Simple question to gun advocates

I'm fine with automatic weapons being banned. But if we give the gun control freaks and inch they take a mile, look lets be honest the gun control lobby their goal is to ban guns, period. It doesn't matter how much we compromise with those assholes they will just keep coming back until there is a full ban on private gun ownership.
The problem here is giving in only gives them more incentive to take everything away.

Democrats set up this situation and now they're screaming at us to do something about it.

What situation did Democrats set up?
  • Obama approved Bump Stocks
  • Hateful rhetoric in the media 24/7 toward rightwingers
  • Dishonesty leading to a lack of trust in government
  • More concern by Democrats for the rights of criminals and foreign people than for God fearing Americans
Take your pick

Obama didn't approve bump stocks. It did happen during his presidency, but the president doesn't approve every decision by every agency in the government. You're just spouting crap, as usual.
Liberty, freedom, and Constitutional Rights are not lost all at once.
They are lost inch by inch, piece by piece, right by right.

If you admit that we can't prevent it, and you acknowledge that bad people will always be able to get the guns they want, what makes you think they won't just get them? Here is an Israeli woman with an M-16.


Here are some more...


Or how about at the beach?


The Israeli's have figured out that gun control doesn't work. So have MORE people carrying guns and they will be able to stop the bad actors before they are able to kill a lot of people.

That is the reality.
Im sure some bad guys will always be able to get their hands on those guns. Others maybe not. Maybe they just use a pistol instead or the quickest easiest thing they can find... In those cases maybe they only kill a couple people and not dozens. Don't you think that makes sense? Don't you think if it saves lives then it is worth exploring?

For example in the UK, criminals can get their hands on guns, but often don't use them because they're afraid of losing their gun and being unable to get another one. The biggest exception were the Yardies from Jamaica who were managing to bring in guns. The mob of Britain before the Yardies came in was generally without guns. But there was a spike about 15 years ago in gun violence, but the authorities mostly dealt with that.

If that were true the number of gunshot victims flooding UK hospitals wouldn't be........well flooding in. You are factually wrong.

Doesn't look like much of a flood to me. I would trade numbers with them any day.

Everytowns numbers are bullshit as anybody knows, no doubt that is why you didn't post a link hoping no one would figure out where you got your BS chart. But, and this is the funny part, when you add up all of the numbers, as you should if you wish to compare apples to apples (in other words lets get equal populations) the whole of Europe has a HIGHER percentage of gun murders per 100,000 residents than the US does.

That's why everytowns numbers are shit, they try and baffle you with bullshit by not posting up the facts. The actual facts. The facts are that Europe taken as a whole (which you should thanks to the EU) is MORE VIOLENT, and has MORE MURDERS per 100,000 people than the USA. Thanks for posting that chart that so eloquently proves what I said.

Bet you feel like a right proper dumb ass now don't you.

Ever hear of Brexit?
You assume lots of crazy stuff.

Pelosi said herself she hopes for the "slippery slope," so not crazy at all.

We both know that won't happen. Grow up.

Again, when NYC is allowed to get away with infringement and all the gun grabbing idiots are OK with that, it gives us no reason to trust you on anything.

So childish of you to think I am NYC. You choose to believe all that crap. Logic and facts don't back you up.

I mean "you" as in your side of gun grabbing idiots.

And you are dumb enough to think I want to ban everyone's guns. What a goober you are.
Pelosi said herself she hopes for the "slippery slope," so not crazy at all.

We both know that won't happen. Grow up.

Again, when NYC is allowed to get away with infringement and all the gun grabbing idiots are OK with that, it gives us no reason to trust you on anything.

So childish of you to think I am NYC. You choose to believe all that crap. Logic and facts don't back you up.

I mean "you" as in your side of gun grabbing idiots.

And you are dumb enough to think I want to ban everyone's guns. What a goober you are.

