Should the President...

Can the president dissolve a media outlet when that outlet criticizes him?

  • Yes! The fake news is the enemy of the people

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • No! We live under a constitution that protects the press

    Votes: 26 92.9%

  • Total voters
I am not in favor of voter suppression. I am in favor of a vigorous investigation and proposals to eliminate interference by forpowers in our electoral system.

Would voter ID prevent Russian interference? No.

Figures. You target on voter INFLUENCE, which is at most what the Russians could have done, and ignore VOTE FRAUD OR INTERFERENCE, which is what can happen if people who can't vote actually do vote.

You clamor for safe and legitimate elections but don't want to enact the one measure that might help guarantee that.

If there was evidence of massive voter fraud, then let's explore solutions. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

Foryinterference is real. And it's still happening. Foreigners are hacking our voter rolls, they could actually change votes. And you want to ignore that problem.

Show us evidence of voter fraud. Are we talking about a handful of votes, or three million votes as the Teump campaign claims (because he lost the popular vote)?

How does hacking into our voter rolls change elections?

And why wouldn't voter ID, shown at the polling place help keep track of that?

And what progs like you are alluding to isn't VOTE INTERFERENCE, it's VOTE INFLUENCE.

stop trying to make it sound like the Russians hacked the election.
Tell that to every American intelligence agency. Tell that to both the House and Senate intelligence committee.

Everyone agrees the Russians have and continue to hack our elections. Stuff Fox News won't tell you.

But the whole current investigation isn't about hacking, it's about influencing, so please try to make up your mind on this shit.

And Voter ID's matched to other documentary evidence would make hacking votes that much harder.

& paper ballots.
Figures. You target on voter INFLUENCE, which is at most what the Russians could have done, and ignore VOTE FRAUD OR INTERFERENCE, which is what can happen if people who can't vote actually do vote.

You clamor for safe and legitimate elections but don't want to enact the one measure that might help guarantee that.

If there was evidence of massive voter fraud, then let's explore solutions. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

Foryinterference is real. And it's still happening. Foreigners are hacking our voter rolls, they could actually change votes. And you want to ignore that problem.

Show us evidence of voter fraud. Are we talking about a handful of votes, or three million votes as the Teump campaign claims (because he lost the popular vote)?

How does hacking into our voter rolls change elections?

And why wouldn't voter ID, shown at the polling place help keep track of that?

And what progs like you are alluding to isn't VOTE INTERFERENCE, it's VOTE INFLUENCE.

stop trying to make it sound like the Russians hacked the election.
Tell that to every American intelligence agency. Tell that to both the House and Senate intelligence committee.

Everyone agrees the Russians have and continue to hack our elections. Stuff Fox News won't tell you.

But the whole current investigation isn't about hacking, it's about influencing, so please try to make up your mind on this shit.

And Voter ID's matched to other documentary evidence would make hacking votes that much harder.

& paper ballots.

I wouldn't have an issue with that, or go back to the mechanical machines NY used to have.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
This is a strawman argument. Noone said to dissolve them.
They are killing themselves. They are overtly partisan and they don't eve try to hide it.
So in 2024, they will say the same things about the next republican, the cats out, cant put it back in. The press is leftwing and an arm of the democrat party.

Lou Dobbs, Trump ally and sycophant certainly did.

On air, on FOX.
I haven't seen that. Was it a joke? he is in the press, I really doubt he's advocating that. But hey one guy in the media out of thousands that supports Trump, holy cow, it's way too many!
The truth to a republican is like garlic is to a vampire

that's why trump told his deplorables to not believe their own eyes & ears & to 'stick with him'....
The purpose of the investigation is to determine how the Russians attacked or election and who, if anyone, conspired with them. Your 'explaination' is the Trumpian point of view.

Ask yourself, is it plausible that the investigation is intended to get rid of Trump?

Then why are progressives placing so much value on a tax evasion case from a decade ago?

How many other tax evasion cases are ongoing right now?

