearing, vaccines, lockdowns, BLM, Antifa, mail-in ballots, election integrity, sustainable energy, climate change, border walls, foreign policy, etc., etc. To channel a former president, they want to make one thing perfectly clear: while we all should have our choice of a limitless number of sexes, of which there are really only two, diversity of the perception and thought that makes us human is bad. That's why conservatives must be silenced, canceled, re-educated, or eliminated.

I ask you one question: what would the founders do if they were alive today and facing this kind of insanity and oppression? Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Ilhan Omar, or AOC telling George Washington, John Adams, or Thomas Jefferson how they — and their supporters — must think and behave? Good Lord! They took on the largest military and most powerful navy the world had ever known to that point...even though they didn't have either themselves! And they did this because they weren't being properly represented. Their voices were being ignored or mocked. Sound familiar?

To today's Democrat party leaders, freedom is scary, truth is the enemy, and repression equals unity.
So much for the little trumpist minds at the American Stinker.
Republicans really do want "unity" — so long as it's achieved through the total elimination of their political and ideological opposition.
Republicans really do want "unity" — so long as it's achieved through the total elimination of their political and ideological opposition.
Well the RINOs allied with your side of the fence do.
Republicans really do want "unity" — so long as it's achieved through the total elimination of their political and ideological opposition.

So they are no different than Democrats. I think we all know that. That’s the problem with the two party system.
Republicans really do want "unity" — so long as it's achieved through the total elimination of their political and ideological opposition.

So they are no different than Democrats. I think we all know that. That’s the problem with the two party system.

Even if the Rs wanted to oppress and delete their opposition...they don't have a compliant media and tech industry to make it happen.

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