should minimum wage be mandated?

because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Those companies would go out of business very quickly because of a lack of employees.

how? its not like only only business would drop the salaries on unskilled people, companies would across the board and people would be stuck.

If most people make more than the min wage then how would that happen since companies are already paying a market wage for their higher-skilled employees?
and you assertions about illegals should tell you what the actual market wage is for those jobs. If I could hire two illegal for the cost of one legal worker and get the same, or better, productivity, I sure would be doing it.
So it appears that we have some support in this thread for locking up the borders and subsequently deporting illegals .....

GREAT!...... I AGREE!!!!! :party:
I dont think a minimum wage should be mandated. But especially not federally mandated. States can do what they choose.
because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Those companies would go out of business very quickly because of a lack of employees.

how? its not like only only business would drop the salaries on unskilled people, companies would across the board and people would be stuck.


''The Walmart/Samsclub effect"...they went overseas to china to make their goods with drop bottom labor costs, were able to pay for shipping and duty costs to get the goods here and still be able to price the goods lower than their competition, K-mart, Walgreens, Target, Sears, Penneys, Cost-co etc....

So, in order for these other companies to stay in business and compete with Walmart, they too HAD TO GO overseas to buy their products.

Well, the same thing with lower salaries here in the USA, once one big retailer does it...keeps starting salaries low in order to keep their costs down and pricing lower than competitors, the OTHER competitors will be forced to take the same stance and start their workers at the same new lower salary....

and the workers in these jobs will be forced to accept such....

anyway...this is speaking of the corporate world....

I would think that most minimum wage workers are working in small businesses?

And it does not cause inflation to raise the minimum wage nor does our unemployment go up overall when the minimum wage is hiked is done in such small incriminates over a long period of time and there are VERY VERY VERY FEW minimum wage workers in the united states that the price of goods would NOT GO UP enough to raise the cost of living for us all... Just analyze the stats from all the minimum wage hikes we have had in the past, the truth will shine through....

A quarter more per gallon in gasoline prices, will raise the price of goods more throughout the united states in freight costs verses raising the minimum wage.
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also, people can't just get out of a bad situation like that once they are in, working 40+ hours a week in manual labor, getting paid crap doesn't exactly allow for night classes and eventual decent jobs. it keeps people down in a cycle and they stay there, all while big companies profit off their own greed

I worked my own way through college at the University of Michigan. I worked nights while I took classes in the daytime. I had to bust my ass. It took me longer than the normal 4 years to finally graduate but I did. Now some years later I own a small company and employ over 50 people.

Evidently this "keeps people down" talk is bullshit in many cases. Anybody who works hard can acheive a very nice income. Only libturds who are trying to establish voting blocks to keep pulling down the "D" lever think otherwise.
Those companies would go out of business very quickly because of a lack of employees.

how? its not like only only business would drop the salaries on unskilled people, companies would across the board and people would be stuck.

If most people make more than the min wage then how would that happen since companies are already paying a market wage for their higher-skilled employees?
and you assertions about illegals should tell you what the actual market wage is for those jobs. If I could hire two illegal for the cost of one legal worker and get the same, or better, productivity, I sure would be doing it.

the "actual market wage" piece depends on which way you look at it. illegals will work for less because in their own country the money is worth way more. they also don't pay taxes on their wages. people paying taxes, actually "in" the system couldn't survive on what those people do. its similar to computer programming jobs getting shipped to india where companies can pay 1/4 of the salary even though they are qualified, educated americans to do it
the "actual market wage" piece depends on which way you look at it. illegals will work for less because in their own country the money is worth way more. they also don't pay taxes on their wages. people paying taxes, actually "in" the system couldn't survive on what those people do. its similar to computer programming jobs getting shipped to india where companies can pay 1/4 of the salary even though they are qualified, educated americans to do it

It is not the responsibility of an employer to pay a wage that someone "can survive on". That is socialism at it's finest. People get paid for the value that they bring to the workplace/product. A fry cook ay McDonalds does not deserve a wage sufficient to raise a family of 4 just because he pulls down the "D" lever in the voting booth.

Your assertion that Indian computer programming jobs pay 1/4 of US based persons is not supported by my own personal experiences in pricing out CAD design services in India. I end up paying about $18 USD/hour here in Michigan and about $11 USD/hour in India. There are also added expenses involved with the innefficiencies in communications when separated by oceans/time zones. Consequently I employ local Michigan designers for my CAD work.
because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Nobody would work for $0.01/day. This is an unbelievably stupid assertion. The minimum wage does drive jobs overseas. This is not just because of work being performed by minimum wage recipients but because of the fact that many union contracts have thier wages based on multiples of the minimum wage.

i.e. Minimum Pipefitter Wage For Union Local XYZ = 3.2 X Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is used by Democrats as a tool to get votes. (I know.... you are shocked) People who are performing menial jobs should get menial pay. Those with higher skills and education requirements get more. Capitalism should dictate pay, not libturd politicians.

