Single vs Married

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well... I had fun being single but I planned on being married and raising some children. It was what I always planned to do..

Now my sister on the other hand, got married, had children, got divorced and just loved being single...

Eh... I guess it comes down to what makes you happy...
In the past it seemed single people were looked upon suspiciously, I'm not sure that's true anymore...

Well.. okay .. I don't..
I've been happily married and happily single.

I've been unhappily married and unhappily single, too.

I'm not entirely sure that my spouse (or my lack of spouse) really had all that much to do with it in any case.

Perhaps the only good thing about being married when you're unhappy, is that you can blame your spouse for your unhappiness.

And conversely, when you're single and unhappy, you can tell yourself that your lack of an S.O. is the root source of your lack of joy.
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I've been happily married and happily single.

I've been unhappily married and unhappily single, too.

I'm not entirely sure that my spouse (or my lack of spouse) really had all that much to do with it in any case.

Perhaps the only good thing about being married when you're unhappy, is that you can blame your spouse for your unhappiness.

And conversely, when you're single and unhappy, you can tell yourself that your lack of an S.O. is the root source of your lack of joy.

I have been married so long I forgot what single was like. I seem to have vauge memories of bad food and watching TV alone.

We got married right after highschool in 1990 and she has been with me through college, many moves, and 3 children.

Thats something to consider also married with no children is different than married with children. Our oldest is getting ready to fly the coop and the other 2 are flapping their wings. I am really looking forward to an empty nest and more time with my wife.
I have been married so long I forgot what single was like. I seem to have vauge memories of bad food and watching TV alone.

We got married right after highschool in 1990 and she has been with me through college, many moves, and 3 children.

Thats something to consider also married with no children is different than married with children. Our oldest is getting ready to fly the coop and the other 2 are flapping their wings. I am really looking forward to an empty nest and more time with my wife.

It's a fun thought until they actually fly the coop, well, in my case..

Dang you miss them...
I've never been married. I wouldn't mind being married (to the right person), but I have no trouble with being single until I find that right person (who I'm not sure even exists).
I have been married so long I forgot what single was like. I seem to have vauge memories of bad food and watching TV alone.

We got married right after highschool in 1990 and she has been with me through college, many moves, and 3 children.

Thats something to consider also married with no children is different than married with children. Our oldest is getting ready to fly the coop and the other 2 are flapping their wings. I am really looking forward to an empty nest and more time with my wife.

It's a fun thought until they actually fly the coop, well, in my case..

Dang you miss them...

You and I, as usual, are on the same page. We homeschool, have 'em 24-7, and I don't know how we'll be able to deal with it when the kids take wing....
Single or married ... I've been both. Both had their ups and downs and good times and bad times. I wouldn't trade my children for anything in the world and I'm glad they all have the same father.

Having said that, I don't think I would ever marry again - I need my "space" and not feel like I'm "owned." And I think my children would probably crap all over the place if I did. Kids are an important factor when I comes to step-parents. They didn't particularly like their step-father ... and I admit to being very stupid to have married him. They hated their step-mother with a passion ... they hate their second step-mother even more ... makes the first one look like a walk in the park.

I wouldn't discount living with someone ... but even that would have its limits.
Personally, I think one of the biggest problems today is that people get married much too quickly. They don't let the relationship grow, mature, and solidify before jumping all the way in. Too often that means they don't really know their spouse as well as they should, and I think that's one of the big reasons for the amount of divorces we see these days.
Single vs Married

For me, that's easy: Married

Well... I had fun being single but I planned on being married and raising some children. It was what I always planned to do..

Now my sister on the other hand, got married, had children, got divorced and just loved being single...

Eh... I guess it comes down to what makes you happy...

I'm divorced, but I also got married too young and too fast. Not sure if I want to do it again though.
Perhaps the only good thing about being married when you're unhappy, is that you can blame your spouse for your unhappiness.

And conversely, when you're single and unhappy, you can tell yourself that your lack of an S.O. is the root source of your lack of joy.

Pretty much. I never been married, but replace it with 'in a relationship' and it's the same story.
I've never been married. I wouldn't mind being married (to the right person), but I have no trouble with being single until I find that right person (who I'm not sure even exists).

I don't believe there is any single "right" person to marry.

There are many people to marry and they range from: "wildly wrong to marry" up to probably okay to marry if you're feeling lucky and willing to work very hard at being married."

Happily ever after only happens in fairy tales.

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