Should Conservatives Quit?

Should conservatives just stop voting and running for office?

  • I am conservative. Yes.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • I am conservative. No.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I am liberal. Yes.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I am liberal. No.

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Regular No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Regular Yes.

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Should conservatives quit voting and let the liberals run the show without this illusion of competition? Conservative politicians win a lot of election but lose ideological 100 times out of 100. It does appear we have been outsmarted. Should we stop voting and wait for the younger generation to emerge with the brain power necessary to start winning ideologically?

I say we stop pretending that we are fighting them. Liberals won. It is over. Let's just surrender for about 40 years, regroup, and wait for some intelligent conservatives to be born. We can just focus on the 2064 election.
Should conservatives quit voting and let the liberals run the show without this illusion of competition? Conservative politicians win a lot of election but lose ideological 100 times out of 100. It does appear we have been outsmarted. Should we stop voting and wait for the younger generation to emerge with the brain power necessary to start winning ideologically?

I say we stop pretending that we are fighting them. Liberals won. It is over. Let's just surrender for about 40 years, regroup, and wait for some intelligent conservatives to be born. We can just focus on the 2064 election.
Quit fighting?


Ok then, lay down and die.

Those are your options.
Should conservatives quit voting and let the liberals run the show without this illusion of competition? Conservative politicians win a lot of election but lose ideological 100 times out of 100. It does appear we have been outsmarted. Should we stop voting and wait for the younger generation to emerge with the brain power necessary to start winning ideologically?

I say we stop pretending that we are fighting them. Liberals won. It is over. Let's just surrender for about 40 years, regroup, and wait for some intelligent conservatives to be born. We can just focus on the 2064 election.

Are you familiar with Churchill? Here is a man that warned the British people of the danger of Hitler and the National Socialists. But he was ignored continually. Finally, after Hitler invaded Poland, and had swept across France and taken all of Europe, they decided to give Churchill the job of being their leader.


Then the same Left wing dumbasses who put Churchill in power tried to get Churchill to negotiate a peace with the German faggot because there was no way for England to take on the entire continent of Europe.

Imagine, putting into power someone who wanted to take on Hitler and then pressure him to cave to him.

But that is what Left wingers do.

It is sad that today you see protests in England all over the place for Hamas, shouting death to the Jews. It is illegal to do so there, but none of their laws are being enforced because they all appear to be a bunch of Left-wing antisemitic Nazis themselves.

Yes, the Nazis appear to have finally taken England without a shot fired.
Should conservatives quit voting and let the liberals run the show without this illusion of competition? Conservative politicians win a lot of election but lose ideological 100 times out of 100. It does appear we have been outsmarted. Should we stop voting and wait for the younger generation to emerge with the brain power necessary to start winning ideologically?

I say we stop pretending that we are fighting them. Liberals won. It is over. Let's just surrender for about 40 years, regroup, and wait for some intelligent conservatives to be born. We can just focus on the 2064 election.
No. The conservative were in fact defeated, but they were defeated by the Republican party, being primaried out of national elected office, replaced by hair on fire nut balls and supporting things like authoritarian rule by trump, the use of fake electors to attempt to steal an election they lost, strong arming state officials and election personnel to change an outcome. These are not conservative position and not supported by conservative acting people.
No. The conservative were in fact defeated, but they were defeated by the Republican party, being primaried out of national elected office, replaced by hair on fire nut balls and supporting things like authoritarian rule by trump, the use of fake electors to attempt to steal an election they lost, strong arming state officials and election personnel to change an outcome. These are not conservative position and not supported by conservative acting people.
There is nothing conservative about government in general, since the nature of man is to gain power, to secure power, and then try to gain more power. The life span of government is like the life span of a star. It just gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until it collapses on itself due to its sheer mass, and forms a black hole that sucks in and destroys anything remotely close to it.

But every now and then a Churchill rises up to help combat the most serious of offenders regarding fascism. When you find one, take it and run!!
There is nothing conservative about government, since the nature of man is to gain power, to secure power, and then try to gain more power.

