Shout Out to the Mods. :)

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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
This is a thread designed to give the mods here a little credit. I'm sure they hear b.s. all day long....maybe for once they can hear something nice. You can call it what you will....but saying thank you or expressing some appreciation is never a bad thing.

So if you would like to say thanks, or just express appreciation for the job they do....go for it. :)
This is a thread designed to give the mods here a little credit. I'm sure they hear b.s. all day long....maybe for once they can hear something nice. You can call it what you will....but saying thank you or expressing some appreciation is never a bad thing.

So if you would like to say thanks, or just express appreciation for the job they do....go for it. :)
I always give the mods a little credit! :)
Westwall is a good guy who helped me overcome some stupidity on my part. I really did appreciate it. He probably doesn't remember, but I do. Thanks.
I think Cereal Killer is awesome...have thought that from the beginning of my time here.

The dude has panache.

Regards from Rosie

C_K and the other mods are great.

Westwall is a good guy who helped me overcome some stupidity on my part. I really did appreciate it. He probably doesn't remember, but I do. Thanks.

Except this schmuck.
Some USMB members have been banned from other sites, as have I. One of the problems with other sites is that their moderators are immune to the criticisms and sentiments that rank-and-file members are not. The ban hammer, therefore, is a tool too often used for personal reasons. A mod could at his own discretion deem a member in contempt of the staff.

On these boards, however, the moderators are not elitists. They act as rank-and-file members in their intercourse, and as moderators while maintaining the site and enforcing the rules. Their objectivity is commendable.
Mods don't deserve credit when they make up rules that don't exist. Had this been a negative review of the "mods" your dumb ass would be banned but please continue you with your petty ass kiss moment.
some usmb members have been banned from other sites, as have i. One of the problems with other sites is that their moderators are immune to the criticisms and sentiments that rank-and-file members are not. The ban hammer, therefore, is a tool too often used for personal reasons. A mod could at his own discretion deem a member in contempt of the staff.

On these boards, however, the moderators are not elitists. They act as rank-and-file members in their intercourse, and as moderators while maintaining the site and enforcing the rules. Their objectivity is commendable.

tl; dr
Some USMB members have been banned from other sites, as have I. One of the problems with other sites is that their moderators are immune to the criticisms and sentiments that rank-and-file members are not. The ban hammer, therefore, is a tool too often used for personal reasons. A mod could at his own discretion deem a member in contempt of the staff.

On these boards, however, the moderators are not elitists. They act as rank-and-file members in their intercourse, and as moderators while maintaining the site and enforcing the rules. Their objectivity is commendable.

Thanks norwegen.

Some posters leave because of the Rules and some posters stay, because of the Rules.

Not all violations fall within the printed Rules and Guidelines and that is the grey area where Mod discretion comes in. For better or for worse. Bullet # 5 under the R&Gs, states: No discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific Moderator actions or duties, on the open boards. :eusa_think:
Not an easy job being a moderator/admin. Sometimes I am sure that it can be thankless. But it is because of the mods/admins that USMB is the great place that it is. Yes, there are sites with no mods and others with much stricter mods than here. Striking the right balance takes a certain degree of finesse and yes, I see that happening here.

So a round of :clap: for the USMB mod/admin team for doing a tough job and making it look easy! :D
I think the moderators on this board do their very best and are truly trying to make the USMB experience the best it can be for "everyone" here. They are warm, friendly and also human. It is easy to criticize moderators when you've never been one before. I wouldn't want that job for all the tea in China! Thank you USMB Moderators! You are a great team and I appreciate each and every one of you.

- Jeremiah
I think the moderators on this board do their very best and are truly trying to make the USMB experience the best it can be for "everyone" here. They are warm, friendly and also human. It is easy to criticize moderators when you've never been one before. I wouldn't want that job for all the tea in China! Thank you USMB Moderators! You are a great team and I appreciate each and every one of you.

- Jeremiah

good "suck up" post :thup:
Your cool, your cool, your cool, much appreciated, your cool...except westhall xxxxx xxxx

Cheers to everyone else!

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