SIAP: Biden staffer trying to prevent Ted Cruz from taking photos at the border cages.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This is just ridiculous. Have respect? This isnt a zoo? Why dont YOU treat them with respect. Your goddamn right it isnt a zoo.....zoos treat animals MUCH BETTER THAN BIDEN TREATS KIDS.

How did she stop him?

If I was there taking videos, it would take an armed guard to stop Me.
This is just ridiculous. Have respect? This isnt a zoo?

Wait, I didn't know Cruz was the press. Isn't obstructing a senator a crime, like obstructing the function of the government?

You mean the Senate itself is barred by Biden from seeing the border of their own country? The House and Supreme court as well?

Why, if this was Trump, wouldn't Nancy be impeaching Trump right about now for exceeding his presidential powers?

Where it Bitch McConnell?
This is just ridiculous. Have respect? This isnt a zoo?

Wait, I didn't know Cruz was the press. Isn't obstructing a senator a crime, like obstructing the function of the government?

You mean the Senate itself is barred by Biden from seeing the border of their own country? The House and Supreme court as well?

Why, if this was Trump, wouldn't Nancy be impeaching Trump right about now for exceeding his presidential powers?

Where it Bitch McConnell?

Can you imagine a Senator FROM TEXAS is not allowed to take a picture inside a US federal border holding facility?

JUST......FUCKING.....IMAGINE....THE....LEFTIST....FREAKOUT....If Trump pulled what Biden is pulling.
This is just ridiculous. Have respect? This isnt a zoo? Why dont YOU treat them with respect. Your goddamn right it isnt a zoo.....zoos treat animals MUCH BETTER THAN BIDEN TREATS KIDS.

Since when is taking pictures disrespectful? No, people need to know whats going on, just like they needed to know what was going on when Trump was president.
Had that been a Trump staffer we would be hearing calls of fascist Trump. What bold pony faced liars!
This is just ridiculous. Have respect? This isnt a zoo? Why dont YOU treat them with respect. Your goddamn right it isnt a zoo.....zoos treat animals MUCH BETTER THAN BIDEN TREATS KIDS.

Since when is taking pictures disrespectful? No, people need to know whats going on, just like they needed to know what was going on when Trump was president.
Had that been a Trump staffer we would be hearing calls of fascist Trump. What bold pony faced liars!

What would be disrepectful would be to ignore it.
Democrats/ Liberals are now forgetting about their great Sanctimonious Motto... "Question Authority"

That type of true Liberal rarely exists anymore

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