SHould the mandate or the entire bill go?

All of these people want it repealed all together but have no well thought out, real world viable alternate solutions. What we had before this legislation was much worse and going back to that would be outright idiotic.

The 2700+ page 0bamanation that was passed was much worse than doing nothing at all...

Start over... Pass smaller bills, starting with the shit that both sides agreed upon, and then go from there...

Try and be specific. I know it's hard when you don't have your own thoughts. But try.
I thought House was being specific? :confused:
Great analogy! Isn't this what 'progressives' have been doing? Create a problem or capitalize on small ones, legislate on it, muck it up and then propose more law to 'fix it' until eventually gubmint eventuially is in control of it ?

That's precisely what they do. Which is why it's so absurd.

Government is not the solution to the people's problems. The people are.

Do all of your best ideas fit on a bumper sticker?
The problem with only striking out the individual mandate is that democrats deliberately wrote the bill without a severability clause. They did that because they felt that the bill was so sweeping that some of it would be acceptable. Without a severability clause, even the acceptable parts would have to do. The court would never go that far. It was a miscalculation, the entire bill must fail because unconstitutional parts cannot be severed out. A second reason was that democrats felt with a severability clause the bill would be dismantled piece by piece over the course of years hampering its implementation.

Suggesting that the Justices read all 2007 pages to find if they can divine a severability clause themselves didn't work.

Does anyone know WHY the justices refused to actually read the bill they are being paid to rule on?
Same reason that congress did not read it before they passed it, they can not understand it.
All of these people want it repealed all together but have no well thought out, real world viable alternate solutions. What we had before this legislation was much worse and going back to that would be outright idiotic.

There is a very obvious real world solution. One that's worked for thousands of years. We take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

Define "worked".

LOL @ thousands of years. How old is our country again?

Thats it, let's go back to practicing medicine similar to the time when Jesus was alive. Solid plan. Holy fuck this place is good for a laugh. LOL, thousands of years. This is why people laugh at our country.
Great analogy! Isn't this what 'progressives' have been doing? Create a problem or capitalize on small ones, legislate on it, muck it up and then propose more law to 'fix it' until eventually gubmint eventuially is in control of it ?

That's precisely what they do. Which is why it's so absurd.

Government is not the solution to the people's problems. The people are.

Do all of your best ideas fit on a bumper sticker?

Are your mindless drivel that could fill volumes the size of 'War And Peace'?
All of these people want it repealed all together but have no well thought out, real world viable alternate solutions. What we had before this legislation was much worse and going back to that would be outright idiotic.

There is a very obvious real world solution. One that's worked for thousands of years. We take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

The notion that we need to keep Obamacare because there is no alternative is laughable. The way things were before Obamacare would be preferable.
There are several workable plans that don't involve coercing people into buying stuff. But the Dums only want to scream we're killing Grandma (Dums are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet, as their plan actually would kill Grandma).

Who said there are no alternatives? But you're right, there are much better plans. A public option or single payer. Which one do you prefer?
The 2700+ page 0bamanation that was passed was much worse than doing nothing at all...

Start over... Pass smaller bills, starting with the shit that both sides agreed upon, and then go from there...

Try and be specific. I know it's hard when you don't have your own thoughts. But try.

I was - try reading my next post, dipshit...

"Pass smaller bills" is pretty specific.

Oh wait I see the other part now too "start with shit that both sides agreed upon". Yeah that's a very in-depth statement that really cuts to the core of what needs to be done.

Don't know how I missed that, my fault. :doubt:
Because many people will not have insurance without a mandate you are saying you're willing to pay for their long term care out of taxes. You would not want them to buy into heath insurance as you would rather pick up the tab. How kind of those who don't want to see mandated insurance.
What was better before about healthcare in this country before this legislation. Be specific and you can't use buzzwords, especially the word "freedom". I'm talking about real world examples about what was better before.

For one thing, I was not forced to pay for something I cannot afford.

I have been unemployed for two years. I damn well cannot afford even the minimum requirement that will come my way of approximately $300/month with exemptions that I will be forced to pay come 2014. My wife works and with my unemployment it is unlikely I will qualify for the full coverage, so basically, I'm screwed. And I'm not the only one in this boat.

Beyond that, Obamacare has done nothing for me. Not a damned thing! Oh wait, the job situation is impossible to navigate because employers don't want to frigging hire people when they are going to be forced to provide health insurance on top of wages and they have no frigging clue how much that is going to cost them in the long run.

The costs of health policies are skyrocketing even worse than they were before Obamacare and are only going to get worse... not better. So, even when I do finally land a job, it will cost me more in my premiums than it would have pre-obamacare.

There's three things right off the top of my head.

I already said there were some good things within Obamacare so I won't ask you the same kind question you just asked me.

