Should Gov. Walker of Wisconsin quarantine the city of Madison?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I just realized, liberals never lie, so if 30,000 teachers in the city of Madison all got sick, all at once on the same days, there might be a major health crisis in Madison WI. In the name of pubic safety, should we quarantine that city? We must identify and prevent the spread of whatever disease caused all those teachers to get sick all at once, we can't let it spread outside Madison until it's under control....

OH wait, the disease is liberalism. Too late.:(
no, the whole midwest.
this whole problem could be easily solved, just put cameras in every classroom. take a five minute sample of each teacher. next, have the teaching sample reviewed by "a government authority". the government authority can fire the teachers he doesn't like. then it would be easier to eliminate the unions.
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President Obama has once again proven a failure.

An American city is struck with a still-unknown disease that knocks out 30,000 teachers in ONE DAY!!! This superbug spread rapidly, from school to school, with ebola-like speed. We dont' know what the disease is yet. But to take out nearly an entire city's educational workforce in one day?

What has Obama done to address what is clearly one of the worst viral outbreaks in US history? Nothing. He sat back, watched, and did nothing to contain the spread of this unknown virus that took down tens of thousands in an American city.

It is Wisconsin thought, so maybe Obama just hates white people.
I just realized, liberals never lie, so if 30,000 teachers in the city of Madison all got sick, all at once on the same days, there might be a major health crisis in Madison WI. In the name of pubic safety, should we quarantine that city? We must identify and prevent the spread of whatever disease caused all those teachers to get sick all at once, we can't let it spread outside Madison until it's under control....

OH wait, the disease is liberalism. Too late.:(

And the disease is on prominent display there for the entire country to see. The only cure is Conservatism. ;) Innocculations to be given free of charge.
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Has anyone seen the link concerning the 30,000 sick teachers? I haven't seen any figures on how many teachers skipped out. Can you provide a link to back up your numbers?
i was planning a trip to wisconsin to spend lots of money, maybe help their economy, but i don't want to catch nothin', so i'll have to cancel.
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Has anyone seen the link concerning the 30,000 sick teachers? I haven't seen any figures on how many teachers skipped out. Can you provide a link to back up your numbers?

Even if it's only a thousand, a thousand sick the same day running 3 days concurrently constitutes an epidemic and quartines should be imposed post haste. I think they izzzzz still sick today too. Tommorow they plan on a miraculous cure. If I were parents I'd call all my children in sick for an equal number of days and dare them to say a word about it.
Has anyone seen the link concerning the 30,000 sick teachers? I haven't seen any figures on how many teachers skipped out. Can you provide a link to back up your numbers?

Even if it's only a thousand, a thousand sick the same day running 3 days concurrently constitutes an epidemic and quartines should be imposed post haste. I think they izzzzz still sick today too. Tommorow they plan on a miraculous cure. If I were parents I'd call all my children in sick for an equal number of days and dare them to say a word about it.

have u seen the light ? HAVE YOU SEEN THE LIGHT ?!!!
Has anyone seen the link concerning the 30,000 sick teachers? I haven't seen any figures on how many teachers skipped out. Can you provide a link to back up your numbers?

Even if it's only a thousand, a thousand sick the same day running 3 days concurrently constitutes an epidemic and quartines should be imposed post haste. I think they izzzzz still sick today too. Tommorow they plan on a miraculous cure. If I were parents I'd call all my children in sick for an equal number of days and dare them to say a word about it.

have u seen the light ? HAVE YOU SEEN THE LIGHT ?!!!

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To who asked for a link to the 30,000 number, here is my link: Google.

If you've watched television, read a paper or looked online in the last 7 days, just about every single outlet is reporting 25-60,000 people in Madison. People called in sick en mass from Madison, and surrounding states, as far as California.

Yet, Barack Obama is still doing nothing about the sudden viral outbreak among tens of thousands of residents of one mid size city.

Where is Obama on this health crisis? Thought he cared about healthcare? 30,000 sick in one day? Is it ebola? Swine flu? Black plague?

What is the disease that struck 30,000 people, all in one city, all in one week? By medical standards, this would be a shocking pandemic whose spread is so rapid a FEMA quarantine would be appropriate.

But Obama hasn't acted on this crisis. The CDC and FEMA are nowhere to be found in Madison. Why? Where are they? Where is Obama? 7 days after one of Americas most rapidly spreading illnesses strikes a US city, and he's silent?
Watching FoxNews right now (of course) and STILL no word of President Obama's response to one of America's worst viral outbreaks in US history!!! 30,000+ stricken with a disease all within a day or 2!!!

This is a medical emergency. Until we identify the disease or virus that hit Madison, how can we be sure the rest of the country is safe? People are flying in and out of Madison daily? It could be worldwide by now!!!! Obama, what is he doing?!!!!

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