So, Bill O'Reilly is toast @ Fox

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perhaps since you've become a lol truth teller you can tell us why O'Reilly's good friend pussy grabbing tax avoiding drump doesn't man up and step down too?

Why should he ?

He won.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Trump grabbed you ?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years

Tripling the DOW ? Are you really that stupid (well, I should know by now).

Obama does not get credit for anything below the previous high. The DOW always recovers. He showed modest gains.

His job creation, by everyone's standards, has been weak at best.

Trump has been in 100 days. The DOW climbed to new records under him already. Suck on it.
New records ?? lol He didn't need much on top of the Obama dow to set those new records BTW you remember what the DOW was a month or so into Obamas start vs what it was on jan 20th,2017 when he stepped down?? Are you really that warped that you can't give Obama credit for being in office while our economy was pulled out of the repub gwb's cess pool?
Why should he ?

He won.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Trump grabbed you ?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years

Tripling the DOW ? Are you really that stupid (well, I should know by now).

Obama does not get credit for anything below the previous high. The DOW always recovers. He showed modest gains.

His job creation, by everyone's standards, has been weak at best.

Trump has been in 100 days. The DOW climbed to new records under him already. Suck on it.
New records ?? lol He didn't need much on top of the Obama dow to set those new records BTW you remember what the DOW was a month or so into Obamas start vs what it was on jan 20th,2017 when he stepped down?? Are you really that warped that you can't give Obama credit for being in office while our economy was pulled out of the repub gwb's cess pool?

You realize the Dow is where it is because the Feds have been pumping massive $$ into the markets, right?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years

Tripling the DOW ? Are you really that stupid (well, I should know by now).

Obama does not get credit for anything below the previous high. The DOW always recovers. He showed modest gains.

His job creation, by everyone's standards, has been weak at best.

Trump has been in 100 days. The DOW climbed to new records under him already. Suck on it.
New records ?? lol He didn't need much on top of the Obama dow to set those new records BTW you remember what the DOW was a month or so into Obamas start vs what it was on jan 20th,2017 when he stepped down?? Are you really that warped that you can't give Obama credit for being in office while our economy was pulled out of the repub gwb's cess pool?

You realize the Dow is where it is because the Feds have been pumping massive $$ into the markets, right?
Part of the reason Maybe even a good part BUT it was needed after the millions were left without jobs during gwb's reign Think corporations good earnings had something to do with it too
Slick Willy is the ultimate misogynist… The motherfucker raped and molested his way to the Whitehouse and back out… lol
Those us the indictments/convictions. After all, you are talking serious crimes here.
The Clintons are above the law… I thought even a dumbass like you know that. Lol
So says much money has been spent on investigating them over the years with nothing...nada....zilch?
They are still free…
An every day American would be rotting in jail for life if they did what slick Willy and his accomplice did... lol
Could you point out the indictments and convictions, please?

Perhaps you can point out indictments and convictions for O'Reilly? Yet, you are fine with him being forced out of his job based on allegations and beliefs.

I don't think I've ever watched more than 10 minutes of his show and find him to be a repulsive toad and don't mind that he's not on the air anymore; but I would love it if everyone was held to the same standard. Since you feel free to give Clinton respect and support in the face of "unproven allegations", you should do the same for O'Reilly.
We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years

Tripling the DOW ? Are you really that stupid (well, I should know by now).

Obama does not get credit for anything below the previous high. The DOW always recovers. He showed modest gains.

His job creation, by everyone's standards, has been weak at best.

Trump has been in 100 days. The DOW climbed to new records under him already. Suck on it.
New records ?? lol He didn't need much on top of the Obama dow to set those new records BTW you remember what the DOW was a month or so into Obamas start vs what it was on jan 20th,2017 when he stepped down?? Are you really that warped that you can't give Obama credit for being in office while our economy was pulled out of the repub gwb's cess pool?