But every now and then a Churchill rises up to help combat the most serious of offenders regarding fascism. When you find one, take it and run!!
If you find one, let me know. All you guys have found is a cult leader, ready to chuck the constitution, the rest of us support.
If you find one, let me know. All you guys have found is a cult leader, ready to chuck the constitution, the rest of us support.
Studying history, what I have found is that, on the surface, it seems that evil is unsurmountable in the world. But at the end of the day, it will fail despite this because it is all an illusion because good far outweighs the bad.

Of course, my faith is not in man, thank God.;
Should conservatives quit voting and let the liberals run the show without this illusion of competition? Conservative politicians win a lot of election but lose ideological 100 times out of 100. It does appear we have been outsmarted. Should we stop voting and wait for the younger generation to emerge with the brain power necessary to start winning ideologically?

I say we stop pretending that we are fighting them. Liberals won. It is over. Let's just surrender for about 40 years, regroup, and wait for some intelligent conservatives to be born. We can just focus on the 2064 election.
What exactly do you mean by winning or losing ideologically?
Should conservatives quit voting and let the liberals run the show without this illusion of competition? Conservative politicians win a lot of election but lose ideological 100 times out of 100. It does appear we have been outsmarted. Should we stop voting and wait for the younger generation to emerge with the brain power necessary to start winning ideologically?

I say we stop pretending that we are fighting them. Liberals won. It is over. Let's just surrender for about 40 years, regroup, and wait for some intelligent conservatives to be born. We can just focus on the 2064 election.

What should the highest tax rate be and at what income level should that start?

Hamas is holding children hostage. All debate ends there. Or would you like to add sumpin stupid?

I say that every time federal income taxes are lowered the federal revenue goes up. Go to and read the IRS tables for a while before you flee.

I'm law abiding, tax paying, voting, Father, Mighty US of A Army honorably discharged veteran with no criminal record. Why don't I get to have a gun so I can shoot some fu(ks that kick my door in?

Ronaldus Reaganus back in the day started star wars. Liberal fu(ks said it was pie in the sky, you can't hit a bullet with a bullet. Now military folks watch as their systems shoot drones/missiles/rockets and such outta the sky automatically and they go... "fu(k, now I have to go reload stuff."

Giant men with Johnsons and balls hanging get to compete against tiny women and go... "I'm the greatest girl at this sport, ever, hear me roar."

If right fu(kin now I tell you my pronouns are Sir/Sirs, you shall address me as such but then as I'm gender fluid...

spongebob 1.1.png

you shall address me as Ma'am. Deal with it.

Dylan Mulvany makes a mockery of women. Ever seen him put sumpin pink and pretty on and dance and frolic? Real women don't do that. Six(6) year old girls hopped up on sugar at a slumber party do.
Has your wife ever given birth to daughters?

Your OP was convoluted and stupid. What were you trying to pretend to be there? Lefty pretending to be righty or the other way around? How old are you? I'm sixty(60).

Does your Mother know you are online?

Or is she next to you holding up dresses to see what color suits you?

How do? It's very unfortunate for you that I just happened to run across this thread.
No. The conservative were in fact defeated, but they were defeated by the Republican party, being primaried out of national elected office, replaced by hair on fire nut balls and supporting things like authoritarian rule by trump, the use of fake electors to attempt to steal an election they lost, strong arming state officials and election personnel to change an outcome. These are not conservative position and not supported by conservative acting people.
You know your history,
There is a reason why conservatism is a losing bet when it comes to governance is that the 2000's understanding of government is that it is an institution that will provide the framework for you to succeed. Many understand that to mean that government is there to "ensure success". Conservatism is the anti-thesis to that understanding.

The question isn't so much why conservatism sucks. Because it does when those definitions are employed. The question becomes why would anyone attempt to implement the "I've got mine, you get yours" standard on the masses knowing that there is inequality of opportunity, inequality of resources, and of course institutionalized discrimination (not just racism by the way)?

What makes the OP so freaking hilarious is that presonorek and his fatalist view is wrapped around the delicious frustration that he's on a sinking ship. Nobody makes him stay there but him. You've got to love someone so eaten up with the dumbass that they continue to pretend there is no alternative.
Conservatism has won where it matters, which is to say on economic issues. Since the inauguration of Ronald Reagan in 1981 taxes for rich people and corporations have been cut, labor unions have become weaker, and the minimum wage has lost ground to inflation.

Now conservatives are using the rise in the national debt, for which they are responsible, in efforts to cut popular middle class entitlements.
I don't see how conservatives have been defeated. I see them making gains in many areas.

