Shiva-Ravana: Dystopia


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a mock dialogue about metaphysics-sanity between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Ravana (Hindu demon of tyranny) as they transform into the 'metaphysics-hypnosis' pop-art avatars the Crow (an angel of vengeance) and Pennywise/It (a demonic clown signifying terror and anarchy).

This civics-themed dialogue is in honor of the upcoming remake of Stephen King's pedestrian-paranoia horror-novel It (about a stalking shape-shifting demonic dancing-clown named Pennywise), first adapted into a TV miniseries starring Tim Curry (as Pennywise) but now featuring Bill Skarsgard as the demonic dancing-clown.

Can you guess I'm a fan of horror-comics? The purpose of this indulgent dialogue is to celebrate new age populism-related free-speech metaphysics (as they relate to civics chatter). Will our arguably capitalism-subjective 'TrumpUSA' be remembered as a 'state of indulgence'?


SHIVA: I would like to be the angel of vengeance, the Crow for Halloween.
RAVANA: I'd like to be Pennywise, the demonic dancing-clown.
SHIVA: The Crow symbolizes purity of ethics and justice itself.
RAVANA: Pennywise symbolizes anarchy and madness and hell.
SHIVA: There is no sanity without the ministry of virtuous gods.
RAVANA: We need a 'Devil's Advocate' to remind us of the role of confusion.
SHIVA: There is nothing noble about confusion/vertigo.
RAVANA: I disagree. Confusion makes us clear about ambition.
SHIVA: That may be true, but mental focus reminds us of intelligence.
RAVANA: Why do so many civilians believe policemen lack intelligence?
SHIVA: Everyday people become frustrated by the apparent disorganization in jurisprudence.
RAVANA: I believe in the 'avenging force' of hellfire; I'm dissatisfied with 'TrumpUSA.'
SHIVA: Be careful not to confuse(!) strength with hunger; Donald Trump is shrewd about prosperity.
RAVANA: I have no patience for vagrants, like Pennywise.
SHIVA: To be a real 'priest,' you have to discriminate apathy from luxury.
RAVANA: It's true that wealth/fortune makes us complacent, but cops are not necessarily austere.
SHIVA: Cops may become unethical/drunken, but they still represent 'democratic intentions.'
RAVANA: I'll take calamity over democracy in cases regarding mass apathy.
SHIVA: You can't teach composure through fear.
RAVANA: I want to rescue America from the vagrancy of 'TrumpUSA.'
SHIVA: I like how the Crow represents digestible morality.
RAVANA: I prefer Pennywise's brand of 'ugly art.'
SHIVA: Gods must wield authority with science.
RAVANA: The heart craves cinema...





The Interview

Here's a comic book stylized 'mock psychology' session between Pennywise and two fictional criminally-insane individuals at a lunatic asylum; after Pennywise interrogates the two about 'TrumpUSA,' Shiva arrives to 'clear' things up and restore some pro-federalism 'sanity' and in the process reminds us of the 'inevitability of bureaucracy!'

This dialogue-script is obviously meant to provide some comic-relief and lighten things up (and thanks for the positive comment, irosie91!).


Pennywise was now a self-proclaimed 'anarchism psychologist' and wanted to interview two inmates of Arkham Asylum --- Leatherface (a chainsaw-wielding cannibal who amused Pennywise!) and Ajay Satan (a rogue former terrorist agent of ISIS). Pennywise disguised himself as an Arkham doctor to get entry into the holding-areas of Leatherface and Ajay and began conducting his interview (before Shiva himself arrived to 'clarify' things).

PENNYWISE: You two are very 'talented.'
LEATHERFACE: Mmm-hmm. We hate cops!
AJAY: Ditto!

PENNYWISE: Do you believe you're both anarchists?
LEATHERFACE: Hail, anarchy!
AJAY: Terrorism makes anarchism a 'medicine.'

PENNYWISE: I myself have studied criminal clowns (e.g., Gacy).
LEATHERFACE: Very funny, haha!
AJAY: The world is a circus...

PENNYWISE: Do you think I'm here to 'change' you?
LEATHERFACE: You're a doctor...or a priest.
AJAY: Priest!

PENNYWISE: Don't you care about the spread of violence?
LEATHERFACE: I hate Starbucks more.
AJAY: Hail, 'TrumpUSA'!

PENNYWISE: Do you have a grudge against consumerism/capitalism?
LEATHERFACE: No, I love Home Depot hardware stores...and chainsaws for sale!
AJAY: Without consumerism, there'd be no NRA!

PENNYWISE: Jokes aside, what if I told you I wasn't a big fan of 'TrumpUSA'?
LEATHERFACE: Melania Trump is hot!
AJAY: America is a fascist empire.

PENNYWISE: Take some Klonopin at Arkham and meditate on pyromania.
LEATHERFACE: Burn down the White House...maybe.
AJAY: We'll brood on what you told us...doc.

PENNYWISE: I fear some other doctor will arrive soon, so I leave you in...peace.
LEATHERFACE: Peace is for the obese.
AJAY: I suppose you're suggesting we'll just languish in Arkham.

Just then, Shiva arrived, sure that Pennywise had instilled in Leatherface and Ajay dangerous and anti-social sentiments and thoughts. He busted into the holding-areas of Leatherface and Ajay and conducted his own 'therapeutic' sessions regarding 'TrumpUSA.'

SHIVA: What did that last 'doctor' say to you?
LEATHERFACE: That dude was like a 'priest' and told us to meditate on confinement.
AJAY: Hail, 'TrumpUSA'!

SHIVA: No! That doctor is not too skilled. Don't meditate on the claustrophobia of confinement.
LEATHERFACE: Get us out of here or treat us!
AJAY: We seek Utopia!

SHIVA: There's nothing metaphysically wrong with 'TrumpUSA.'
LEATHERFACE: I suppose Starbucks is not 'inherently' evil.
AJAY: Melania Trump is hot!

SHIVA: Jokes aside, Arkham is here to give you a positive outlook on civilization.
LEATHERFACE: Get us some Starbucks coffee.
AJAY: Can we get access to Facebook and absentee-ballot voting?

SHIVA: To gain credits in here, you have to clarify your anti-social intentions and come to terms with assimilation.
LEATHERFACE: I'll meditate on the Pennsylvania State Lottery.
AJAY: "Winners every month" so don't libel 'TrumpUSA.'

Shiva left Arkham and then met with Pennywise and explained to him that treatment of criminal insanity must (by definition) involve a direct focus on anti-social behaviors and anti-patriotic sentiments (e.g., terrorism, anarchy). Pennywise retorted by reminding Shiva that he was simply being a 'Devil's Advocate,' but Shiva told Pennywise, "There's no honor in defaming the U.S. President (Donald Trump) who was elected into office legally and is therefore a 'diplomat of the First World'."


pennywise.png shiva.jpg



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