Since Liberals Ignored It, Let's Look at the Dept. of Labor-BLS Jobs Report for Last Month

Lower right-hand corner: MADCOW BLOG

Sometimes ya gotta laff.

Still, even that shows Trump has boomed the economy. Suck it up buttercup :)

How about one from the Fed, dumbass?


Real Gross Domestic Product
Lower right-hand corner: MADCOW BLOG

Sometimes ya gotta laff.

Still, even that shows Trump has boomed the economy. Suck it up buttercup :) call a 2.55% Real GDP growth as 'boomed' (average growth under Trump)?

I guarantee most of Wall Street doesn't.
WTF are you talking about? Wall Street has never had it better. America's has not had it better at least since the 50s in fact.

Obama's fate is sealed. It's over cupcake.
Your lack of mathematical skill is astounding

Obama came into office with an economy losing 750,000 jobs a month
Trump came in with an economy gaining 250,000 jobs a month

An advantage of a million jobs a month for Trump

He spent $10trn to do so. LOL. Again your math skills are terrible. There is a smaller pool now so the growth won’t be as large. All BHO did was lower borrowing costs...once he could not do that anymore he just spent and sat on his hands.

How is that different than Trump and his more than 2 trillion added to the debt?

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It’s for different reasons but not much different. I am Disappointed in the current administration and their lack of fiscal focus.

Amazing , Obamas deficits are catastrophic, the cons are for different reasons!!
Terrific indoctrination

It is..Trump is spending on military. Obama spent on odd shit.

As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
Lower right-hand corner: MADCOW BLOG

Sometimes ya gotta laff.

Still, even that shows Trump has boomed the economy. Suck it up buttercup :) call a 2.55% Real GDP growth as 'boomed' (average growth under Trump)?

I guarantee most of Wall Street doesn't.
WTF are you talking about? Wall Street has never had it better. America's has not had it better at least since the 50s in fact.

Obama's fate is sealed. It's over cupcake.

So why has the con created fewer jobs than Obama?
The economy just follows Obamas graph
And where is Obama and where are you?
Whining at all white rallies?
If it was the con you would be bleating how Obamas market went up 300%
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?
We had a net loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama, which had never happened before in any previous eight-year period.
You mean aside from the previous 8 years, and the 8 years before that? There were many many 8 year periods of net loss on manufacturing. A quick look at the graph shows that

The U-6 rate stayed historically high until the last year or so of Obama's presidency, when businesses knew he would soon be replaced.
Since the U-6 only goes back to 1994, “historically high” doesn’t mean much.

Wages have risen dramatically over the last 18 months, whereas wages were stagnant/flat-lined for six of Obama's eight years--again, until businesses knew they only had less than two years until he would be out of office.
Ok so your claim is the chang in wages was not due to supply and demand, but only dislike/distrust of Obama.

when Obama took office there were about 5 unemployed for every job opening
That went to 4 unemployed for every 3 job opening when he left office,
And for the last year there have been more job openings than unemployed.

I think supply and demand explain the increase in wages pretty well. You disagree?

No one president had ever presided over a net loss in manufacturing jobs before Obama. I wasn't talking about any random 8-year period but 8-year periods of two presidential terms of the same president.
Do we count Nixon/Ford as an 8-year period? That was a net loss in manufacturing
Reagan had a net loss on manufacturing, and so did both Bushes

Can't you just put on your big boy pants and admit that the U-6 has looked much better under Trump than it did under Obama? 1994 was 25 years ago. That's a pretty long time to measure something, wouldn't you say?
Compared to over 70 years of the U-3? No.
Where are you thinking I denied the U-6was better under Trump? As with the U-3, the U-6 hadn’t been going up under Obama and isn’t going down any faster under a Trump. Continuation of a trend,

Similarly, why can't you guys just admit--sheesh, just admit the fact--that wages are doing much better under Trump than they did under Obama? This fact won't go away just because it makes you guys uncomfortable.
I did admit that. I specifically said wages have been going up. I was disagreeing with your made-up reason why wages have been going up.

Oh, you really, really don't think that many businesses began to be more active in hiring and expanding during Obama's last two years precisely because they knew he would be out of office come January 2017?
I have no idea. What poll or study are you citing?

You don't think many businesses consider such a major factor as the business/economic views and policies of the president when deciding when and how to invest?? REALLY?
Of course they do. But is that the current case?
What evidence supports your claim?

I don't say this was the only factor, but I do say that for many businesses it was a huge factor.

