Shooting victim's family tells Al Sharpton: Stay away!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The family of police-shooting victim Akai Gurley had a message on Friday for the Rev. Al Sharpton: Keep your “circus” away from his funeral!

The blowhard opportunist muscled his way into the arrangements — and even put out press releases promising to deliver the eulogy — without ever consulting the family or offering to foot the bill.

But Gurley’s relatives told Sharpton to stay away rather than turn the somber ceremonies into a spectacle.

“It’s been a nightmare,” Gurley’s aunt, Hertencia Petersen, told The Post. “He just wants to take credit for this when he’s never even contacted my sister [Gurley’s mother].

“Who made you the spokesperson of our family? We just want to bury our nephew with dignity and respect.”

Petersen was stunned that Sharpton and his National Action Network billed him as the eulogist for a Friday funeral, when they were planning on a Saturday service and wanted a speaker who actually knew Gurley.

“How can you do a eulogy for someone you don’t even know? It’s heartbreaking,” she said.

By late Friday, Sharpton accepted a rare defeat and backed off, though he blamed it on “confusion and division” within the Gurley family.

He said he would not attend Saturday’s 11 a.m. service at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Brooklyn — and even backed off the Friday wake.

Gurley, 28, was shot and killed on Nov. 20 at Brooklyn’s Louis Pink Houses by rookie cop Peter Liang, who fired blindly into the darkness of an unlit stairwell.

Liang, who had been on a patrol at the East New York housing project, told officers it was an accident.

The Brooklyn district attorney plans to present evidence to a grand jury to determine whether Liang will face criminal charges, officials said Friday.

Gurley’s mom, Sylvia Palmer, spoke about her son’s death publicly for the first time Friday and said she is putting her faith in the courts.

Petersen fumed that Sharpton is just a publicity hound who never mourned her dead nephew.

“There is no piece of the pie for Mr. Sharpton here,” she warned, adding that whenever the rev. sticks his nose in tragedies, “It’s not pretty — there’s confusion.”

She said that Saturday service would have been “chaos” if Sharpton showed up.

“It’s about control and power,” she said. “We’re not here for that.”

In the press release sent around Friday, Sharpton said he would spend Saturday on Staten Island with the families of Eric Garner and Trayvon Martin and the lawyer for the family of Ferguson police-shooting victim Michael Brown.

NYPD shooting victim 8217 s family Stay away Sharpton New York Post

Blacks, slowly but surely are waking up. Slowly due to the insidious race baiting, patronizing left wing racists in the main stream media.
Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.
Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.

Actually it is ALL about ONE issue. It is about the hype and the racial tension caused by the left wing media. The desire to keep the black grievances front and center.

It is proven by similar stories not being covered by that main stream media which is clearly committed to push the long tired 50 year narrative of the democrats.

Hence the reason why there is hardly a peep said about Brendan Tevlin, Dillon Tyler and I will guarantee you the left wing morons (like the fucking morons in the other thread who claim the rich do not get taxed in this country in the other thread) have no clue about the Antoinette Frank.

Look that name up.

Here, let me help you out with that name.

Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.
Yeah, good luck with that in a country where the general consensus of Whitey is that ****** died eh, good.
Good for them. A very wise decision. Most Americans feel for them. Sharpton is a Race-Hustler. He's the ultimate slimy opportunist. The more he gets involved, the more most Americans begin to tune out and stop caring. The further he stays away, the better.
Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.
Yeah, good luck with that in a country where the general consensus of Whitey is that ****** died eh, good.

Find me a poll that says anything close to that. Personally I know several people that agree with the Ferguson ruling, but think the NYC one was totally wrong. Not a single person used a racial slur in the discussions.
Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.
Yeah, good luck with that in a country where the general consensus of Whitey is that ****** died eh, good.
You speak for white people???
Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.
Yeah, good luck with that in a country where the general consensus of Whitey is that ****** died eh, good.
You speak for white people???
Being white yes I do.
Near as I can tell as a white person, this is a two-sided problem. How Blacks have come to regard police and their reaction to dealing with them AND law enforcement's regard for citizens and their reaction to them. Both have to work toward the middle.
Yeah, good luck with that in a country where the general consensus of Whitey is that ****** died eh, good.
You speak for white people???
Being white yes I do.
You can speak AS a white man, you hardly represent white men.
No decent human being wants any part of filth that is Sharpton and what he stands for... .
Just as no decent human being would ever associate themselves any other form of Left-think.

It's evil. It stands for evil, produces evil and never fails to result in: EVIL!

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