Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

I like you lots but that's not how the Obama admin has been changing it over the past couple of years.

I like you, too, Amelia, but the AHA was passed by the Legislative branch of our government, and the Executive branch signed it, and it WAS challenged, and the Judicial (Supremes) upheld it. AFTER all that, we had an election, and AHA was a HUGE issue. The side who supported AHA and want this legislation WON that election! So all three branches of government had their right and proper role in making, and keeping, AHA the law!

And did you know that only 7% of the public doesn't support this law? The rest who find it wanting in spots would like only to see it expanded, or go directly to single payer, not abolished.

Did you also know that many of those who are against "Obamacare" say they're FOR AHA?
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Epic fail. The market was up today you fool. You can't even take a shit without government Assitance.

Up from where? From yesterday? lol. They recouped their losses. You have nothing on the rest of the list, either. But here, let me lend you some a.s.s.i.s.t.a.n.c.e. on your spelling.

I like you lots but that's not how the Obama admin has been changing it over the past couple of years.

I like you, too, Amelia, but the AHA was passed by the Legislative branch of our government, and the Executive branch signed it, and it WAS challenged, and the Judicial (Supremes) upheld it. AFTER all that, we had an election, and AHA was a HUGE issue. The side who supported AHA and want this legislation WON that election! So all three branches of government had their right and proper role in making, and keeping, AHA the law!

And did you know that only 7% of the public doesn't support this law? The rest who find it wanting in spots would like only to see it expanded, or go directly to single payer, not abolished.

Did you also know that many of those who are against "Obamacare" say their FOR AHA?

They upheld the mandate by calling it a tax. They did not rule yet on the hundreds of other cases being brought up against it.
Discredited? ROFL

You tell me how many jobs are going to be lost due to Obama Care. How many Americans will loose their jobs? How many Americans will loose their employer paid insurance now? How many Americans have to be tied down and raped to pay for your welfare?

Yes, discredited. I did not make the claim, YOU did. You can't prove it, and stepped on your own dick making a fraudulent claim. :eusa_liar:

You are a pos liar. The cbo reports are there for everyone to read
I don't need to link them. Eight million jobs gone already. Most new jobs are part time now for the first time in our history. Your lips are so puckered to your anointed one that you can't even see straight.

The CBO doesn't point to AHA, dick head, it points to the sequester!

Daily Kos: CBO: Sequester will cost up to 1.6 million jobs

The Congressional Budget Office says that keeping sequester cuts through 2014 would cost the economy as many as 1.6 million jobs. If Congress repeals sequestration, the economy could add between 300,000 and 1.6 million jobs, with around 900,000 being the most likely number. The CBO looked into this at the request of Rep. Chris Van Hollen, as Democrats prepare another push to fix this thing:

But Republicans remain determined to keep the massive, indiscriminate cuts in place—even the ones they say they don't like—in order to avoid closing some corporate tax loopholes or taxing hedge fund billionaires a little more. Now, as the next big fight approaches, that determination comes with a big number representing the jobs that will be lost if Republicans keep getting their way.

And now those drunken fools have gone and made it that much worse.
I like you lots but that's not how the Obama admin has been changing it over the past couple of years.

I like you, too, Amelia, but the AHA was passed by the Legislative branch of our government, and the Executive branch signed it, and it WAS challenged, and the Judicial (Supremes) upheld it. AFTER all that, we had an election, and AHA was a HUGE issue. The side who supported AHA and want this legislation WON that election! So all three branches of government had their right and proper role in making, and keeping, AHA the law!

And did you know that only 7% of the public doesn't support this law? The rest who find it wanting in spots would like only to see it expanded, or go directly to single payer, not abolished.

Did you also know that many of those who are against "Obamacare" say their FOR AHA?

They upheld the mandate by calling it a tax. They did not rule yet on the hundreds of other cases being brought up against it.

