Shocking Anti-islam Ad Campaign Coming To New York City Buses And Subways


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It's about time. I'm getting so tired of being told that Islam is the "religion of peace."

Shocking Anti-Islam Ad Campaign Coming To New York City Buses And Subways Zero Hedge

In a move that is certain to further escalate already stretched racial tensions in America's most cosmopolitan city, some 100 New York City buses will soon carry jarring anti-Islamic posters which feature photos of an ISIS beheading victim, his alleged executioner, Adolf Hitler, declare "Yesterday's moderate [Muslim] is today's headline" and proclaim "It's not Islamophobia, it's Islamorealism" as part of an "educational campaign." According to the NY Daily News, the ads, paid for by flame-throwing blogger Pamela Geller, at a cost of $100,000, are intended as an “education campaign” to warn of the “problem with jihad” and Islamic sharia law, Geller said.

Below are some of the ads which will soon grace 100 buses and at the entrances of the E. 59th St. station and the Columbus Circle station.


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