I said they would pay that if they could, but you can look at the measly amount illegals get when working off the books (also missing any benefits, sick days, etc), and companies here chose them over americans simply because its cheaper for them. the same thing would happen without minimum wage to many americans.

also, people can't just get out of a bad situation like that once they are in, working 40+ hours a week in manual labor, getting paid crap doesn't exactly allow for night classes and eventual decent jobs. it keeps people down in a cycle and they stay there, all while big companies profit off their own greed

Baloney. I know plenty of people who work 40-50 hours a week, and still go to school. One is 3 classes from a Bachelors in Business Management, and a second degree in Criminal Psychology simply by going to school one night a week.

Financial aid is available, too.
I think people who flip burgers at McDonalds have no business starting out at $8 an hour, but they do...

What do you think they are worth?

And $8 per hour results in an annual salary of $16,640.

Do you think that $16,640 per year is a livable wage?

And your $8 per hour burger flipper at McDs...if they flip burgers and end up selling two Big Macs in an hour, they have paid for themselves.
Baloney. I know plenty of people who work 40-50 hours a week, and still go to school.

I used to be one of those people. Now I employ many people who do the exact same thing that I did. :clap2:

Works 8am to 5pm Mon-Fri.. Goes to school in another city (hour drive) from 6-10pm one day a week, which changes with the classes being taken. Gets home at 11pm, goes to bed, and gets up tired as hell the next day.. Small price to pay, though. Does research and homework during lunch, etc.
the "actual market wage" piece depends on which way you look at it. illegals will work for less because in their own country the money is worth way more. they also don't pay taxes on their wages. people paying taxes, actually "in" the system couldn't survive on what those people do. its similar to computer programming jobs getting shipped to india where companies can pay 1/4 of the salary even though they are qualified, educated americans to do it

It is not the responsibility of an employer to pay a wage that someone "can survive on". That is socialism at it's finest. People get paid for the value that they bring to the workplace/product. A fry cook ay McDonalds does not deserve a wage sufficient to raise a family of 4 just because he pulls down the "D" lever in the voting booth.

Your assertion that Indian computer programming jobs pay 1/4 of US based persons is not supported by my own personal experiences in pricing out CAD design services in India. I end up paying about $18 USD/hour here in Michigan and about $11 USD/hour in India. There are also added expenses involved with the innefficiencies in communications when separated by oceans/time zones. Consequently I employ local Michigan designers for my CAD work.

if mcdonalds does not have a fry cook, they sell no fries or onion rings....the fry cook is worth more than minimum wage to mcdonalds...and they pay him or her more than minimum wage because of such...and still make a profit off those fries and onion rings.

when you leave it up to the owner, MOST do pay higher wages for their employees than minimum because they can afford to do such....those businesses not doing well may struggle with a minimum wage because they just don't produce enough to support it....this is where the owner might have to chalk up those extra 20 hours a week themselves instead of hiring someone util they can get their sales higher to support it....imo.

I do agree with what someone said though....the minimum wage does belong to State gvts, not the federal gvt.

I think people who flip burgers at McDonalds have no business starting out at $8 an hour, but they do...

What do you think they are worth?

And $8 per hour results in an annual salary of $16,640.

Do you think that $16,640 per year is a livable wage?

And your $8 per hour burger flipper at McDs...if they flip burgers and end up selling two Big Macs in an hour, they have paid for themselves.

It's not livable for me; thus I don't flip burgers. I want more for myself.

Oh, and if they sell 2 burgers in an hour, they haven't paid for themselves.. Yuu're forgetting the cost of materials and other overhead.
Of course minimum wage shouldn't be mandated. Feudalism would be a far more efficient method of ensuring that the dregs of society learn and know their place. Not everyone deserves the finer things in life like a fully belly, clothing and shelter. What a silly, utopian fantasy that is! :cuckoo:
I think people who flip burgers at McDonalds have no business starting out at $8 an hour, but they do...

What do you think they are worth?

And $8 per hour results in an annual salary of $16,640.

Do you think that $16,640 per year is a livable wage?

And your $8 per hour burger flipper at McDs...if they flip burgers and end up selling two Big Macs in an hour, they have paid for themselves.

If they are making 8 bucks an hour to support themselves, and go to school, and pay for gas to and from their job and school, and food, and utilities, and rent..........doesn't seem like a lot of money now, does it?

I waited tables while in college, but I was lucky and averaged 20 to 30 bucks an hour in tips. Not everyone can do that, but if you can, it's the way to go while in school imo.
Of course minimum wage shouldn't be mandated. Feudalism would be a far more efficient method of ensuring that the dregs of society learn and know their place. Not everyone deserves the finer things in life like a fully belly, clothing and shelter. What a silly, utopian fantasy that is! :cuckoo:

Where shall we get the money to pay higher minimum wages? Cut the pay for the people who DID work harder to get where they are?

Or, should we just print more?
I think people who flip burgers at McDonalds have no business starting out at $8 an hour, but they do...

What do you think they are worth?

And $8 per hour results in an annual salary of $16,640.

Do you think that $16,640 per year is a livable wage?

And your $8 per hour burger flipper at McDs...if they flip burgers and end up selling two Big Macs in an hour, they have paid for themselves.

It's not livable for me; thus I don't flip burgers. I want more for myself.

Oh, and if they sell 2 burgers in an hour, they haven't paid for themselves.. Yuu're forgetting the cost of materials and other overhead.

I'm not forgetting that.

What McDonalds only sells only 2 Big Macs in an hour?

The next 25-50 would pay for all of the rest of the over head and then the rest would be profit.

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