Simple question: If you have a single payer system

the left wing idiots call insurance companies evil, they have no idea how evil a socialist totalitarian government can be.

it is really scary that roughly half of the population is hopelessly ignorant.
A program that has been effective; keeping the public in ignorance and feeding them the party line. Over half this country thinks that government is on their side while evil corporations are out to enslave them. Exactly 180 degrees out of phase with reality.

yep, thanks to the teachers union and the biased lying media.

FACTS to support your statements ":thanks to teachers' union"...:
Between 1990 and 2010, 93 percent of donations made by National Education Association political action committees and individual officers went to Democrats,
according to According to the NEA’s own “Status of the American Public School Teacher 2005-2006,” (latest available data produced March 2010)
YET... only 41 percent of public school teachers are Democrats
Union Facts | Use of Dues for Politics

FACTS "biased lying media"...
1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."
But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
The rest of the world has single payer and it's far more effective and efficient than your current system. Cheaper too.

A third of your health care $$$ go to administration. Under single payer, it's less than 10%.

totally wrong on all counts. Ask the brits or the canadians. Its not cheaper, its not better. Do you think a huge govt beaurocracy is FREE? are you completely ignorant?

Ask the Canadians and Brits whether it's cheaper? It's not??? What planet do you live on? Talk about complete ignorance; you are leading the pack. This is how delusional some of you are; you actually believe our system is cheaper than that of other developed countries when in fact we know, without a doubt, that we pay almost double, and in some cases more than double, what all other developed countries pay for healthcare.

Healthcare spending around the world, country by country | News |

As for the results of each respective system, the bottom line is that most of the others offer a longer life expectancy than ours at double the cost. Yes, we can blame that on many things, including a much higher homicide rate, as our is double to quadruple or more than most other developed countries, but by God we have our guns for protection.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When you look at the real numbers, it's just mind boggling trying to understand what most conservatives support, because there is no logic or reason to it.
If the government got out of healthcare altogether your costs would go through the roof. The healthcare industry would be happy to serve only those who could pay the high costs, and those that couldn't be damned.
If the government got out of healthcare altogether your costs would go through the roof. The healthcare industry would be happy to serve only those who could pay the high costs, and those that couldn't be damned.


If we actually started posting prices of medical care then market forces would come to bear and competition would lower prices.

Tell me if your doctor told you you needed a chest X ray and you could shop around for the most affordable X ray why wouldn't you?

The same goes for blood work, etc.

If we could make an informed choice prices would go down.

Single payer is nothing but a government monopoly that will deny choice and restrict options all under the guise of lowering prices when it will do just the opposite.

We've already seen that with the ACA instead of multiple choices and a la carte tailored insurance we now have to pick from basically 4 plans and they all cost more.
After the total fiasco of obamacare no one would tolerate giving the government more health care power.
It has a 1/3rd of the population now and when it crashes another 1/3rd might have nothing. They will take what they are given, in this case, SPU. Stop looking through your ideology glasses. Ayn Rand is not coming back like Jesus.
You should study history. Specifically, the toadies that just carried out orders and what happened to them when they were overthrown. Becaus that will come faster than the people just accepting brutal government in the wake of a collapse.
"Hi there Mr. Smith, I'm from your Brutal Government, here to Oppress You by giving you this healthcare card just in case you get sick and need to see a doctor or something. Have a nice day."

Yeah, the revolution will soon be here. Buy in early for the best seats.
It has a 1/3rd of the population now and when it crashes another 1/3rd might have nothing. They will take what they are given, in this case, SPU. Stop looking through your ideology glasses. Ayn Rand is not coming back like Jesus.
You should study history. Specifically, the toadies that just carried out orders and what happened to them when they were overthrown. Becaus that will come faster than the people just accepting brutal government in the wake of a collapse.
"Hi there Mr. Smith, I'm from your Brutal Government, here to Oppress You by giving you this healthcare card just in case you get sick and need to see a doctor or something. Have a nice day."

Yeah, the revolution will soon be here. Buy in early for the best seats.

sorry, dude, the govt does not GIVE you anything. But it will take everything you have.

enjoy your socialist utopia, idiot
You should study history. Specifically, the toadies that just carried out orders and what happened to them when they were overthrown. Becaus that will come faster than the people just accepting brutal government in the wake of a collapse.
"Hi there Mr. Smith, I'm from your Brutal Government, here to Oppress You by giving you this healthcare card just in case you get sick and need to see a doctor or something. Have a nice day."