You realize the Dow is where it is because the Feds have been pumping massive $$ into the markets, right?
Part of the reason Maybe even a good part BUT it was needed after the millions were left without jobs during gwb's reign Think corporations good earnings had something to do with it too

I think it is a YUGE part. :)
Those us the indictments/convictions. After all, you are talking serious crimes here.
The Clintons are above the law… I thought even a dumbass like you know that. Lol
So says much money has been spent on investigating them over the years with nothing...nada....zilch?
They are still free…
An every day American would be rotting in jail for life if they did what slick Willy and his accomplice did... lol
Could you point out the indictments and convictions, please?

Perhaps you can point out indictments and convictions for O'Reilly? Yet, you are fine with him being forced out of his job based on allegations and beliefs.

I don't think I've ever watched more than 10 minutes of his show and find him to be a repulsive toad and don't mind that he's not on the air anymore; but I would love it if everyone was held to the same standard. Since you feel free to give Clinton respect and support in the face of "unproven allegations", you should do the same for O'Reilly.
See that's the point, progressives will never tolerate anyone that disagrees with them… Hypocrisy is in their blood. Fact
Those us the indictments/convictions. After all, you are talking serious crimes here.
The Clintons are above the law… I thought even a dumbass like you know that. Lol
So says much money has been spent on investigating them over the years with nothing...nada....zilch?
They are still free…
An every day American would be rotting in jail for life if they did what slick Willy and his accomplice did... lol
Could you point out the indictments and convictions, please?

Perhaps you can point out indictments and convictions for O'Reilly? Yet, you are fine with him being forced out of his job based on allegations and beliefs.

I don't think I've ever watched more than 10 minutes of his show and find him to be a repulsive toad and don't mind that he's not on the air anymore; but I would love it if everyone was held to the same standard. Since you feel free to give Clinton respect and support in the face of "unproven allegations", you should do the same for O'Reilly.
Guess there were no pictures taken when trump was grabbing What other proof would satisfy you?
And may I say the hell with bill That was 16+ years ago Can we concentrate on the slug in office? Get's a little tiring hearing repubs yapping ""he did it too"
Why should he ?

He won.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Trump grabbed you ?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years

Tripling the DOW ? Are you really that stupid (well, I should know by now).

Obama does not get credit for anything below the previous high. The DOW always recovers. He showed modest gains.

His job creation, by everyone's standards, has been weak at best.

Trump has been in 100 days. The DOW climbed to new records under him already. Suck on it.
New records ?? lol He didn't need much on top of the Obama dow to set those new records BTW you remember what the DOW was a month or so into Obamas start vs what it was on jan 20th,2017 when he stepped down?? Are you really that warped that you can't give Obama credit for being in office while our economy was pulled out of the repub gwb's cess pool?

The economy self corrects. Under Obama, it look longer than usual.
The people who voted for Hillary Clinton are NOT ENTITLED TO AN OPINION about Bill O'Reilly. NOT ENTITLED.
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy

Exactly, like Anthony wannaseemy Weiner and Slick Willie never existed. It has nothing to do with political affiliation. It's about men in power thinking they are above the law and that all women get wet when they enter the room.
What happened to Weiner again? Refresh our memories.
Seriously? He got bounced out of an election for congress and then one for Mayor of New York for sexting. Most women in New York have received a picture of Weiner's we
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy

Exactly, like Anthony wannaseemy Weiner and Slick Willie never existed. It has nothing to do with political affiliation. It's about men in power thinking they are above the law and that all women get wet when they enter the room.
What happened to Weiner again? Refresh our memories.

Seriously? Remember the sexting with numerous women including a 15 year old child? Most women in New York under the age of 30 have received a pic of Weiner's weiner on their phone at some point.
Obviously you didn't read the post that I was responding did you? Be honest......
No, I did not.

Trumps fault??
On Wednesday FOX News pulled the plug on Bill O'Reilly's popular prime-time show just two weeks after President Trump defended the longtime TV anchor amid resurfaced sexual harassment allegations. Could the president's defense played a role in ultimately getting O'Reilly canned?