I just don't trust you and your ilk.
I'm fine with automatic weapons being banned. But if we give the gun control freaks and inch they take a mile, look lets be honest the gun control lobby their goal is to ban guns, period. It doesn't matter how much we compromise with those assholes they will just keep coming back until there is a full ban on private gun ownership.
The problem here is giving in only gives them more incentive to take everything away.

Democrats set up this situation and now they're screaming at us to do something about it.

What situation did Democrats set up?
  • Obama approved Bump Stocks
  • Hateful rhetoric in the media 24/7 toward rightwingers
  • Dishonesty leading to a lack of trust in government
  • More concern by Democrats for the rights of criminals and foreign people than for God fearing Americans
Take your pick

Obama didn't approve bump stocks. It did happen during his presidency, but the president doesn't approve every decision by every agency in the government. You're just spouting crap, as usual.
If you say so. :itsok:
Did you support the provision that banned automatic weapons in 1986? Do you support it now? Why or why not?

No, to both.

The problem isn't guns, knives, bows, bombs or any other type of weapon. The problem is a Society that refuses to deal with its Cultural and Social failings. A Society that has completely ignored the ideas of Law and Order for more than half a century and yet still wonders why things are falling apart.
Are you going to do this dance with me?

So you outlaw bump stocks and the next mass murder happen a what will you for?

Maybe all semi-automatic weapons?

Then another mass murder happen you can go after pump actions?

Then another mass murder happens and you go after revolvers.

Now you have all the fire arms of today time, so another mass murder happen what do you go after?

Murder is against law so tell me how do you stop this?
We can never stop murder or gun violence. We can make it harder for people to achieve mass murder by limiting their fire power. What if Uzi's were available at Walmart and that was the weapon of choice in the last dozen shootings... How many more bodies would be pilled up. Probably something comparable to Vegas. See the point yet?

If you admit that we can't prevent it, and you acknowledge that bad people will always be able to get the guns they want, what makes you think they won't just get them? Here is an Israeli woman with an M-16.


Here are some more...


Or how about at the beach?


The Israeli's have figured out that gun control doesn't work. So have MORE people carrying guns and they will be able to stop the bad actors before they are able to kill a lot of people.

That is the reality.
Im sure some bad guys will always be able to get their hands on those guns. Others maybe not. Maybe they just use a pistol instead or the quickest easiest thing they can find... In those cases maybe they only kill a couple people and not dozens. Don't you think that makes sense? Don't you think if it saves lives then it is worth exploring?

"Don't you think if it saves lives then it is worth exploring?"

False assumption. How would lives be saved if the murderer/terrorist uses explosives, or airplanes, or poisoned cool aid instead?

And they had that choice, but it's often harder to get such things or carry out such things. Guns are the weapon of choice because they're easy to get. They're not the weapon of choice in the UK, and the murder rate is much lower.

Guns are not the weapon of choice of the most successful mass murderers. Explosives, incendiaries, poisons and vehicles are all easily obtained and/or made. And America is not an island.
Did you support the provision that banned automatic weapons in 1986? Do you support it now? Why or why not?

No, to both.

The problem isn't guns, knives, bows, bombs or any other type of weapon. The problem is a Society that refuses to deal with its Cultural and Social failings. A Society that has completely ignored the ideas of Law and Order for more than half a century and yet still wonders why things are falling apart.
Can’t we deal with both? Make sure the best regulations are in place to ensure responsible use and production of lethal weapons while also address cultural issues that contribute to crime and violence
Are you going to do this dance with me?

So you outlaw bump stocks and the next mass murder happen a what will you for?

Maybe all semi-automatic weapons?

Then another mass murder happen you can go after pump actions?

Then another mass murder happens and you go after revolvers.

Now you have all the fire arms of today time, so another mass murder happen what do you go after?

Murder is against law so tell me how do you stop this?
We can never stop murder or gun violence. We can make it harder for people to achieve mass murder by limiting their fire power. What if Uzi's were available at Walmart and that was the weapon of choice in the last dozen shootings... How many more bodies would be pilled up. Probably something comparable to Vegas. See the point yet?