Yeah, the revolution will soon be here. Buy in early for the best seats.

sorry, dude, the govt does not GIVE you anything. But it will take everything you have.

enjoy your socialist utopia, idiot
No one worth a damn is looking for utopia. Universal healthcare, that's good for society and business. Sick workers and kids keep us from getting shit done eh? And I also want a bang for our collective buck. Conservatives used to want that as well once.
"Hi there Mr. Smith, I'm from your Brutal Government, here to Oppress You by giving you this healthcare card just in case you get sick and need to see a doctor or something. Have a nice day."

Yeah, the revolution will soon be here. Buy in early for the best seats.

sorry, dude, the govt does not GIVE you anything. But it will take everything you have.

enjoy your socialist utopia, idiot
No one worth a damn is looking for utopia. Universal healthcare, that's good for society and business. Sick workers and kids keep us from getting shit done eh? And I also want a bang for our collective buck. Conservatives used to want that as well once.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA---NO ONE. The uninsured were treated, illegals were treated. NO one was turned away.

ACA is not a fix because there was no problem to fix.

It is nothing but the first step towards a socialist state. Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.
sorry, dude, the govt does not GIVE you anything. But it will take everything you have.

enjoy your socialist utopia, idiot
No one worth a damn is looking for utopia. Universal healthcare, that's good for society and business. Sick workers and kids keep us from getting shit done eh? And I also want a bang for our collective buck. Conservatives used to want that as well once.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA---NO ONE. The uninsured were treated, illegals were treated. NO one was turned away.

ACA is not a fix because there was no problem to fix.

It is nothing but the first step towards a socialist state. Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.
I'll bite? Shows us, so I can disprove it.
No one worth a damn is looking for utopia. Universal healthcare, that's good for society and business. Sick workers and kids keep us from getting shit done eh? And I also want a bang for our collective buck. Conservatives used to want that as well once.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA---NO ONE. The uninsured were treated, illegals were treated. NO one was turned away.

ACA is not a fix because there was no problem to fix.

It is nothing but the first step towards a socialist state. Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.
I'll bite? Shows us, so I can disprove it.

Uninsured does not mean rejected for treatment----------at least that was the case before obamacare. Now it may be different.

You silly leftists like it because you erroneously think it will be FREE for you and that only the evil rich will pay--------------ITS A LIE.
sorry, dude, the govt does not GIVE you anything. But it will take everything you have.

enjoy your socialist utopia, idiot
No one worth a damn is looking for utopia. Universal healthcare, that's good for society and business. Sick workers and kids keep us from getting shit done eh? And I also want a bang for our collective buck. Conservatives used to want that as well once.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA---NO ONE. The uninsured were treated, illegals were treated. NO one was turned away.

ACA is not a fix because there was no problem to fix.

It is nothing but the first step towards a socialist state. Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.

Hospitals going broke due to ReaganCare wasn't a problem?
No one worth a damn is looking for utopia. Universal healthcare, that's good for society and business. Sick workers and kids keep us from getting shit done eh? And I also want a bang for our collective buck. Conservatives used to want that as well once.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA---NO ONE. The uninsured were treated, illegals were treated. NO one was turned away.

ACA is not a fix because there was no problem to fix.

It is nothing but the first step towards a socialist state. Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.

Hospitals going broke due to ReaganCare wasn't a problem?

WTF is Reagancare? How many hospitals have closed in the last year due to obamacare?
Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.

You are probably thinking of the manufactured bullshit about "the keystone to the arch of the socialist state" invented by the PR firm of Whitaker and Baxter for the AMA back in the 40s.
No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA---NO ONE. The uninsured were treated, illegals were treated. NO one was turned away.

ACA is not a fix because there was no problem to fix.

It is nothing but the first step towards a socialist state. Look up what Lenin said about healthcare.
I'll bite? Shows us, so I can disprove it.

Uninsured does not mean rejected for treatment----------at least that was the case before obamacare. Now it may be different.

You silly leftists like it because you erroneously think it will be FREE for you and that only the evil rich will pay--------------ITS A LIE.
No, we think we already have the money in the system but it's not covering everyone and it cost far too much for what we get for it.

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