You may want to call me a terrible person for not being insured today and risking the possibility that I could end up in the hospital and the employed/insured would end up eventually paying for it, but so far I have avoided the need for any medical care that I could not pay for on my own and God willing I will land a job before I do... but then Obamacare has made that damned near impossible.


If you truly can't afford it there are means to help people such as yourself. That's one of the points of this legislation to help get insurance for those who can't afford it. Do you not qualify to get subsidized help to cover the cost of your insurance? I obviously don't know your personal financial details but I would bet that you wouldn't have to pay so much out of pocket if you are as truly broke as you claim to be.

The costs are still rising yes and thats part of my major gripe is that this legislation doesn't do enough to reign in soaring costs. But has it made the sky rocketing costs worse? I don't think anyone can say that, because it just passed and hasn't even come close to being fully implemented yet.

No, I don't believe I would qualify under Obamacare AND WHAT'S MORE, I don't want to be a slave to the gosh darn government!

I'm doing everything I can think of to change my situation, but searching for a frigging job has changed since I had to do it before and I have not found the right damned key and I am not sure I ever will! I went so far as to hire a career counselor just because nothing I have done in the last two years has worked.

I do not want to be a slave to Nancy Pelosi!!! Dagnamit!!!!!

The 2700+ page 0bamanation that was passed was much worse than doing nothing at all...

Start over... Pass smaller bills, starting with the shit that both sides agreed upon, and then go from there...

Try and be specific. I know it's hard when you don't have your own thoughts. But try.
I thought House was being specific? :confused:

I know what the problem is. I need to define the word "specific" for you guys. That's my fault, I'll take the blame for that one.
What was better before about healthcare in this country before this legislation. Be specific and you can't use buzzwords, especially the word "freedom". I'm talking about real world examples about what was better before.

0bama said it would cost $900 billion over 10 years and wouldn't add a dime to the debt... It's now estimated to cost $2.6 trillion - almost triple!

0bama said you'd get to keep your doctor... Not true - ask Plymco_Pilgrim...

Quoted, because dipshit_1210 would probably wander around for hours trying to find it....

Specifics posted AGAIN for dipshit_1210, as predicted, was tooo fucking stupid to see it...

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For one thing, I was not forced to pay for something I cannot afford.

I have been unemployed for two years. I damn well cannot afford even the minimum requirement that will come my way of approximately $300/month with exemptions that I will be forced to pay come 2014. My wife works and with my unemployment it is unlikely I will qualify for the full coverage, so basically, I'm screwed. And I'm not the only one in this boat.

Beyond that, Obamacare has done nothing for me. Not a damned thing! Oh wait, the job situation is impossible to navigate because employers don't want to frigging hire people when they are going to be forced to provide health insurance on top of wages and they have no frigging clue how much that is going to cost them in the long run.

The costs of health policies are skyrocketing even worse than they were before Obamacare and are only going to get worse... not better. So, even when I do finally land a job, it will cost me more in my premiums than it would have pre-obamacare.

There's three things right off the top of my head.

I already said there were some good things within Obamacare so I won't ask you the same kind question you just asked me.

You may want to call me a terrible person for not being insured today and risking the possibility that I could end up in the hospital and the employed/insured would end up eventually paying for it, but so far I have avoided the need for any medical care that I could not pay for on my own and God willing I will land a job before I do... but then Obamacare has made that damned near impossible.


If you truly can't afford it there are means to help people such as yourself. That's one of the points of this legislation to help get insurance for those who can't afford it. Do you not qualify to get subsidized help to cover the cost of your insurance? I obviously don't know your personal financial details but I would bet that you wouldn't have to pay so much out of pocket if you are as truly broke as you claim to be.

The costs are still rising yes and thats part of my major gripe is that this legislation doesn't do enough to reign in soaring costs. But has it made the sky rocketing costs worse? I don't think anyone can say that, because it just passed and hasn't even come close to being fully implemented yet.

No, I don't believe I would qualify under Obamacare AND WHAT'S MORE, I don't want to be a slave to the gosh darn government!

I'm doing everything I can think of to change my situation, but searching for a frigging job has changed since I had to do it before and I have not found the right damned key and I am not sure I ever will! I went so far as to hire a career counselor just because nothing I have done in the last two years has worked.

I do not want to be a slave to Nancy Pelosi!!! Dagnamit!!!!!


I'm sure you are working hard to find a job. I don't doubt that and that's why it would be a shame if you were to get sick or injured and have no way of getting yourself healed. It would destroy you financially for a LONG time. You think it's bad now, it would be much worse if you had $100k plus in medical bills.

Then when you go to the ER without insurance the rest of us have to pick up those costs and it hurts all of us. You say you don't want to be a slave to the government but that doesn't mean anything. As soon as you can afford insurance you go get it, but in the meantime you get some assistance so that you can avoid a catastrophic situation that is unfortunately all to real for way too many people.
I thought House was being specific? :confused:

I know what the problem is. I need to define the word "specific" for you guys. That's my fault, I'll take the blame for that one.