This is all about Trump, but of course progressives can't admit that as it makes them look like the petty sore losers they are.
The current Manafort trial is about bank fraud and tax evasion. Where did the money come from? How much of it was Russian money? Was that money used in a money laundering operation.

The next Manafort trial will reveal even more.

Should Manafort be charged with 18 counts of tax and bank fraud? Is that fair?

You can charge him with whatever the government can get an indictment for, as the jury deliberations continue we see that convicting is a different thing.

And the only reason Progs like you care about Russia Russia Russia is because you think it can bring down Trump.
The reason people are concerned with Russia Russia Russia is because we don't want foreign interference in the most sacred rite in democracy, our vote.

Don't you feel any responsibility in keeping our votes safe and legitimate?

Then I assume you are for voter ID, correct?

Equating what Russia did two years ago with photo ID is stupid - but we've come to expect that from you.

Most states accept other forms of identification:
Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Illegals/ Non-Citizens can't vote and widespread voter fraud is a myth:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth
If there was evidence of massive voter fraud, then let's explore solutions. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

Foryinterference is real. And it's still happening. Foreigners are hacking our voter rolls, they could actually change votes. And you want to ignore that problem.

Show us evidence of voter fraud. Are we talking about a handful of votes, or three million votes as the Teump campaign claims (because he lost the popular vote)?

How does hacking into our voter rolls change elections?

And why wouldn't voter ID, shown at the polling place help keep track of that?

And what progs like you are alluding to isn't VOTE INTERFERENCE, it's VOTE INFLUENCE.

stop trying to make it sound like the Russians hacked the election.
Tell that to every American intelligence agency. Tell that to both the House and Senate intelligence committee.

Everyone agrees the Russians have and continue to hack our elections. Stuff Fox News won't tell you.

But the whole current investigation isn't about hacking, it's about influencing, so please try to make up your mind on this shit.

And Voter ID's matched to other documentary evidence would make hacking votes that much harder.

& paper ballots.

I wouldn't have an issue with that, or go back to the mechanical machines NY used to have.

georgia has a huuuuuge problem with that. bigley. hmmm, i wonder why?
Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.
yawn, if I had a nickel for every time you tards said final nail for Trump, I'd be a billionaire. Comey admitted to leaking classified conversations, he not only should lose his clearance, he should be in jail.

Comey leaked nothing -
If taking your own personal memos with you which were never classified were illegal, then Beauregard Sessions would have prosecuted.
Sorry - No case
Is the press really the enemy of the people?

The press is supposed to reports the antics of the politicians without bias, not join one side against the other.

The mainstream press is completely in the Democrats' pocket. They are not doing their job but rather directly working for a party that is an enemy of the people so yes, they are an enemy of the people.

as far as print goes--- there is no difference between real journalism being carried out thru the WaPo, NYT, & the WSJ. factual news is factual news... it's the OP/ED page that determines whether a paper leans left or right.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.
yawn, if I had a nickel for every time you tards said final nail for Trump, I'd be a billionaire. Comey admitted to leaking classified conversations, he not only should lose his clearance, he should be in jail.

Comey leaked nothing -
If taking your own personal memos with you which were never classified were illegal, then Beauregard Sessions would have prosecuted.
Sorry - No case

intel people memorialize encounters all the time on paper, so they don't have to rely on memory. comey's memos are gonna hold much weight at the end of the day when mueller goes after capt cray cray ....
How about lies? I imagine you don't like them either ,,,like Obama wasn't born in America?
/—-/ I don’t know where or when Obozo was born. Stating an uncertainty is not lying.
Trump lied He's an out and out liar
/——/ Lied about what? Only Obozo knows where he was born.
It was checked and double checked and still the scumbag trump wouldn't apologize
/——/ Yeah, sure it was. Why did his realatives and his bio say he was born in Kenya?

so then trump lied when he said obama WAS born here at that infomercial disguised as a press conference at his DC hotel?
Then why are progressives placing so much value on a tax evasion case from a decade ago?

