Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

View attachment 849014

View attachment 849016

Involuntary admissions. You guys always go right for shooting somebody, SMH.
As you show photographs, do you believe that Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and the rest of those stalwart patriots would have stood in front of that building with weapons to defend it from the so-called insurrection? None of them would have. They are insulated and protected from any harm at this point.
Oh, I'll respond, but not if you continue to expect me to constantly repeat myself, when you could go back and read for yourself....It's a tactic that won't work on me....Besides, I'm on vacation in Ireland, so, I don't have time for your silly games anyway...
I seldom read what you write anyway; you’ve proven to be a zero balance person.

Nobody is trying to deprogram you. You’re not important enough for the amount of effort it would take.
Us conservatives better hope Bill Ayers doesn’t have a day….. he’ll have us put to death. Death squads? Re-Education Camps? These are tactics used by Communist regimes throughout the 2nd half of the 20th Century.

Of course the aging Leftist extremists in the US are enamored with this line of thinking. I put it on the same line of thinking as Right wing extremists who believe they can de-program homosexuals.
I seldom read what you write anyway; you’ve proven to be a zero balance person.

Nobody is trying to deprogram you. You’re not important enough for the amount of effort it would take.
But I cancel you out don't I?
This silly little drama reminds me of the time the Democrats lost their shit over Trump's facetious "maybe the Russians can find Hillary's emails" taunt at that press conference.

Neither Trump's comments then, nor Hillary's comments here, were serious. But, of course, the wings have to go full drama queen over them.

Then they wonder why they have no credibility.
This tit for tat superficial bullshit is all that's left in current USMB discord. Ignore it. :rolleyes: Best to wait for a semi-literate discussion.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?


I'll take Deranged Conservative Fantasies of Victimhood for $2000, Mayim.


But yeah - while MAGA extremists are the biggest domestic terror threat, you don't all require rehabilitation; most of you are just barking morons.

YOu implied I wanted to shoot someone.

I do not.
Well, I disagree, but now that we have that settled, we've determined that you won't go as far as exterminating those who refuse to submit to radical progressivism, so how do you handle those that won't be "re-educated"?

I'll take Deranged Conservative Fantasies of Victimhood for $2000, Mayim.


But yeah - while MAGA extremists are the biggest domestic terror threat, you don't all require rehabilitation; most of you are just barking morons.

Well, the leading voices of your party, ie; Hillary Clinton, etc. are openly talking about it...

It doesn't work anymore when you moonbats shoot your mouths off, then tell us we didn't hear what we heard...

In fact, I think that it is just another example of your authoritarian fantasies that some in your camp would even consider saying that shit out loud....

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