"We can make it harder for people to achieve mass murder by limiting their fire power."

Really? No, I don't think so. How are you going limit the fire power by passing gun laws if the weapon of choice is explosives incendiaries or vehicles? How are you going to suddenly make criminals start abiding by whatever laws you want to throw a the problem? Remember 9/11? Murder-mass or otherwise-is already highly illegal; why hasn't that solved the problem? See the point yet?

If you admit that we can't prevent it, and you acknowledge that bad people will always be able to get the guns they want, what makes you think they won't just get them? Here is an Israeli woman with an M-16.


Here are some more...


Or how about at the beach?


The Israeli's have figured out that gun control doesn't work. So have MORE people carrying guns and they will be able to stop the bad actors before they are able to kill a lot of people.

That is the reality.
Im sure some bad guys will always be able to get their hands on those guns. Others maybe not. Maybe they just use a pistol instead or the quickest easiest thing they can find... In those cases maybe they only kill a couple people and not dozens. Don't you think that makes sense? Don't you think if it saves lives then it is worth exploring?

"Don't you think if it saves lives then it is worth exploring?"

False assumption. How would lives be saved if the murderer/terrorist uses explosives, or airplanes, or poisoned cool aid instead?
If one person walks into a crowded bar and has to use a single shot pistol or riffle instead of an automatic weapon that could spray 100's of rounds a minute then I think lives are saved. Yes, if a criminal tries hard enough they can probably still get one, like the guy in Vegas did. He invested over 100K into his arsenal. Not everybody is going to do that. Some are going to get whatever they can. Do you really not understand this?
Did you support the provision that banned automatic weapons in 1986? Do you support it now? Why or why not?

No, to both.

The problem isn't guns, knives, bows, bombs or any other type of weapon. The problem is a Society that refuses to deal with its Cultural and Social failings. A Society that has completely ignored the ideas of Law and Order for more than half a century and yet still wonders why things are falling apart.

Yup... anything goes begets anything goes.
Again converting a Semi to a fully automatic weapon is against the law, so what more do you need?

Bump stocks are legal, but they increase the rounds per minute into the fully automatic range. Are you really too dumb to see that? It has nothing to do with the configuration of the gun. It has everything to do with the rounds per minute.

Are you going to do this dance with me?

So you outlaw bump stocks and the next mass murder happen a what will you for?

Maybe all semi-automatic weapons?

Then another mass murder happen you can go after pump actions?

Then another mass murder happens and you go after revolvers.

Now you have all the fire arms of today time, so another mass murder happen what do you go after?

Murder is against law so tell me how do you stop this?

Show me a semiautomatic or a revolver that can fire 500 rounds per minute, and I'll go after them too. Quit being goofy.

Who cares. Fully automatic fire is for suppressive fire which you would know if you weren't an ignorant twerp. Suppressive fire keeps peoples heads down because it is inaccurate as hell, but it is loud. It is great that the asshole in Vegas was using a bump fire stock. It prevented him from killing more people.

It can be used as suppressive if the opponent is actually trying to fire back at you, or they have some way to hide. The case in LV wasn't either of those. It was more like shooting cattle in an enclosed pen.

Exactly the point he was trying to make. The shooter actually used simi-auto weapons. It really would have made little if any difference. What really made the situation especially dangerous is that the target was a packed crowd. Further restrictions on full auto weapons would have made no difference.
Again converting a Semi to a fully automatic weapon is against the law, so what more do you need?

Bump stocks are legal, but they increase the rounds per minute into the fully automatic range. Are you really too dumb to see that? It has nothing to do with the configuration of the gun. It has everything to do with the rounds per minute.

Are you going to do this dance with me?

So you outlaw bump stocks and the next mass murder happen a what will you for?

Maybe all semi-automatic weapons?

Then another mass murder happen you can go after pump actions?