According to MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle it just might have. During a BUILD panel Wednesday discussing Trump's first 100 days in office, Ruhle suggested that the president's public support of O'Reilly may have "put more gasoline on this fire."

"The fact that we saw FOX take action after the president of the United States backed him -- I think that's extraordinary," Ruhle added.

Reactions to Bill O'Reilly's FOX News exit:

Since my epiphany, I stopped listening or watching any "Operation Mockingbird" lame stream media... which is why I am infinitely more informed than most. The fact that a former "Entertainment Tonight" celebrity gossip show was given a platform to "hip the masses" as to what the real scoop is should have been your first clue that he was nothing but a shill and part of the controlled opposition. He was a Jesuit trained sack of shit...good riddance.
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy

Exactly, like Anthony wannaseemy Weiner and Slick Willie never existed. It has nothing to do with political affiliation. It's about men in power thinking they are above the law and that all women get wet when they enter the room.
What happened to Weiner again? Refresh our memories.

Last I heard Weiner took a job as a general manager at Nathan's in New York.
Since my epiphany, I stopped listening or watching any "Operation Mockingbird" lame stream media... which is why I am infinitely more informed than most. The fact that a former "Entertainment Tonight" celebrity gossip show was given a platform to "hip the masses" as to what the real scoop is should have been your first clue that he was nothing but a shill and part of the controlled opposition. He was a Jesuit trained sack of shit...good riddance.
I probably would not be quite so effusive or emphatic as that in my derisive remarks about O'Reilly, but, yes, good riddance to him. I certainly don't feel sorry for him, not only because of how it appears he's mistreated others, but also because he's received more than enough severance pay, along with his prior compensation, to enjoy a materially comfortable life for however long he lives.
He is going to get a big severance package for sexual harassment. That means the people doing the actual work to make the show go will see a drop in their salaries or benefits.....screw corporate america...sleezy it is. The worst kind of sleeze in existence.
Since my epiphany, I stopped listening or watching any "Operation Mockingbird" lame stream media... which is why I am infinitely more informed than most. The fact that a former "Entertainment Tonight" celebrity gossip show was given a platform to "hip the masses" as to what the real scoop is should have been your first clue that he was nothing but a shill and part of the controlled opposition. He was a Jesuit trained sack of shit...good riddance.

So O'Reilly was a Jesuit Plot, Crazy Dale?

Okay, let's get real here. It wasn't all the awful, racist, misogynistic things that BO said over the years, it was that he was going to cost Ruppert money.

So they did the right thing, for the wrong reasons... which isn't an overall good, really.
Since my epiphany, I stopped listening or watching any "Operation Mockingbird" lame stream media... which is why I am infinitely more informed than most. The fact that a former "Entertainment Tonight" celebrity gossip show was given a platform to "hip the masses" as to what the real scoop is should have been your first clue that he was nothing but a shill and part of the controlled opposition. He was a Jesuit trained sack of shit...good riddance.

So O'Reilly was a Jesuit Plot, Crazy Dale?

Okay, let's get real here. It wasn't all the awful, racist, misogynistic things that BO said over the years, it was that he was going to cost Ruppert money.

So they did the right thing, for the wrong reasons... which isn't an overall good, really.

Holy shit, you really are stupid, "Slow Joe". I don't know what O'Reilly has said because I don't watch the Jesuit trained POS. What you consider "racist" or "misogynistic" translates into any negative thing that is said about a leftard most likely...that is how easily butthurt liberal sacks of shit are offended. Take your political correctness and shove it up the asses of the SJWs with scarves around their faces as they riot in order disrupt people demonstrating their first amendment rights, "snowflake".....
Don't worry, you still got me, here at USMB, to tell you what the truth is.
perhaps since you've become a lol truth teller you can tell us why O'Reilly's good friend pussy grabbing tax avoiding drump doesn't man up and step down too?

