Since when did liberals become such intolerant bullies?

Liberal <-> Conformist. The term "Liberalism" in the United States is different than Liberalism elsewhere. It is much more about social freedom & social/political equality than it is about political or economic freedom. American Liberalism is often presumptively associated with certain economic positions that advocate using the mechanisms of tax policy and government-run programs to achieve the aims of social equality, and while that is often the case, it is not necessarily so.

^^ Bullshit.

Liberalism is legislatively passivist, not activist. The dynamic being described above is leftism.

My go-to simple example is still: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen actively through Affirmative Action -- is leftism.

When you have your own server and site with a legit page ranking from Google, you might look like you have a clue about criticizing others work.

For now you are just another butthurt whiny bitch.

ps. Did I mention, confused??

You actually think I can't have an insight without a server?

Are ya fucking stupid?

Guess what Jethro -- what's in my post, I wrote, and based it on my own studies. As opposed to cutting and pasting an entire blog.
On this board, I have seen "Conservatives" wishing for the opportunity to shoot liberals. I have seen them call anyone to the right of Rush Limbaugh communists and fascists. I have seen posts calling liberals every foul name under the sun. Mostly I have seen liberals calling "Conservatives" stupid and ignorant.

Sorry, but the liberals, here and in the US in general are far less abrasive and abusive to those that politically disagree with them than the "Conservatives" are.

That's pretty clear. Here comes a typical example:

Liberals have always been intolerant bullies, that's why they started the KKK.

And your evidence that Confederate war vets in southern Tennessee of 1865 were "liberals"?

aaaand CUE crickets.
Somewhere between here, and during the first term of the Manchurian muslim...

Liberals used to be the live and let live types. They used to hate bullies. But no more. They've become bullies. Aggressive, quasi militant attitudes about eradicating any behvaior, symbol or speech they disagree with.

Why? They're shutting down businesses. Getting people kicked out of homes. Even threatening violence.

They've become outright bullies. They're openly mocking and belittling the South...all of it...all its people. Obviously they've never spent much time our cities are nothing like they portray them...and are actually awesome and diverse thriving places.

I see the left on TV. On shows where all they do is mock and make fun. They produce NOTHING in society except that. They're experts at blogging and making smart ass comments. But nothing else. Spoiled brats. And bullies.

Eventually. ..bullies must be dealt with. Its illegal to punch a mouthy liberal in the face. And they know it. Its the only reason they're so bold. They know the very cops they demonize...will protect their sorry asses.

So...we must either deal with these bullies....or....well...we become Greece, Mexico or Africa in 25 years. I know my employer deals with them legally. He just fires them. Hire a liberal...eventually they all become insubordinate or whiny and he just fires their ass.
Can you please name the people you are talking about?
Liberals used to be the live and let live types. They used to hate bullies. But no more. They've become bullies. Aggressive, quasi militant attitudes about eradicating any behvaior, symbol or speech they disagree with.

Why? They're shutting down businesses. Getting people kicked out of homes. Even threatening violence.

They've become outright bullies. They're openly mocking and belittling the South...all of it...all its people. Obviously they've never spent much time our cities are nothing like they portray them...and are actually awesome and diverse thriving places.

I see the left on TV. On shows where all they do is mock and make fun. They produce NOTHING in society except that. They're experts at blogging and making smart ass comments. But nothing else. Spoiled brats. And bullies.

Eventually. ..bullies must be dealt with. Its illegal to punch a mouthy liberal in the face. And they know it. Its the only reason they're so bold. They know the very cops they demonize...will protect their sorry asses.

So...we must either deal with these bullies....or....well...we become Greece, Mexico or Africa in 25 years. I know my employer deals with them legally. He just fires them. Hire a liberal...eventually they all become insubordinate or whiny and he just fires their ass.
Can you please name the people you are talking about?
I too would like to see him name names.
Liberal <-> Conformist. The term "Liberalism" in the United States is different than Liberalism elsewhere. It is much more about social freedom & social/political equality than it is about political or economic freedom. American Liberalism is often presumptively associated with certain economic positions that advocate using the mechanisms of tax policy and government-run programs to achieve the aims of social equality, and while that is often the case, it is not necessarily so.

^^ Bullshit.

Liberalism is legislatively passivist, not activist. The dynamic being described above is leftism.

My go-to simple example is still: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen actively through Affirmative Action -- is leftism.

When you have your own server and site with a legit page ranking from Google, you might look like you have a clue about criticizing others work.

For now you are just another butthurt whiny bitch.

ps. Did I mention, confused??

You actually think I can't have an insight without a server?

Are ya fucking stupid?

Guess what Jethro -- what's in my post, I wrote, and based it on my own studies. As opposed to cutting and pasting an entire blog.

No but it does show your little cock sucking faggot ass has comprehension problems.

What I meant was you lack the credibility of a legit site with a Google page ranking.

Of course you are too fucking stupid to comprehend what I wrote so you type some fucking nonsensical bullshit.

Grow the fuck up little fag boy and learn to fucking read ......................
Liberal <-> Conformist. The term "Liberalism" in the United States is different than Liberalism elsewhere. It is much more about social freedom & social/political equality than it is about political or economic freedom. American Liberalism is often presumptively associated with certain economic positions that advocate using the mechanisms of tax policy and government-run programs to achieve the aims of social equality, and while that is often the case, it is not necessarily so.

^^ Bullshit.

Liberalism is legislatively passivist, not activist. The dynamic being described above is leftism.

My go-to simple example is still: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen actively through Affirmative Action -- is leftism.

When you have your own server and site with a legit page ranking from Google, you might look like you have a clue about criticizing others work.

For now you are just another butthurt whiny bitch.

ps. Did I mention, confused??

You actually think I can't have an insight without a server?

Are ya fucking stupid?

Guess what Jethro -- what's in my post, I wrote, and based it on my own studies. As opposed to cutting and pasting an entire blog.

No but it does show your little cock sucking faggot ass has comprehension problems.

What I meant was you lack the credibility of a legit site with a Google page ranking.

Of course you are too fucking stupid to comprehend what I wrote so you type some fucking nonsensical bullshit.

Grow the fuck up little fag boy and learn to fucking read ......................

I don't have a "Google Page", moron. I don't need one. What I do have is a basic political science understanding that puts yours to shame. Maybe instead of melting down like a little girl you should go learn about what the fuck you're talking about before you embarrass yourself. Instead of after.

But congratulations on a new level of irony considering the title here.

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