Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

I really expected you had something up your sleeve here. Some kind of super convincing packet of information to prove your point but it appears your best argument is... :fu:

That's it? How pathetic it must be to be you.

They've been looking for days to find someone that's hungry. My guess is they went out kidnapped a kid, are starving him, and will be taking a video of him begging for food real soon now.


In the absence of an agreement on the upcoming budget for the United States, the federal government has been temporarily “shut down” and 815,000 of its whopping 2 million employees have been furloughed. This interesting situation gives Americans the chance to realize how little they actually notice when 41% of federal workers literally stay home.

It was refreshing to see the notable furloughs of 91% of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 93% of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 96% of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 94% of the Dept. of Education, 91% of the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), 98% of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC).

Disappointingly, agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the FBI, the BATFE, saw little, if any, furloughs. Apparently raiding marijuana clinics, groping travelers, and setting up domestic highway checkpoints are considered an “essential” function of government that couldn’t bear any furloughs.
Except NONE of those shutdowns was aimed at simply ending a govt program enacted by a majoriity.

Here is every previous government shutdown, why they happened and how they ended

In1982, Democrats shut down the government because they were pushing for a provision reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine".

From you own link, you're a lying ass:

When did it take place? Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 1982
How long did it last? 1 day
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Republicans, 53-47; Howard Baker was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 244-191; Tip O'Neill was speaker
Why did it happen? Basically no reason. The new fiscal year started and Congress just hadn't passed new spending in time, and so parts of the government were forced to shut down. While there were some disagreements over spending levels between the House and Senate and the administration, the reason the former didn't pass the bill before a shutdown was basically that they had other plans.

and the other one:

When did it take place? Dec.17-21, 1982
How long did it last? 3 days
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Republicans, 53-47; Howard Baker was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 244-191; Tip O'Neill was speaker
Why did it happen? House and Senate negotiators want to fund $5.4 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively, in public works spending to create jobs, but the Reagan administration threatened to veto any spending bill that included jobs money. The House also opposed funding the MX missile program, a major defense priority of Reagan's.

Oh no...I made a typo. I said 1982 instead of 1987...of course, I included the link to the entire article so you could find the mistake if you'd wanted. But, you chose to make an ass of yourself as is your right.,

"Shutdown #14: I Think You're a Contra

When did it take place? Dec. 18-20, 1987
How long did it last? 1 day
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Democrats, 54-46; Robert Byrd was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 258-177; Jim Wright was speaker
Why did it happen? Reagan and congressional Democrats could not agree on funding for the Nicaraguan "Contra" militants in time to avoid a shutdown. Additionally, Democrats pushed for a provision reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine," which required that broadcasters give equal airing to both sides in political disputes, and which the FCC had recently stopped enforcing at the time. What resolved it? Democrats yielded on the Fairness Doctrine, and a deal was worked out wherein nonlethal aid was provided to the Contras."

Sorry you are stupid. :)
Last edited:
In1982, Democrats shut down the government because they were pushing for a provision reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine".

From you own link, you're a lying ass:

and the other one:

When did it take place? Dec.17-21, 1982
How long did it last? 3 days
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Republicans, 53-47; Howard Baker was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 244-191; Tip O'Neill was speaker
Why did it happen? House and Senate negotiators want to fund $5.4 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively, in public works spending to create jobs, but the Reagan administration threatened to veto any spending bill that included jobs money. The House also opposed funding the MX missile program, a major defense priority of Reagan's.

Oh no...I made a typo. I said 1982 instead of 1987...of course, I included the link to the entire article so you could find the mistake if you'd wanted. But, you chose to make an ass of yourself as is your right.,

"Shutdown #14: I Think You're a Contra

When did it take place? Dec. 18-20, 1987
How long did it last? 1 day
Who was president? Ronald Reagan
Who controlled the Senate? Democrats, 54-46; Robert Byrd was majority leader
Who controlled the House? Democrats, 258-177; Jim Wright was speaker
Why did it happen? Reagan and congressional Democrats could not agree on funding for the Nicaraguan "Contra" militants in time to avoid a shutdown. Additionally, Democrats pushed for a provision reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine," which required that broadcasters give equal airing to both sides in political disputes, and which the FCC had recently stopped enforcing at the time. What resolved it? Democrats yielded on the Fairness Doctrine, and a deal was worked out wherein nonlethal aid was provided to the Contras."

Sorry you are stupid. :)

"additionally....?!" Piss off. Reagan didn't like the Bolan Amendments and too bad for him.
That wasn't Dems shutting down the government, that was a spoilt brat not liking his restrictions.

So, once again, you are full of shit.
U.S. poverty rises despite economic recovery | Reuters
Although the bulk of the more than 8 million jobs lost during the downturn have been recouped, many of the jobs have been in services industries such as retail and restaurants that typically do not pay well.