No, you said it was the reason. Not “a reason” not “a major factor,” but the reason. The only one offered.
Hate to show actual data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Wow 2 % raise is gigantic
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Just go to Mississippi.
Plenty of toothless Christian white boys
I guess you know our gigantic 3 % Muslims are better educated and earn more than us old white farts?
Where in Europe?
I'm getting ready to be laughed at by my German Neice when she visits
Since liberals showed zero interest in all the good economic news for March, let's look at the Department of Larbor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for March. Here are some key highlights:

* The economy added 196,000 new jobs, in spite of all the cold weather and snow storms, etc.

* The change in jobs for January was revised up from +311,000 to +312,000, and the change for February was revised up from +20,000 to +33,000. I bet you never heard about those revisions on CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc.

* Employment in construction rose by 16,000 jobs, and has increased by 246,000 over the past 12 months.

* Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates were as follows: adult men (3.6 percent), adult women (3.3 percent), teenagers (12.8 percent), Whites (3.4 percent), Blacks (6.7 percent), Asians (3.1 percent), and Hispanics (4.7 percent). These are historic lows for blacks, Hispanics, and women:

Unemployment rate of women in the U.S. 1990-2018 | Timeline

Why Credit for the Decline in Black Unemployment Goes to Trump, Not Obama | People's Pundit Daily

By the way, Hispanic unemployment never dropped below 5% before October 2017. Never.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* In March, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 4 cents to $27.70, following a 10-cent gain in February. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. Most of my pay raises have been 2.0-2.5%.

* Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 6 cents to $23.24 in March.

* The U-6 unemployment rate, aka the real unemployment rate, dropped again in March and is now down to 7.3%, down from 8.1% in January.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

In fact, the U-6 rate is now lower than it was in 2005 and is approaching how low it was in 1999!

U6 Unemployment Rate

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven
The Best Tax Cut Economics can do?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Why are we running a trillion dollar deficit under a strong economy?
the right wing doesn't consider financing their tax cuts, socialized wealth redistribution.
The Best Tax Cut Economics can do? U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Uh, federal revenue has gone UP under the Trump tax cuts. So you can't blame the tax cuts for the deficit and the debt. The problem is that, even with the increase in revenue, we are spending so much money that we are still going into debt.

If we bring spending down to just below level of revenue, we will erase the deficit and can begin paying down the debt.

As for the stock market, when Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the Dow was at 19,827. It is now at 26.424, a gain of nearly 7,000 points in just over 2 years.
tax cut economics are worthless if they don't balance the budget.
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Nothing, I'm a millionaire.
Following the good old American way, I've got mine, screw the rest.
Yup, knees news promotes 10 % military spending.
The worship of the military here is incredible
As they say
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military . Great socialist benefits"
I love our faithful brave president, never voted for a dem in my life
We had a net loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama, which had never happened before in any previous eight-year period.
You mean aside from the previous 8 years, and the 8 years before that? There were many many 8 year periods of net loss on manufacturing. A quick look at the graph shows that

The U-6 rate stayed historically high until the last year or so of Obama's presidency, when businesses knew he would soon be replaced.
Since the U-6 only goes back to 1994, “historically high” doesn’t mean much.

Wages have risen dramatically over the last 18 months, whereas wages were stagnant/flat-lined for six of Obama's eight years--again, until businesses knew they only had less than two years until he would be out of office.
Ok so your claim is the chang in wages was not due to supply and demand, but only dislike/distrust of Obama.

when Obama took office there were about 5 unemployed for every job opening
That went to 4 unemployed for every 3 job opening when he left office,
And for the last year there have been more job openings than unemployed.

I think supply and demand explain the increase in wages pretty well. You disagree?

No one president had ever presided over a net loss in manufacturing jobs before Obama. I wasn't talking about any random 8-year period but 8-year periods of two presidential terms of the same president.
Do we count Nixon/Ford as an 8-year period? That was a net loss in manufacturing
Reagan had a net loss on manufacturing, and so did both Bushes

Can't you just put on your big boy pants and admit that the U-6 has looked much better under Trump than it did under Obama? 1994 was 25 years ago. That's a pretty long time to measure something, wouldn't you say?
Compared to over 70 years of the U-3? No.
Where are you thinking I denied the U-6was better under Trump? As with the U-3, the U-6 hadn’t been going up under Obama and isn’t going down any faster under a Trump. Continuation of a trend,

Similarly, why can't you guys just admit--sheesh, just admit the fact--that wages are doing much better under Trump than they did under Obama? This fact won't go away just because it makes you guys uncomfortable.
I did admit that. I specifically said wages have been going up. I was disagreeing with your made-up reason why wages have been going up.