Then another mass murder happens and you go after revolvers.

Now you have all the fire arms of today time, so another mass murder happen what do you go after?

Murder is against law so tell me how do you stop this?
We can never stop murder or gun violence. We can make it harder for people to achieve mass murder by limiting their fire power. What if Uzi's were available at Walmart and that was the weapon of choice in the last dozen shootings... How many more bodies would be pilled up. Probably something comparable to Vegas. See the point yet?
Once again for the slow and truly stupid, criminals have access to fully automatic weapons IF THEY WANT THEM. They chose not to use them because they are not what they need to commit their crimes they are inefficient at that. Further there has been NO use of a legal full auto to murder anyone except ONE cop that caught his wife in bed with another man. You claimed they were used by gangs in the 80's I ask for proof you have provided NO LINK that supports your claim.

I agree that criminals could make greater use of automatic weapons if they wanted to, but your claim that they are not what is needed is just stupid. Gangs aren't known for spending hours at the gun range improving their accuracy. They depend on putting as much lead in the air as possible, and hoping some of it hits it's intended target. Automatic fired wepons would be the best possible gun for them to use. They don't use them because they are so highly regulated. Gun control does work quite well in that situation.

Not if your goal is to prevent mass murder because guns are only one of many ways mass murder is committed.
The problem isn't guns, knives, bows, bombs or any other type of weapon. The problem is a Society that refuses to deal with its Cultural and Social failings. A Society that has completely ignored the ideas of Law and Order for more than half a century and yet still wonders why things are falling apart.

Until we can fix (medicate, institutionalize etc) every dangerous person in the country, the best solution is to separate them away from from dangerous weapons.
We don't give children the "pointy" scissors, we don't let the Iranians have nukes.
Exactly the point he was trying to make. The shooter actually used simi-auto weapons. It really would have made little if any difference

He was an accountant,
Full auto machine gun = $10,000
Semi-auto + bump stock = $700
The problem isn't guns, knives, bows, bombs or any other type of weapon. The problem is a Society that refuses to deal with its Cultural and Social failings. A Society that has completely ignored the ideas of Law and Order for more than half a century and yet still wonders why things are falling apart.

Until we can fix (medicate, institutionalize etc) every dangerous person in the country, the best solution is to separate them away from from dangerous weapons.
We don't give children the "pointy" scissors, we don't let the Iranians have nukes.
OK so when you can tell who will commit a crime with a gun in the future you let me know
Until then I'll keep my guns
Automatic fired wepons would be the best possible gun for them to use. They don't use them because they are so highly regulated. Gun control does work quite well in that situation.

Not if your goal is to prevent mass murder because guns are only one of many ways mass murder is committed.

Curious how it's been posted again and again, how successful the 1934 NFA was in preventing use of full-auto (machine guns) in murdering people.

Then you argue that gun laws don't work, when you got slapped in the face with proof they do.
OK so when you can tell who will commit a crime with a gun in the future you let me know
Until then I'll keep my guns

Nobody wants to take away your guns. They are only after certain accessories

Jut like New York isn't taking away anybodies car, but they did outlaw dark window tints, and license plate obscuring covers..
OK so when you can tell who will commit a crime with a gun in the future you let me know
Until then I'll keep my guns

Nobody wants to take away your guns. They are only after certain accessories

Jut like New York isn't taking away anybodies car, but they did outlaw dark window tints, and license plate obscuring covers..

Well you're wrong of course.

The whole assault rifle ban is nothing but the first step to the ultimate goal of banning all semiautomatic rifles.

Why do I say this you ask?

I;ll tell you.

The so called "assault" weapons that were banned are nothing but semiautomatic rifles no different other than cosmetically from any other semiautomatic rifle.
The whole assault rifle ban is nothing but the first step to the ultimate goal of banning all semiautomatic rifles..
First they take my dark window tints, then my dark license plate cover, you're right, they're trying to take away my car one piece at a time ;)

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