How many other tax evasion cases are ongoing right now?

This is all about Trump, but of course progressives can't admit that as it makes them look like the petty sore losers they are.
The current Manafort trial is about bank fraud and tax evasion. Where did the money come from? How much of it was Russian money? Was that money used in a money laundering operation.

The next Manafort trial will reveal even more.

Should Manafort be charged with 18 counts of tax and bank fraud? Is that fair?

You can charge him with whatever the government can get an indictment for, as the jury deliberations continue we see that convicting is a different thing.

And the only reason Progs like you care about Russia Russia Russia is because you think it can bring down Trump.
The reason people are concerned with Russia Russia Russia is because we don't want foreign interference in the most sacred rite in democracy, our vote.

Don't you feel any responsibility in keeping our votes safe and legitimate?

Then I assume you are for voter ID, correct?

Equating what Russia did two years ago with photo ID is stupid - but we've come to expect that from you.

Most states accept other forms of identification:
Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Illegals/ Non-Citizens can't vote and widespread voter fraud is a myth:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

How without the precise records allowed by comparing ID's to to the rolls can you dismiss voter fraud so handily?
How does hacking into our voter rolls change elections?

And why wouldn't voter ID, shown at the polling place help keep track of that?

And what progs like you are alluding to isn't VOTE INTERFERENCE, it's VOTE INFLUENCE.

stop trying to make it sound like the Russians hacked the election.
Tell that to every American intelligence agency. Tell that to both the House and Senate intelligence committee.

Everyone agrees the Russians have and continue to hack our elections. Stuff Fox News won't tell you.

But the whole current investigation isn't about hacking, it's about influencing, so please try to make up your mind on this shit.

And Voter ID's matched to other documentary evidence would make hacking votes that much harder.

& paper ballots.

I wouldn't have an issue with that, or go back to the mechanical machines NY used to have.

georgia has a huuuuuge problem with that. bigley. hmmm, i wonder why?

Actually his best trick is driving morons like you batshit crazy/crazier.

That takes all sorts of creativity.

yaaaaa............. you go with that, martin....

This seems to be a pattern with Orangelings -
They simply don't care how batshit crazy this POTUS is becoming or how much damage he is doing to our democracy.
As long as it drives progressives crazy.
Sad :(

oh you know if that tape came out with him using that n word- his base would lap it up like the pavlov's mutts they are.
You fail to understand that Trump's base hears the whining cacophony of the TDS afflicted people CONSTANTLY and are learning with increasing precision to tune them out. You guys have screamed WOLF!! every time a chihuahua is spotted crossing the yard and everyone is tired of running to the window.

Exactly. With all the bullshit they whine about if something real actually comes up it will be lost in the noise.

oh no it won't.
The current Manafort trial is about bank fraud and tax evasion. Where did the money come from? How much of it was Russian money? Was that money used in a money laundering operation.

The next Manafort trial will reveal even more.

Should Manafort be charged with 18 counts of tax and bank fraud? Is that fair?

You can charge him with whatever the government can get an indictment for, as the jury deliberations continue we see that convicting is a different thing.

And the only reason Progs like you care about Russia Russia Russia is because you think it can bring down Trump.
The reason people are concerned with Russia Russia Russia is because we don't want foreign interference in the most sacred rite in democracy, our vote.

Don't you feel any responsibility in keeping our votes safe and legitimate?

Then I assume you are for voter ID, correct?

Equating what Russia did two years ago with photo ID is stupid - but we've come to expect that from you.

Most states accept other forms of identification:
Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Illegals/ Non-Citizens can't vote and widespread voter fraud is a myth:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

How without the precise records allowed by comparing ID's to to the rolls can you dismiss voter fraud so handily?

The only widespread voter fraud involves GOP gerrymandering, roll purging and suppression.
Tell that to every American intelligence agency. Tell that to both the House and Senate intelligence committee.

Everyone agrees the Russians have and continue to hack our elections. Stuff Fox News won't tell you.

