Should abortion be celebrated?

I would love to be in the room when Dr. Katie Queer pulled that dead fetus from the womb. I would grab that fetus from her by the ankles and beat her to death with it.

When abortions are performed, the fetus is tiny.
The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces.

No one is going to get "beaten to death" with something that small.
Any sane person knows that a fetus has no brain, so feels and fears nothing.
Only a lunatic would care if a fetus lives or dies.
It has no more "value" than an ovum or sperm.

I've seen videos on USMB that show fetuses exhibiting pain, feelings and other emotions. And in fact, in the case of twins, one fetus comforting or soothing the other. And God doesn't want any of his children to have their life snuffed out before they are born. That is why abortionists should be charged with 1st degree murder. Abortionists have no more value than spit or shit.
Promoting life is fascism when it is forcing other to be propagation slaves.
Even worse if the fact we are so heavily over populated that hundreds of millions are going to die once fossil fuel runs out.
Slaves!? YOU made the decision to create a child. Raise them. You aren’t a fucking slave you moron you’re an adult so act like it you childish self centered prick.

We’re no where near out of fossil fuels. What we’re out of is intelligent leadership in many parts of government. If you’re concerned about the population kill yourself, leave the kids alone.
How ironic. That would be a fitting end to someone who murders innocent, helpless unborn children.

helpless unborn in jail.
Any sane person knows that a fetus has no brain, so feels and fears nothing.
Only a lunatic would care if a fetus lives or dies.
It has no more "value" than an ovum or sperm.

Fetal brain development begins in third week from gestation.

Now you look ridiculous

And Indiana doctor recently Tweeted about how great performing abortions on women was.

But even those who are pro abortion felt creeped out about it.

Last Friday, Dr. Katie McHugh, a "queer OB/GYN," posted a picture of herself holding a cannula — a device used in abortions to remove the tissue of the deceased unborn child from the womb — while boasting about providing abortion "care."

"Happy Friday! #Abortion care is still legal in Indiana. We’re doing everything we can to keep it that way," she tweeted. "#AbortionIsHealthcare — as well as a community priority, a family value, and a normal part of life!

"Abortion is moral, common, and it isn’t going away," she claimed. "Neither are we."

The post, which received millions of views by Monday, generated a tidal wave of backlash.

Specifically, many people who identify as "pro-choice" — i.e., those who support abortion — spoke out against Dr. McHugh and her "creepy" post.

  • "Abortion should *never* be common and should *never* be celebrated. I say this as someone who's against making it illegal. What an absolutely unnerving and creepy post," one person said.
  • "Seeing how happy you are to kill babies makes me question my pro choice stance," another person said.
  • "I’m largely pro-choice but I question if I’m on the right side of the argument when I see providers get excited to perform abortions. This is a very, very creepy post," another person said.
  • "I’m pro-choice, not pro-abortion. A distinction I never felt the need to make until this recent — and yes creepy — Democrat/lefty embrace of abortion," one person responded.
  • "All they wanted was safe, legal, and rare. Now we have 'moral, common, and isn’t going away,'" another person observed.
  • "Why are you smiling with an abortion tool.. even in the most straight forward of circumstances it still isn’t smile worthy..." another person responded.
The sharp reaction, rather than drawing out a spirit of contrition, caused Dr. McHugh to dig her heels in.

"Despite the *many* hateful comments, I am proud to normalize #abortion care, smile at and for people needing help, and honor the people choosing abortion," she responded.

"I celebrate the chance to honor people as they choose their lives, families, and futures," she added.
Yeah, no.

Just more stupid republic lying.
Doctors should have to declare their positions on abortion. An expectant mother should know if her OB GYN is a queer abortionist.
Leftists have so dehumanized small babies that some women wait to have their baby and then kill and dispose of it.
Here is yet another example of so-called "choice": (This is NOT "her body")

Baby buried by mother in 1998.jpg

This baby was buried by its "mother" in 1998 and hikers heard him crying underneath the dirt and debris.
They adopted him and he is prospering and happy to have been rescued.

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