Your fault is in ignoring posts, asshat...

LOL, I love that you had to quote a different post of yours because we both know your original post that I did reply to had nothing specific in it. Keep moving the goal posts.
I know what the problem is. I need to define the word "specific" for you guys. That's my fault, I'll take the blame for that one.

Your fault is in ignoring posts, asshat...

LOL, I love that you had to quote a different post of yours because we both know your original post that I did reply to had nothing specific in it. Keep moving the goal posts.

I told you it was in my FOLLOWING post....

The clue was the bolded word:
I was - try reading my next post, dipshit...

If you're not falking your stupidity, I pity you....
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If you truly can't afford it there are means to help people such as yourself. That's one of the points of this legislation to help get insurance for those who can't afford it. Do you not qualify to get subsidized help to cover the cost of your insurance? I obviously don't know your personal financial details but I would bet that you wouldn't have to pay so much out of pocket if you are as truly broke as you claim to be.

The costs are still rising yes and thats part of my major gripe is that this legislation doesn't do enough to reign in soaring costs. But has it made the sky rocketing costs worse? I don't think anyone can say that, because it just passed and hasn't even come close to being fully implemented yet.

No, I don't believe I would qualify under Obamacare AND WHAT'S MORE, I don't want to be a slave to the gosh darn government!

I'm doing everything I can think of to change my situation, but searching for a frigging job has changed since I had to do it before and I have not found the right damned key and I am not sure I ever will! I went so far as to hire a career counselor just because nothing I have done in the last two years has worked.

I do not want to be a slave to Nancy Pelosi!!! Dagnamit!!!!!


I'm sure you are working hard to find a job. I don't doubt that and that's why it would be a shame if you were to get sick or injured and have no way of getting yourself healed. It would destroy you financially for a LONG time. You think it's bad now, it would be much worse if you had $100k plus in medical bills.

Then when you go to the ER without insurance the rest of us have to pick up those costs and it hurts all of us. You say you don't want to be a slave to the government but that doesn't mean anything. As soon as you can afford insurance you go get it, but in the meantime you get some assistance so that you can avoid a catastrophic situation that is unfortunately all to real for way too many people.

Obamacare makes us all slaves of the government... that is one of its major problems. It also happens to be the same with Welfare and Social Security and every other damned liberal program ever offered. Many, if not all, have good intentions, but in the long run they enslave us to the U.S. Government. But, I am sure that you understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is why liberals fight so hard to keep these programs. As long as they keep the poor enslaved and the middle class falling into the poor house (while blaming conservatives and convincing those poor that conservatives would have them starve) those poor are going to keep voting for Democrats. It works and has worked for damned near 100 years.

Your fault is in ignoring posts, asshat...

LOL, I love that you had to quote a different post of yours because we both know your original post that I did reply to had nothing specific in it. Keep moving the goal posts.

I told you it was in my FOLLOWING post....

The clue was the bolded word:
I was - try reading my next post, dipshit...

If you're not falking your stupidity, I pity you....

Which part of what you said actually shows how things were better before this legislation. Should I message Plymco to hear her sob story? Because your little fact about the cost is just a comparison of Obamacare against itself.
No, I don't believe I would qualify under Obamacare AND WHAT'S MORE, I don't want to be a slave to the gosh darn government!

I'm doing everything I can think of to change my situation, but searching for a frigging job has changed since I had to do it before and I have not found the right damned key and I am not sure I ever will! I went so far as to hire a career counselor just because nothing I have done in the last two years has worked.

I do not want to be a slave to Nancy Pelosi!!! Dagnamit!!!!!


I'm sure you are working hard to find a job. I don't doubt that and that's why it would be a shame if you were to get sick or injured and have no way of getting yourself healed. It would destroy you financially for a LONG time. You think it's bad now, it would be much worse if you had $100k plus in medical bills.

Then when you go to the ER without insurance the rest of us have to pick up those costs and it hurts all of us. You say you don't want to be a slave to the government but that doesn't mean anything. As soon as you can afford insurance you go get it, but in the meantime you get some assistance so that you can avoid a catastrophic situation that is unfortunately all to real for way too many people.

Obamacare makes us all slaves of the government... that is one of its major problems. It also happens to be the same with Welfare and Social Security and every other damned liberal program ever offered. Many, if not all, have good intentions, but in the long run they enslave us to the U.S. Government. But, I am sure that you understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is why liberals fight so hard to keep these programs. As long as they keep the poor enslaved and the middle class falling into the poor house (while blaming conservatives and convincing those poor that conservatives would have them starve) those poor are going to keep voting for Democrats. It works and has worked for damned near 100 years.


I like you Immie, but this whole "slave to the government" stuff is just scary speak. No one is forcing you to stay on these assistance programs. If you get back on your feet and can afford your own insurance, you'll pay for it. Where does the enslavement part come in? :confused:

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