Did they "not yet rule," or have those "hundreds of other cases" been deemed unworthy of the court's time?
I like you, too, Amelia, but the AHA was passed by the Legislative branch of our government, and the Executive branch signed it, and it WAS challenged, and the Judicial (Supremes) upheld it. AFTER all that, we had an election, and AHA was a HUGE issue. The side who supported AHA and want this legislation WON that election! So all three branches of government had their right and proper role in making, and keeping, AHA the law!

And did you know that only 7% of the public doesn't support this law? The rest who find it wanting in spots would like only to see it expanded, or go directly to single payer, not abolished.

Did you also know that many of those who are against "Obamacare" say their FOR AHA?

They upheld the mandate by calling it a tax. They did not rule yet on the hundreds of other cases being brought up against it.

Did they "not yet rule," or have those "hundreds of other cases" been deemed unworthy of the court's time?

Why don't you go investigate all of the cases coming up the chain and get us a view from the SCOTUS as to which they will review.
Yes, discredited. I did not make the claim, YOU did. You can't prove it, and stepped on your own dick making a fraudulent claim. :eusa_liar:

You are a pos liar. The cbo reports are there for everyone to read
I don't need to link them. Eight million jobs gone already. Most new jobs are part time now for the first time in our history. Your lips are so puckered to your anointed one that you can't even see straight.

The CBO doesn't point to AHA, dick head, it points to the sequester!

Daily Kos: CBO: Sequester will cost up to 1.6 million jobs

The Congressional Budget Office says that keeping sequester cuts through 2014 would cost the economy as many as 1.6 million jobs. If Congress repeals sequestration, the economy could add between 300,000 and 1.6 million jobs, with around 900,000 being the most likely number. The CBO looked into this at the request of Rep. Chris Van Hollen, as Democrats prepare another push to fix this thing:

But Republicans remain determined to keep the massive, indiscriminate cuts in place—even the ones they say they don't like—in order to avoid closing some corporate tax loopholes or taxing hedge fund billionaires a little more. Now, as the next big fight approaches, that determination comes with a big number representing the jobs that will be lost if Republicans keep getting their way.

And now those drunken fools have gone and made it that much worse.

ROFL yeah cause only the "government" can create jobs. ROFL
They upheld the mandate by calling it a tax. They did not rule yet on the hundreds of other cases being brought up against it.

Did they "not yet rule," or have those "hundreds of other cases" been deemed unworthy of the court's time?

Why don't you go investigate all of the cases coming up the chain and get us a view from the SCOTUS as to which they will review.

I don't have to :lmao:
It?s not just D.C. Here?s where the shutdown is hitting across the country.

How big an impact will this have? In a research note Tuesday, J.P. Morgan analysts estimated that federal furloughs will reduce national income by a total of $1.3 billion per week. As a result, the shutdown could shave 0.12 percent off fourth quarter GDP growth for each week it goes on. That forecast doesn't account for any knock-on effects on the private sector or dent in economic confidence, which are harder to quantify.

Relying on a federal paycheck during the shutdown - The Washington Post
Except NONE of those shutdowns was aimed at simply ending a govt program enacted by a majoriity.

Here is every previous government shutdown, why they happened and how they ended

In1982, Democrats shut down the government because they were pushing for a provision reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine".

From you own link, you're a lying ass:

When did it take place? Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 1982
How long did it last? 1 day
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Republicans, 53-47; Howard Baker was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 244-191; Tip O'Neill was speaker
Why did it happen? Basically no reason. The new fiscal year started and Congress just hadn't passed new spending in time, and so parts of the government were forced to shut down. While there were some disagreements over spending levels between the House and Senate and the administration, the reason the former didn't pass the bill before a shutdown was basically that they had other plans.

and the other one:

When did it take place? Dec.17-21, 1982
How long did it last? 3 days
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Republicans, 53-47; Howard Baker was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 244-191; Tip O'Neill was speaker
Why did it happen? House and Senate negotiators want to fund $5.4 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively, in public works spending to create jobs, but the Reagan administration threatened to veto any spending bill that included jobs money. The House also opposed funding the MX missile program, a major defense priority of Reagan's.

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