But either way, it sure would be nice if they could somehow drop the caveman approach to everything and return to something more intelligent, thoughtful, serious and decent. They may be too far away from that now, but it sure would be nice. Drop the bizarre, otherworldly, socio-political cult. Drop the non-stop flow of goofy, hysterical, paranoid conspiracy theories. Drop the Neanderthals who approach every issue by banging on it with a rock.

Their political competition is not exactly attractive either, and we need (at least) two serious, thoughtful, intelligent parties to keep the other in check. If conservatives did fail, and we ended up going too far in the opposite direction, they will have been partially to blame. The Dems have more than their share of stupid ideas and tactics of their own, which are partially to blame for the rise of this cult. The parties need to get their shit together before it's too late.
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Are you familiar with Churchill? Here is a man that warned the British people of the danger of Hitler and the National Socialists. But he was ignored continually. Finally, after Hitler invaded Poland, and had swept across France and taken all of Europe, they decided to give Churchill the job of being their leader.


Then the same Left wing dumbasses who put Churchill in power tried to get Churchill to negotiate a peace with the German faggot because there was no way for England to take on the entire continent of Europe.

Imagine, putting into power someone who wanted to take on Hitler and then pressure him to cave to him.

But that is what Left wingers do.

It is sad that today you see protests in England all over the place for Hamas, shouting death to the Jews. It is illegal to do so there, but none of their laws are being enforced because they all appear to be a bunch of Left-wing antisemitic Nazis themselves.

Yes, the Nazis appear to have finally taken England without a shot fired.
I wouldn't be calling Hitler Left-Wing and a Socialist, he was far from it. He was Fascist. Trump has more in common with Hitler. Hitler hated anyone non-white, hated Jews, hated gays. Sounds like complete opposite of what liberals today are fighting for. Fascists hated Marxists.
There is a reason why conservatism is a losing bet when it comes to governance is that the 2000's understanding of government is that it is an institution that will provide the framework for you to succeed. Many understand that to mean that government is there to "ensure success". Conservatism is the anti-thesis to that understanding.

The question isn't so much why conservatism sucks. Because it does when those definitions are employed. The question becomes why would anyone attempt to implement the "I've got mine, you get yours" standard on the masses knowing that there is inequality of opportunity, inequality of resources, and of course institutionalized discrimination (not just racism by the way)?

What makes the OP so freaking hilarious is that presonorek and his fatalist view is wrapped around the delicious frustration that he's on a sinking ship. Nobody makes him stay there but him. You've got to love someone so eaten up with the dumbass that they continue to pretend there is no alternative.
"I've got mine, you get yours".....lots of democrats have that mindset too....
Conservatism has won where it matters, which is to say on economic issues. Since the inauguration of Ronald Reagan in 1981 taxes for rich people and corporations have been cut, labor unions have become weaker, and the minimum wage has lost ground to inflation.

Now conservatives are using the rise in the national debt, for which they are responsible, in efforts to cut popular middle class entitlements.
are you saying that liberals are not responsible for any part of the national debt?..just asking...
I don't see how conservatives have been defeated. I see them making gains in many areas.

But either way, it sure would be nice if they could somehow drop the caveman approach to everything and return to something more intelligent, thoughtful, serious and decent. They may be too far away from that now, but it sure would be nice. Drop the bizarre, otherworldly, socio-political cult. Drop the non-stop flow of goofy, hysterical, paranoid conspiracy theories. Drop the Neanderthals who approach every issue by banging on it with a rock.

Their political competition is not exactly attractive either, and we need (at least) two serious, thoughtful, intelligent parties to keep the other in check. If conservatives did fail, and we ended up going too far in the opposite direction, they will have been partially to blame. The Dems have more than their share of stupid ideas and tactics of their own, which are partially to blame for the rise of this cult. The parties need to get their shit together before it's too late.
the far left and far right think you are wrong them their shit dont stink,everyone elses does....
As long as "free shit" is attached to every bill the producers of our society will always lose out because we are where the money for the "free shit" comes from.

What we really need is a tax revolution.

Quit pouring our money into useless social programs that only prop-up those who have always been a net drain on society despite many decades of support.....You know, the generational EBT crowd.

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