Should the US split Up?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It's getting pretty obvious, according to the electoral map over the years that the American Union just isn't what it used to be, it's rapidly failing as a cohesive, working nation.

Is it really such a crazy idea that the result could be a two or more nation split?
I'm down with selling the south to mexico or china. It would pay off the debt and then some, plus getting most all of the GOP trash the hell out of the country so freedom and liberty can prevail :up:
I'm down with selling the south to mexico or china. It would pay off the debt and then some, plus getting most all of the GOP trash the hell out of the country so freedom and liberty can prevail :up:

Odd talk from a guy who consistently espouses the virtues of an ever, all consuming Federal government that tells us what to do do from what to eat to what kind of light bulbs we can have.
the answer is NO.

give it a few years and all the repubs kids will join us.
Here's a view.



Being an American means enjoying more security, freedom and liberty than any other nation in the world. Being an American means supporting and defending American democracy and every democracy that supports America. Being an American means pledging allegiance to the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands.

Being an American does not mean coming to America to become an American for no other reason than to have the freedom to harm other Americans for profit. Being an American means to be free from those who come to America not to become Americans but to harm Americans on behalf of foreign powers.

Being an American means being educated and participating in democracy. Being an American means learning about American history and what it means to our survival. Being an American means re-examining ourselves in times of adversity and coming to no uncertain terms with those who threaten or undermine our freedom.

Being an American means trusting in the establishment of our Constitution " form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..."

Being an American means that we cannot abide any attack against our people or our country by any evil in the world. Being an American means that we must exact American justice against all those responsible for acts of terrorism against America up to and including the cowardly, heinous acts of war committed on September 11, 2001 in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

What does it mean to be an American? It does not mean living in fear of terrorism. It does not mean living in a culture of social aggression, political rancor, legal anarchy, superficial selfish interests and media-driven chaos. And, clearly, it does not mean living in fear of terrorism. Being an American means living free, love of country and the constant effort to make it better. At this point in time it probably means that "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore."

However, there's something else about being an American that's disturbing, indeed, self destructive. Before the smoke of death had settled on the day of infamy, this American watched a troubling segment of a program that aired on public television. "History of the Future: Technology and the Global Village" contained a piece by a teenager about being American.

In the production a teenage girl skated around on her roller blades talking to people about what it means to be American. Her conclusion between each interview was to skate up to the camera, smile and say, "What does it mean to be an American or to be in America? Nothing! It's just a place where you live." Then she made the peace sign and roller bladed away.

Is that casual glibness our future? Considering the way our culture has eroded, maybe so. Meanwhile, this American wonders what America will do about this deeply seeded crisis, and what that young film producer thinks about being American now...

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center
the answer is NO.

give it a few years and all the repubs kids will join us.

Why would we allow our children to lapse into insanity and join ranks with the likes of stupid fucks such as yourself?

That would make no sense. Quite the contrary, a lot of younger people are starting to see the utter stupidity that is Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, etc. It just doesn't work...
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If you remember Igor Panarin, he predicted the break up of the Soviet Union and predicts a similar end of the US. It would be great to get the liberal garbage out of at least one part of the country so that the Constitution would survive in some form. Liberals are an anxious to get GOP trash out of their country as the GOP is anxious to get liberal trash out of theirs. That's one of the reasons why the nation will break up no matter who doesn't want it. Too many people on both sides DO. Will it happen peacefully or violently. That's the only question.
the answer is NO.

give it a few years and all the repubs kids will join us.

Why would we allow our children to lapse into insanity and join ranks with the likes of stupid fucks such as yourself?

That would make no sense. Quite the contrary, a lot of younger people are starting to see the utter stupidity that is Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, etc. It just doesn't work...

Didn't the majority of the young vote go to the very people you just labeled as stupid and insane though? As to the question of the, the point of America is to have all these varying ideas and shit come together in a common goal...even if the way they feel it should be done is such a point of contention. Besides, It's not nearly that flippin' easy.
Obviously a non-serious question, but the negative liberal overreaction is in interesting contrast to the claim that the people residing in Blue states are better educated than their Red state counterparts. LOL, wouldn't it leave Blue states better off if they weren't hobbled by their association with Red state taxpayers?
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
Ronald Reagan

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president... is morally treasonable to the American public.
Theodore Roosevelt

American Quotes - BrainyQuote
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I'm down with selling the south to mexico or china. It would pay off the debt and then some, plus getting most all of the GOP trash the hell out of the country so freedom and liberty can prevail :up:

Odd talk from a guy who consistently espouses the virtues of an ever, all consuming Federal government that tells us what to do do from what to eat to what kind of light bulbs we can have.

If people would follow the original intent of federalism, it wouldnt be nessasary. People in Mississipi could enact laws as they see fit (within the guidlines of the US and Mississippi consitution) and people elsewhere could do the same.

progressives aim for a "one size fits all" end game, where the states are merely administrative cogs of the federal machine.
Should it? Probably. We really are heading towards a two country system economically with the Blue States focusing on international capital investment hubs and related service industries, and the Red States shifting towards agriculture and industry states. Politically, the two want different things.

Realistically, they'd both fall apart. The Red states are largely funded by the Blue States, and after a split they'd devolve within a generation into a strictly regimented class society with the poor trapped perpetually in poverty until there was a fairly bloody uprising down the line. The Blue States without the Red States would become like Switzerland. Wealthy, but ultimately irrelevant to anyone.
It just a question of when and how.

Republicans, like Lincoln (when he wasn't hunting vampires) were able to beat the Democrats into giving up their slaves once, looks like we're going to have to do it again
Is it really such a crazy idea that the result could be a two or more nation split?

I think a more workable scenario if a split were to occur would be for northern states to merge into Canada.

Two baby nations trying to develop their own "federal" government would be absolute turmoil.
Is there any doubt that the Federal Government has been swallowing up individual and States rights far beyond their powers limited too in the Constitution?
If you remember Igor Panarin, he predicted the break up of the Soviet Union and predicts a similar end of the US. It would be great to get the liberal garbage out of at least one part of the country so that the Constitution would survive in some form. Liberals are an anxious to get GOP trash out of their country as the GOP is anxious to get liberal trash out of theirs. That's one of the reasons why the nation will break up no matter who doesn't want it. Too many people on both sides DO. Will it happen peacefully or violently. That's the only question.

Great, you take the Red States.
The US should not split up but maybe those who feel democracy to be far too democratic should pool their resources, buy their own country and move there forthwith. I hear Costa Rica is willing to allow the rich to set up their own little kingdoms.

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