Oh, you really, really don't think that many businesses began to be more active in hiring and expanding during Obama's last two years precisely because they knew he would be out of office come January 2017?
I have no idea. What poll or study are you citing?

You don't think many businesses consider such a major factor as the business/economic views and policies of the president when deciding when and how to invest?? REALLY?
Of course they do. But is that the current case?
What evidence supports your claim?

I don't say this was the only factor, but I do say that for many businesses it was a huge factor.

No, you said it was the reason. Not “a reason” not “a major factor,” but the reason. The only one offered.
Hate to show actual data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Wow 2 % raise is gigantic
After such a massive tax cut to business, hard to believe so little went to the workers
2 percent? Are you kidding me?
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Just go to Mississippi.
Plenty of toothless Christian white boys
I guess you know our gigantic 3 % Muslims are better educated and earn more than us old white farts?
Where in Europe?
I'm getting ready to be laughed at by my German Neice when she visits
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Nothing, I'm a millionaire.
Following the good old American way, I've got mine, screw the rest.
Yup, knees news promotes 10 % military spending.
The worship of the military here is incredible
As they say
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military . Great socialist benefits"
I love our faithful brave president, never voted for a dem in my life
Another millionaire? Hell, this site abounds with millionaires. That's one of the wonderful things about the internet.

Sorry about the hopeychangy thing btw.
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Just go to Mississippi.
Plenty of toothless Christian white boys
I guess you know our gigantic 3 % Muslims are better educated and earn more than us old white farts?
Where in Europe?
I'm getting ready to be laughed at by my German Neice when she visits
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Nothing, I'm a millionaire.
Following the good old American way, I've got mine, screw the rest.
Yup, knees news promotes 10 % military spending.
The worship of the military here is incredible
As they say
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military . Great socialist benefits"
I love our faithful brave president, never voted for a dem in my life
Another millionaire? Hell, this site abounds with millionaires. That's one of the wonderful things about the internet.

Sorry about the hopeychangy thing btw.

There is an inordinate amount of millionaires on this forum.

crazy how the internet works
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Just go to Mississippi.
Plenty of toothless Christian white boys
I guess you know our gigantic 3 % Muslims are better educated and earn more than us old white farts?
Where in Europe?
I'm getting ready to be laughed at by my German Neice when she visits
As the euros say
"All the ugly loud Americans need is the crap bombed out of them"
We are such pantywaists we spend 1/2 our discretionary $ on military related stuff
No wonder we have lousy health, roads and school
Military Spending in the United States
I've lived in Europe for 45 years and I've yet to hear that. But then we don't have a lot of Muslims around here. I'm sure if I lived in some shit hole with lots of assholes from the religion of peace I might.

WTF is wrong with you?

Nothing, I'm a millionaire.
Following the good old American way, I've got mine, screw the rest.
Yup, knees news promotes 10 % military spending.
The worship of the military here is incredible
As they say
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military . Great socialist benefits"
I love our faithful brave president, never voted for a dem in my life
Another millionaire? Hell, this site abounds with millionaires. That's one of the wonderful things about the internet.

Sorry about the hopeychangy thing btw.

There is an inordinate amount of millionaires on this forum.

crazy how the internet works
Yeah. It's funny. All those years ago when our mothers told us we could be anything we want to be, they had no inkling of the internet.
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President
U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so.
The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

During Obama these same idiots were praising how 50 K jobs is a huge achievement.
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President
U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so.
The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

During Obama these same idiots were praising how 50 K jobs is a huge achievement.
It was considering Obama came in with an economy LOSING 750,000 jobs a month
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President
U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so.
The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

During Obama these same idiots were praising how 50 K jobs is a huge achievement.
It was considering Obama came in with an economy LOSING 750,000 jobs a month

Is your expectation that recessions don't end? In fact, historically many more jobs are gained during the bounce back. At best Obama made the recession prolonged, and let's not even discuss how the political machinery was involved in the creating the recession.

With what Trump has been given, he's done very well. First time that the trade deals are actually made for Americans. He's actually contributing to the economy while Obama was all talk while fucking over Americans.
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President
U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so.
The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

During Obama these same idiots were praising how 50 K jobs is a huge achievement.
It was considering Obama came in with an economy LOSING 750,000 jobs a month

Is your expectation that recessions don't end? In fact, historically many more jobs are gained during the bounce back. At best Obama made the recession prolonged, and let's not even discuss how the political machinery was involved in the creating the recession.

With what Trump has been given, he's done very well. First time that the trade deals are actually made for Americans. He's actually contributing to the economy while Obama was all talk while fucking over Americans.
Trump was given an economy gaining a million jobs a month than Obama

Obama prevented a Depression

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