Taxpayers Funding A Game


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?
I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?

It's not 'wrong'. I think we shouldn't need such a thing. I think all Americans should be required to spend 2 years in the military.

The idea that people 'refuse' to help defend the country, while demanding all the goods and services they can at tax payer expense, bugs the snot out of me. "I love all the stuff this country gives me, but I refuse to defend the country in any way!" - Memoirs of a spoiled brat.
I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?

Please. If we started living by the centering dynamic you suggest, you whine about, 10,000 free-loading lefty programs aimed at greasing special interest palms wouldn't exist. And all those left-wing freeloading programs have nothing to do with national defense. Your post has "I'm a vapid leftist and I hate the American military" written all over it. Get a life. Your post sounds too "unAmerican" to me.
I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?

Please. If we started living by the centering dynamic you suggest, you whine about, 10,000 free-loading lefty programs aimed at greasing special interest palms wouldn't exist. And all those left-wing freeloading programs have nothing to do with national defense. Your post has "I'm a vapid leftist and I hate the American military" written all over it. Get a life. Your post sounds too "unAmerican" to me.

Whining? I love the game, and I've never taken advantage of a "lefty program". The purpose of this thread wasn't to bash the game. It was meant to ask those who would never play it whether or not they approve of funding a video game. Everything in your response is based off nothing.
I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?

Please. If we started living by the centering dynamic you suggest, you whine about, 10,000 free-loading lefty programs aimed at greasing special interest palms wouldn't exist. And all those left-wing freeloading programs have nothing to do with national defense. Your post has "I'm a vapid leftist and I hate the American military" written all over it. Get a life. Your post sounds too "unAmerican" to me.

Whining? I love the game, and I've never taken advantage of a "lefty program". The purpose of this thread wasn't to bash the game. It was meant to ask those who would never play it whether or not they approve of funding a video game. Everything in your response is based off nothing.

No it isn't.
I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?

I have never heard of the game before now. What is your out of pocket expense for it? Software and hardware.

I was introduced to a PC video game series years ago called America's Army. It's a game funded by the US army as a recruitment tool. I just started playing a newer version of it this evening, and it made me think. I like shooting games, and enjoy the America's Army series, but is it wrong for taxpayer money to go towards creating a video game very few taxpayers will play?

Please. If we started living by the centering dynamic you suggest, you whine about, 10,000 free-loading lefty programs aimed at greasing special interest palms wouldn't exist. And all those left-wing freeloading programs have nothing to do with national defense. Your post has "I'm a vapid leftist and I hate the American military" written all over it. Get a life. Your post sounds too "unAmerican" to me.

Whining? I love the game, and I've never taken advantage of a "lefty program". The purpose of this thread wasn't to bash the game. It was meant to ask those who would never play it whether or not they approve of funding a video game. Everything in your response is based off nothing.

No it isn't.

Nothing you said has anything to do with anything I said. Lay off the sauce.

Still mad that I called you unAmerican for wishing death on the POTUS? :lol:
I worked on DARPA programs. The gaming programs prolific throughout the military today are essential to many aspects of training. There are dozens of such gaming programs in the air force and navy. Army snipers use such programs now. Maybe you're a who's never served in the military yourself. Have you noticed we live in a high-tech age?
I worked on DARPA programs. The gaming programs prolific throughout the military today are essential to many aspects of training. There are dozens of such gaming programs in the air force and navy. Army snipers use such programs now. Maybe you're a who's never served in the military yourself. Have you noticed we live in a high-tech age?

Of course I'm familiar with the training aspects of these games. I have been in the military for decades, and work as a computer programmer. Of course I understand the high-tech age we live in.

Okay... I made all of that up... but still....
White House Down

Isn't there a video game that requires players to infiltrate intricate White House corruption/espionage networks in an elaborate role-playing-scenario (sort of like Zelda meets Dungeons&Dragons)?

The U.S. Army needs all the promotional marketing it can get.

Anyone see that Hollywood (USA) movie "Private Benjamin" (1980) starring Goldie Hawn?


White House Down (Wikipedia)


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