But the whole current investigation isn't about hacking, it's about influencing, so please try to make up your mind on this shit.

And Voter ID's matched to other documentary evidence would make hacking votes that much harder.

& paper ballots.

I wouldn't have an issue with that, or go back to the mechanical machines NY used to have.

georgia has a huuuuuge problem with that. bigley. hmmm, i wonder why?


Federal Judge demands Sec. of State Kemp explain why Ga. can't switch to paper ballots

Resolution for paper ballots fails in Morgan County

Georgia election officials warn of ‘chaos’ if judge orders paper ballots

sufficient enough for ya?
You can charge him with whatever the government can get an indictment for, as the jury deliberations continue we see that convicting is a different thing.

And the only reason Progs like you care about Russia Russia Russia is because you think it can bring down Trump.
The reason people are concerned with Russia Russia Russia is because we don't want foreign interference in the most sacred rite in democracy, our vote.

Don't you feel any responsibility in keeping our votes safe and legitimate?

Then I assume you are for voter ID, correct?

Equating what Russia did two years ago with photo ID is stupid - but we've come to expect that from you.

Most states accept other forms of identification:
Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Illegals/ Non-Citizens can't vote and widespread voter fraud is a myth:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

How without the precise records allowed by comparing ID's to to the rolls can you dismiss voter fraud so handily?

The only widespread voter fraud involves GOP gerrymandering, roll purging and suppression.

Standard prog claptrap from a standard prog twat.

Gerrymandering isn't fraud, both parties do it. Stop lying

Roll updates are not purging, stop lying.

Show me active suppression of voting.....
But the whole current investigation isn't about hacking, it's about influencing, so please try to make up your mind on this shit.

And Voter ID's matched to other documentary evidence would make hacking votes that much harder.

& paper ballots.

I wouldn't have an issue with that, or go back to the mechanical machines NY used to have.

georgia has a huuuuuge problem with that. bigley. hmmm, i wonder why?


Federal Judge demands Sec. of State Kemp explain why Ga. can't switch to paper ballots

Resolution for paper ballots fails in Morgan County

Georgia election officials warn of ‘chaos’ if judge orders paper ballots

sufficient enough for ya?

Yeah, they want to switch now a few months before the election?

Do you realize how slow government works?
The reason people are concerned with Russia Russia Russia is because we don't want foreign interference in the most sacred rite in democracy, our vote.

Don't you feel any responsibility in keeping our votes safe and legitimate?

Then I assume you are for voter ID, correct?

Equating what Russia did two years ago with photo ID is stupid - but we've come to expect that from you.

Most states accept other forms of identification:
Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Illegals/ Non-Citizens can't vote and widespread voter fraud is a myth:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

How without the precise records allowed by comparing ID's to to the rolls can you dismiss voter fraud so handily?

The only widespread voter fraud involves GOP gerrymandering, roll purging and suppression.

Standard prog claptrap from a standard prog twat.

Gerrymandering isn't fraud, both parties do it. Stop lying

Roll updates are not purging, stop lying.

Show me active suppression of voting.....

Georgia county to close 7 of 9 voting precincts, civil rights attorney calls it 'voter suppression'

Yeah, they want to switch now a few months before the election?

Do you realize how slow government works?

they have been trying since 2017...
Then I assume you are for voter ID, correct?

Equating what Russia did two years ago with photo ID is stupid - but we've come to expect that from you.

Most states accept other forms of identification:
Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Illegals/ Non-Citizens can't vote and widespread voter fraud is a myth:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

How without the precise records allowed by comparing ID's to to the rolls can you dismiss voter fraud so handily?

The only widespread voter fraud involves GOP gerrymandering, roll purging and suppression.

Standard prog claptrap from a standard prog twat.

Gerrymandering isn't fraud, both parties do it. Stop lying

Roll updates are not purging, stop lying.

Show me active suppression of voting.....

Georgia county to close 7 of 9 voting precincts, civil rights attorney calls it 'voter suppression'

Opinion, not fact.

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