Kirsten Powers on Bill O'Reilly


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Hours after 21st Century Fox announced Bill O'Reilly's ousting from Fox News, former contributor Kirsten Powers recalled complaining about the former anchor's behavior. She said she was told, "You know Bill, there's nothing we can do."
Speaking with Anderson Cooper on "AC360," Powers -- a CNN political analyst -- described an incident in which she appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor" along with fellow analyst, and current CNN commentator, Margaret Hoover.

She said O'Reilly "got Margaret's name wrong and Margaret said, 'Hey, get my name right.' And he said, 'Oh, I'm sorry there's a lot of blonds in this operation, I can't keep you all straight, Megyn Kelly is coming up.' He starts throwing all these blonde names. And at the end of the segment he says, 'Thank you for your blondness,' to both of us."

Powers said that after the incident she went to O'Reilly's executive producer and said, "He needs to apologize and he needs to never do that again, or I am not doing his show anymore."

"And I was told basically, 'Well, you know, Bill. There's nothing we can do about it. He's a throwback. He's kind of an Archie Bunker.' And I said, 'Well if you mean he is a Neanderthal, then we're on the same page, he can never do that again. I am a political analyst here.' Went to Bill, came back, and said, 'No, he's not going to apologize,'" Powers said. "I was called into my boss' office and was told, 'There's nothing we can do. We are sorry this happened to you.'"

Powers said she also complained to then-Fox News CEO Roger Ailes.

"I was told the same exact thing. 'There's nothing we can do. It's Bill. He's a jerk. Nobody likes him.' And then Roger said, 'You know Bill. He likes to put up dirty pictures and ask pretty girls talk about them and then he said, 'What am I going to do? I don't like him, but he makes so much money, there's nothing I can do.'"

Ailes resigned last year following his own sexual harassment allegations.

Related: Bill O'Reilly out at Fox News

Powers said she quit O'Reilly's show, but returned three years later.

"I said, 'Look, I am willing to give this another try,' and he said, 'Sure' and I came on the show," Powers said. "I never had another problem. We actually ended up having quite a good relationship."

Powers added, "It just spoke volumes that I had to completely handle it on my own, that there was nobody that who was even willing to say anything to him, just basically to say, 'Hey you can't treat one of our political analysts this way.'"


Powers is somebody I respect, even if I don't agree with her politics sometimes. It's still hearsay, I wanted to wait for more information to come out before drawing any conclusions, but this adds some credulity to the charges. Hopefully the new leadership at Fox News cleans this crap up.
Hours after 21st Century Fox announced Bill O'Reilly's ousting from Fox News, former contributor Kirsten Powers recalled complaining about the former anchor's behavior. She said she was told, "You know Bill, there's nothing we can do."
To task0778: I lost track of Kirsten Powers a few years ago. I thought she was still at FOX until a few days ago when I learned she went to CNN last August. She was tough to swallow when she was on FOX.


Kirsten Powers accused Bill O’Reilly of sexism Wednesday, but in 2014 she sang a different tune
Sara Gonzales 58 mins

Kirsten Powers accused Bill O’Reilly of sexism Wednesday, but in 2014 she sang a different tune

If memory is not betraying me, 2013 was the last time I commented on Powers:

Incidentally, fair & balanced FOX has so many liberals on the payroll one needs a scorecard to keep track of them. Most of the female liberals are blank-face bottle blondes trying to be perky and serious at the same time. Keeping track of them is essential when it comes to surfing on outta there as soon as they appear. Thank God Juan Williams is not a blond white guy. His skin color is the only way I can tell him apart from his dizzy blond political twin —— Kirsten Powers.​

Kirsten Powers: "I Don't Want To Live In A Country That Has A Fence Around It"
Posted on June 20, 2013

Kirsten Powers: "I Don't Want To Live In A Country That Has A Fence Around It"

Powers opposes a physical fence —— a subliminal reference to the Berlin Wall liberals defended for decades. Clever little Kirsten does not tell the audience she also opposes a fence made of enforceable laws. Were she to debate her position to its logical conclusion you’d see that she is against the Left’s definition of American isolationism —— and for a global village without borders. A world without borders is the same as a world surrounded by one fence. Remember that the defunct Soviet Union, and now Communist China, enclosed newly acquired territory behind communism’s fence. American Lefties think that fence is swell.​

Rubio’s Strange World
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