Gap Kids: Shiva/Medusa [Capitalism @ Dartmouth]


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Sep 22, 2013
Should TrumpUSA capitalism inspire humanitarian fables about Shiva, Medusa, Gap Kids, Dartmouth College, and Captain America?

Is America the world's 'Big Brother' in the 'aesthetics' of democratization?

What do you think?



"Shiva, god of destruction/meditation, was thinking about TrumpUSA capitalism on his mountain in Nepal when he decided to visit the campus of the prestigious Ivy League school Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire), since the college was hosting a special experimental Gap Kids fashion-show designed to raise interest in clothes-drives for refugees in post-cataclysm (e.g., hurricane, war) countries. Shiva wondered if this Dartmouth fashion-show endorsed by Gap Kids would create the sort of interest in pro-populism capitalism necessary for peace-promoting commerce in the new geopolitical landscape. Would Shiva find signs that Americans were investing in the 'aesthetics' of democracy-based capitalism?"


"Medusa, underworld demon-goddess of hypnosis and obsession, also noticed that Dartmouth was hosting this pro-salvation Gap Kids fashion-show arguably representative of TrumpUSA capitalism flowery indicative of new arrows in modern globalization commerce. Medusa also decided to visit the campus of Dartmouth to see the fashion-show first-hand when she ran into Shiva. The two gods/deities were disguised as visiting college students interested in the Gap Kids fashion-show (being held at the Hopkins Center at Dartmouth) when they noticed each other and immediately recognized each other behind their visages/veils/disguises. Medusa wanted to know what Shiva thought about the 'scope' of capitalism in the modern negotiation matrix."


SHIVA: Dartmouth is a great Ivy League school!
MEDUSA: Yes, and this Gap Kids fashion-show is nice.
SHIVA: Perhaps TrumpUSA capitalism is well-rounded!
MEDUSA: We'll see if commerce creates objectivity.
SHIVA: If American companies invest in charities, people are inspired.
MEDUSA: This is a kids' fashion-show creating awareness of humanitarianism.
SHIVA: I've been a fan of Gap Kids.
MEDUSA: Yes, they offer some nice/nifty fashions and aesthetics for Americans.
SHIVA: Gap Kids is the subsidiary of Gap and is respected for its savoir-faire!
MEDUSA: Dartmouth is known for liberal arts, political science, and history.
SHIVA: The college's investment in humanitarianism is a sign of educational vision!
MEDUSA: Perhaps today's scholars/students are exposed to global objectivity.
SHIVA: You and I have always been interested in the metaphysics of traffic!
MEDUSA: This Gap Kids fashion-show at Dartmouth is oddly...mystical.
SHIVA: Let's take some souvenir Gap Kids neck-ties (for our kids!).
MEDUSA: Let's hope our critics don't say, "Shiva/Medusa did daydream!".
SHIVA: Yes, we don't want capitalism-analysis to be confounded by 'fables.'
MEDUSA: Perhaps you and I should make a presentation about the Gulf War.


"Well, the kids' fashion-show sponsored by Gap Kids at Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire) was a big success. New England journalists declared the event to be a nice sign of TrumpUSA capitalism maturity and sociocultural investments in wise modern geopolitical dialogue. The clothing at the fashion-show was sampled by various humanitarian groups invited by Dartmouth who considered the practicality of taking well-designed charity clothing to struggling nations to aid youngsters coping with trauma/calamity. The Christian Coalition also attended the event and described it as something President Trump would consider a spiritual trophy."


SHIVA: The attendance of the Christian Coalition was poignant!
MEDUSA: It's good to see mobilized capitalists...
SHIVA: I wonder if such vision would have benefitted Gulf War journalism!
MEDUSA: It's never too late to reinvent capitalism presentations.
SHIVA: Gap Kids will surely benefit from this social work...
MEDUSA: Dartmouth will stand out as educationally/culturally 'wise.'
SHIVA: If capitalism makes the American Dream positive, immigrants praise!
MEDUSA: Let's take some plaid shirts for our kids...


"Shiva and Medusa returned to their respective dominions and concluded that the iconic Gap Kids fashion-show at Dartmouth College, designed to raise awareness/interest in charities for youngsters in struggling countries, represented some of the best features of TrumpUSA capitalism. Meanwhile, the Christian Coalition decided to endorse the fashion-show, since they liked what was being said about clothing of higher standards being distributed by charitable/humanitarian groups to struggling countries following hurricanes/wars. President Trump tweeted, 'I imagine there were angels in the architecture at that Dartmouth kids' fashion-show praising the value of progressive political science!'."


"Gap Kids surely did benefit from the Ivy League event, and Forbes magazine cited the event as a clear sign of new arrows in modern global capitalism. Suddenly, even anti-TrumpUSA protesters/critics began saying that capitalism had much potential for choreography. The clothing/designs presented at that Dartmouth kids' fashion-show were quite impressive, and that's why the interest of various humanitarian groups was significantly raised(!). Hollywood movie superstar Tom Cruise tweeted, 'Maybe Gap Kids can become the new Chrysler!'."


"President Trump's son, Donald Jr., decided to collect some vintage/authentic micro-machine model editions of the SR-71 fighter-plane (designed in France) and market them as new age 'capitalism-symbolic' trophies raising interest in the marketing of aesthetics and confidence in this age of explosive commerce and negotiations. Donald Jr. tweeted, 'The SR-71 micro-machine fighter-plane is a terrific toy/trophy reminding us that civilians today care about the appeal and design of formal industry!'. Would such toys replace the popularity of Ovaltine?"


TRUMP: I like what my son said about the SR-71!
CARTER: He's interested in toy-values, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Maybe he'll run for office someday...
CARTER: Capitalism has changed drastically, sir!
TRUMP: It's no wonder Richie Rich and Captain America comics shine.
CARTER: Kids today are curious about adult-world imagination!
TRUMP: Maybe colleges like Dartmouth illuminate real dialogue...
CARTER: I'm going to go collect some patriotic comics, sir.
TRUMP: Let's start hyping 'American diarism.'




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