Should promoting gun control be illegal?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.
So .. revoke the 1st Amendment to save the 2nd Amendment ... let's allow soldiers to move into our homes whenever they want to as well, I'm rather fond of restrictions on search and seizure ...
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So .. revoke the 1st Amendment to save the 2nd Amendment ... let's allow soldiers to move into our homes whenever they want to as well, I'm rather fond of restrictions on search and seizure ...
Let them move into the homes (or the mom's basements) of radical left wingers and anarchists and approprate a bit of that culture from them.
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A pedagogue is an authoritarian schoolteacher.
Or an idiotic, anti-intellectual rabble rouser like Jimmy Kimmel and the IQ 100 or 6th grade reading level audience that he panders to, a surrogate for reading books, he is.
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.

why don;t you just make a BIG LIST of all the people you want to kill and all the rights you want to deny others and all the demands you have on everyone
A pedagogue is an authoritarian schoolteacher.
Or an idiotic, anti-intellectual rabble rouser like Jimmy Kimmel and the IQ 100 or 6th grade reading level audience that he panders to, a surrogate for reading books, he is.
The word you are looking for is "demagogue" a political leader that primarily uses fear and prejudice to gain support.
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.

Nothing here folks, it is Sophistry 101.
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” (Marbury vs.Madison, 1803.)
“…the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding. In the same manner the states have certain independent power, in which their laws are supreme.” (Alexander Hamilton, Elliot, 2:362.)
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.

Should promoting gun control be illegal?

As long as stupid OPs get the death penalty.
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.
Let’s explore the infinite stupidity of the thread premise:

A private citizen expresses the opinion that there should be universal background checks to purchase a firearm.

The citizen is overheard expressing this opinion and is reported to the police.

The police arrest the citizen and charge him with the crime of advocating for ‘gun control.’

The citizen is convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

What’s sad and troubling to consider is that far too many on the right would approve of this scenario, such as the idiot who gave the OP a ‘thumbs up.’
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.

You want to defend the Second Amendment by violating the First?
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.

You seem to start a lot of these "should thought be illegal"/"should everybody I don't like be exterminated" kinds of wacko threads. Exactly what are you expecting to get out of them?
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.

No it should not.

The right to own a weapon doesn't supersede the Commerce Clause in the constitution nor does it supersede the First Amendment right to free speech.

What is your problem with freedom?
Gun control pedagogues prey on the fear, naivete, and superstitious nature of the masses and the simple minded, pandering to the emotionally unrestrained and irrational as opposed to the calm, collected and rational crop of man and woman.

The reality, of course is that statistically, dying from natural causes or accidents, whether self-inflicted like obesity or smoking, or due to a car accident or death in a bathtub are far more likely and plausible.

The irrational and superstitious merely fear death from unlikely catastrophies, such as violence, which is quite a rare form of death in the modern world, due to their low IQs and heavy indulgence in media voyeurism and the stupidity and insipidity which it panders to, much as they superstitiously fear death from statistically improbable global warming alarmism and other escatological phenomenon which have been part of the fearful nature of the mouth breathing, the uncouth, the Neanderthal, the heathen, and the atheistic since the early days of man.

Per this, I'd postulate that preying on this naïve and unlikely fears via gun control advocacy should be state banned, with gun control activists designated as terrorists or terrorist organizations, insulting the rational by putting their own emotional hyberbole and irrational fear for themselves and their own children above reason, intellectualism, and its God.
Let’s explore the infinite stupidity of the thread premise:

A private citizen expresses the opinion that there should be universal background checks to purchase a firearm.

The citizen is overheard expressing this opinion and is reported to the police.

The police arrest the citizen and charge him with the crime of advocating for ‘gun control.’

The citizen is convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

What’s sad and troubling to consider is that far too many on the right would approve of this scenario, such as the idiot who gave the OP a ‘thumbs up.’
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about
Especially a troll who thinks historical rulings are funny
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” (Marbury vs.Madison, 1803.)
“…the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding. In the same manner the states have certain independent power, in which their laws are supreme.” (Alexander Hamilton, Elliot, 2:362.)

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