So, Edds........while I am less than enthused about Trump (especially since the bombing of the Syrian airport) since the false flag "chemical attack"? Why are you so concerned about something Trump said back in 2005 when he was engaging in "guy talk" but you totally gloss over what Bill "drop trou" has done and all his trips to Jeffery Epstein's pedophile island getaway that also included the Hildebeast? Be consistent, Edds..........the time for partisanship politics because we are aligned with any alleged "side" is over because we are up to our necks in shit. I can prove to you beyond any doubt that the sweat of our brow that we are compelled to pay called the "income tax" is nothing but interest paid to the mostly foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank that creates this fiat currency out of nothing of an intrinsic value. The Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment (that never had enough states to ratify it) were shoved down our throats in the same think that was just coincidence? If so.....sit back, relax and let me tell you the story as to how we became indentured debt slaves and how our labor was pledged as collateral/ surety against the debt due to the March 1933 Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC............
While I have no knowledge of anything illegal done by the clintons on that island Dale you might have forgotten I was a republican back then and even cast the worst vote of my life for GWB Now as far as trump goes Didn't a bunch of ladies come forward to talk about their problems with the grabber ? and don't you wonder how much he's paid to shut them up ? we do know he's paid his exes beaucoup dough..And of all his BS, I heard him promise to show his taxes Nixon paid fines because he held back income You really belive this con mans hands are clean

Edds, the crimes of the Clintons, their ties to the Bush crime family including drug running and money laundering on behalf of the "Deep State" is well documented if one is willing to take off the blinders. Why would the State Department get involved in trying to get a child trafficker off the hook like Laura Silsby in Haiti? Why would Bill Clinton make a trip there on her behalf if they weren't getting a piece of the action? We know of this because of Wikileaks. Take off the blinders and view everything with a jaundiced eye like you do anything not DNC. As far as Trump goes? He may be guilty of sexual assault but I would like to see more proof before I pass judgement. We do know that one of the alleged "victims" was put up to it by the Clinton team. There is a internet story going around that there is footage of Trump having sex with a 13 year old and if true? It simply proves my contention that all politicians/leaders with any pull are compromised thus controllable. I was totally stunned by the attack on Syria. There are plenty of things about Trump that has dampened my enthusiasm that the swamp was going to be drained. He is keeping many high ranking officials appointed by the past two regimes in place....seriously? Why is James Comey still head of the FBI? Why are all these people from the CFR getting cushy positions? Yellen is going to remain the head of the foreign owned Fed bank? We got tossed a few crumbs by sacking the TPP and the promise of border security but it is certainly looking to me that the new boss is the same as the old boss.
Since my epiphany, I stopped listening or watching any "Operation Mockingbird" lame stream media... which is why I am infinitely more informed than most. The fact that a former "Entertainment Tonight" celebrity gossip show was given a platform to "hip the masses" as to what the real scoop is should have been your first clue that he was nothing but a shill and part of the controlled opposition. He was a Jesuit trained sack of shit...good riddance.
I probably would not be quite so effusive or emphatic as that in my derisive remarks about O'Reilly, but, yes, good riddance to him. I certainly don't feel sorry for him, not only because of how it appears he's mistreated others, but also because he's received more than enough severance pay, along with his prior compensation, to enjoy a materially comfortable life for however long he lives.

All of the lame stream media talk show hosts are shills of the establishment. I see clips of them on youtube spewing lies and bullshit and I just have to shake my head in amazement that people can't see through the bullshit and the puppet masters pulling their strings in order to keep us bickering among each other. I would say that at least half of the "Antifa" rioting against Trump supporters videos are so fucking fake and scripted. The other half are Soros funded paid protesters trying to agitate and provoke reactions. The dollar crash is cannot be stopped...too many holes in the dike to the point that it looks like a strainer...thus a diversion is needed. My advice to all is to be prepared for some very tough sledding ahead because this corporate "de-facto" government isn't going to look out for you.
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