Zone1 Should She Have Been Allowed to Terminate Her Pregnancy?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
This is one of those highly rare situations where I say yes. Knowing that her baby is basically guaranteed to die, but being forced to give birth anyways is only going to bring her and the rest of her family pain.

She is allowed to per the article. Once again the headline is an absolute lie.

There are a few exceptions, including one that would allow for a later abortion “if two physicians certify in writing that the fetus has a fatal fetal abnormality and has not reached viability”.

After consulting with the hospitals legal team, the couple was told that they would have to wait to terminate the pregnancy until week 37 of gestation, which is near full term.
This is one of those highly rare situations where I say yes. Knowing that her baby is basically guaranteed to die, but being forced to give birth anyways is only going to bring her and the rest of her family pain.

What doctor would perform an abortion knowing he could be targeted for prosecution under the law when the doctor's judgement is later questioned?
Sounds like hospital lawyers made the decision in error, not the law.
The law quite clearly states that an abortion is legal if 2 doctors sign a document that the fetus has a lethal condition that is not treatable.
Clearly this condition is lethal and untreatable.
So it isn't the law that is wrong. It is the hospital applying it wrong
I'm not a big fan of The Mirror; they aren't quite as left as MSNBC or the Huffington Post, but they have been busted for a decent amount of fact-check fails.

I will, however, point out that there is a sentence in there saying that her lawyers advised her on how to proceed in her medical issue. This doesn't seem right to me.

If any good comes out of this article, I would hope that a GoFundMe or someone with generous pursestrings will pay for their transportation to another state to have it done there.
This is one of those highly rare situations where I say yes. Knowing that her baby is basically guaranteed to die, but being forced to give birth anyways is only going to bring her and the rest of her family pain.

"Should She Have Been Allowed to Terminate Her Pregnancy?"

No, absolutely not. We don't kill folks just because they might or likely will die. Those who do are murderers and should die in prison.

That is your son or daughter, love them, name them, bury them or cremate them as is proper - don't murder them and dispose of them like garbage.
That is based on a medical determination that the case fits the legal definition but some doctors may feel one way and other doctors another. Do psychiatrists always agree on a diagnosis?
Play all the games you want, it is legal, you are just not wanting to accept it because it doesn't fit your agenda.
No, absolutely not. We don't kill folks just because they might or likely will die.

I understand where you're coming from, but put yourself in her shoes. Would you want to give birth only to bury your newborn a few days later? This is just one of those rare situations that's tough to answer as she doesn't want to kill it just because she doesn't want it, she just doesn't want to go through the pain of giving birth and losing it anyways.
I understand where you're coming from, but put yourself in her shoes. Would you want to give birth only to bury your newborn a few days later?
Certainly no (normal, decent) parent wants their kids to die young, die before they do.

If someone is dying of cancer and they haven’t eaten or drank anything in seven days, I certainly don’t advocate anyone giving them a lethal dose of something; I would want someone doing that to go to prison. They’ll
die soon enough, just hold their hand, talk to them, keep them comfortable.

Is the situation sad? Sure. Of course it is. But that doesn’t justify killing another human being like this. If they’re doomed to die anyway, so be it, that isn’t your fault or your responsibility. You do the right thing and take care of what is your responsibility.

Laws can’t bend for emotionally manipulative situations - the act of attacking and killing innocent human beings is always wrong.

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