Belt-tightening in Washington to slash the government's budget deficit has significantly shrunk the social safety net.

About 16.1 million children and 3.9 million people aged 65 years and older were living in poverty last year.

"Millions are struggling to keep their heads above water, while the richest one percent is doing better than ever," said Joan Entmacher, vice president of Family Economic Security at the National Women's Law Center in Washington.

Poverty in the United States: A Snapshot | National Center for Law and Economic Justice

Census figures released in September 2013 confirm that record-high numbers of Americans are living in poverty. The latest data reveal:
One out of seven people in the USA are living in poverty.

Half of America is officially poor ? RT USA

Almost 50% of Americans Live in Poverty | Alliance for Sustainable Colorado

and finally:

US Census Bureau


Due to the lapse in government funding, sites, services, and all online survey collection requests will be unavailable until further notice.

Updates regarding government operating status and resumption of normal operations can be found at <>.

Websites affected by this shutdown are all hosted websites, including:
American Factfinder
Public API
FTP Servers
Online Surveys
Federal Statistical Organization websites: FCSM, FedStats and MapStats
Food for thought:


and just in case ANYone was unclear about WHO owns this:

Bachmann to Hannity: ?This Is About the Happiest? GOP Has Been in a While | Mediaite

ahhh, I had forgotten what a uber partisan dupe you can be(?).....hope you're well though..;) really.

well, wait- did I miss your tirade over the 77 shutdown, those nasty old Dems over that nasty old abortion issue, I withdraw my comment and, apologize..:eusa_angel:.......can you direct me to that post, please?:eusa_eh:

I wasn't here in 77, I was in Jr. High school.

DID you just bitch about a post I made that was almost a month dated?

Meanwhile, that was an argument AMONG democrats...not exactly what we have here. :eusa_boohoo:
Is it just me or is anybody else having trouble giving a shit about overpaid government workers having to wait a while for their paychecks? About a third of them should lose their jobs anyway, they're useless.

Federal workers are overpaid? No buddy, we're just more qualified than the average joe and our pay is well on point with our qualifications, I'm sick and damn tired of retarded righwtingers repeat the same damn lies about govt workers being overpaid when the average civilian contractor makes more money than I do.

See what we're dealing with?

That's how we felt when O-care was foisted upon us in spite of nationwide resistance of such magnitude that it resulted in a Republican winning the Kennedy Senate seat. Like someone whose house had been broken into and serious violation was about to happen but we might have some say about which room it took place in and whether or not we would get to have a pillow.

Both sides are highly offensive. I don't know how Obama or Reid think people would be willing to work with them when they're so insulting. A logical conclusion to draw is that they don't want Republicans working with them. Way before the shutdown happened the pundits were saying that Obama was salivating at the prospect because he thought it would be good for Democrats in 2014.

I'm both glad and sad that the media has become cynical about him.
Is it just me or is anybody else having trouble giving a shit about overpaid government workers having to wait a while for their paychecks? About a third of them should lose their jobs anyway, they're useless.

Federal workers are overpaid? No buddy, we're just more qualified than the average joe and our pay is well on point with our qualifications, I'm sick and damn tired of retarded righwtingers repeat the same damn lies about govt workers being overpaid when the average civilian contractor makes more money than I do.
And what exactly makes you more qualified than the "average joe"? Not a fucking thing. All you are is a paid for Democrat voter because you couldn't come close to landing a REAL job in the private sector. You're a slave to the Democratic Party because you can't compete otherwise.
Federal workers are more qualified. Now that is comedy gold!

I work for the DoD in communications and electronics and did the same job in the AF, plus I'm a college grad with a degrees in the same field, please tell me that the average joe is more qualified than me.
Federal workers are more qualified. Now that is comedy gold!

I work for the DoD in communications and electronics and did the same job in the AF, plus I'm a college grad with a degrees in the same field, please tell me that the average joe is more qualified than me.

Why do I doubt that someone who works for the DoD in communications and electronics, in Paris, France would be bragging about it on an open forum.
Federal workers are more qualified. Now that is comedy gold!

I work for the DoD in communications and electronics and did the same job in the AF, plus I'm a college grad with a degrees in the same field, please tell me that the average joe is more qualified than me.

Why do I doubt that someone who works for the DoD in communications and electronics, in Paris, France would be bragging about it on an open forum.

Because I can, that's why, and I'm not bragging about anything.
I work for the DoD in communications and electronics and did the same job in the AF, plus I'm a college grad with a degrees in the same field, please tell me that the average joe is more qualified than me.

Why do I doubt that someone who works for the DoD in communications and electronics, in Paris, France would be bragging about it on an open forum.

Because I can, that's why, and I'm not bragging about anything.

The percentage of Americans with college degrees is approaching 50%. Working for the feds is negative experience wrt qualifications for any job other than a government job.

So yes, the average Joe is more qualified than you. Anything else you want to know?

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